Posted by majenco September 20, 2017 9:50 pm | #1 |
I have been thinking a lot about TGT and my husbands latest claim of sexual abuse in very young childhood.
I don't know if I believe him, he is a known liar and con at this point, skillful at illiciting sympathy especially from me. I have been twisting myself into mental knots trying to figure out what's going on.
But here's the thing....
Who fucking cares?
Am I hurt? Hell yes.
Did he do the hurting? Check
Did he have a choice? Yup
Did he choose his needs over my safety and happiness? Yes again
Did I deserve any of this? Nope
Is that what love is? No way
I don't care if he's gay, bi, fluid or struggling with SSA, fact of the matter is the shit that turns him on turns me off.
I hope I can stand by this decision moving forward. I cannot see my position changing.
Posted by Lena September 20, 2017 10:24 pm | #2 |
Amen to those
Majenco ("Did he have a choice? Yup
Did he choose his needs over my safety and happiness? Yes again").
Last edited by Lena (September 20, 2017 10:24 pm)
Posted by Rob September 20, 2017 11:21 pm | #3 |
I agree with all those points.. My divorce on that day was pomp and circumstance. She made her choice long ago.
What solidified my decision is how she became..
My ex became so abusive with rage and anger... I was already hurt by TGT, lying and cheating. Reading a pamphlet in my lawyer's office for battered spouses I satisfied nearly all the criteria on their
list short of bruises on me;
-verbal abuse
-mental abuse
-physical threats
-financial threats and abuse.
So if TGT didn't solidify my decision I knew I could not live with person like that. I would have a breakdown or die. And my kids needed an alive, sane dad.
No .. our spouses chose long ago.
Posted by majenco September 21, 2017 3:33 am | #4 |
It's amazing to me that after all he's put me through I still have compassion. I struggle to understand what's wrong with me that I'm not filled with hatred.
I feel weak. Easily manipulated by the tears. I ache inside every waking moment. This is beyond cruel and no matter how hurt I was I could never deceive and harm another person in this way. To be stabbed in the back by the person I trusted more than any other is just beyond what I can comprehend emotionally.
I know it must get better eventually but I feel so hollow and ravaged I can't see the light at the end of this dark soul crushing nightmare.
Posted by Goonnowgo September 21, 2017 4:31 am | #5 |
Yes. You still have compassion. And anger and doubt about all he has ever said and done and promised. I do too. It's a terrible rollercoaster. I am curious about how many of these spouses say they were abused in childhood. Mine says he was. Is this a thing they do to get our compassion or is it a thing that actually leads to Gay sex seeking, addiction, whatever later? I am always trying to analyse this and wrap my head around how he could do this to me. There is no excuse. But can we figure it out? I have been told by my therapist to stop engaging in husband analysing and think about what I want. I am slowly getting better at that. Very slowly. I think it is our brains trying to make sense of the incomprehensible. I still analyse.
Posted by Rob September 21, 2017 6:45 am | #6 |
"..I still have compassion. I struggle to understand what's wrong with me that I'm not filled with hatred. .."
Hold onto this.. this makes us who we are. My ex turned into a raging angry monster.. I did not want to become like her.. I pride myself on being kind and compassionate.. Yes, maybe I should have raged back at her.. but that is just not me.. and it was pointless arguing with someone that was so morally was like debating with a crazy person with a mental problem.
No, you dont need to have extreme hatred for him.. but neither do you have to have the same fierce loyal love.. One does not become best friends with their robber, murderer, or bully on the playground. That would be stockholm syndrome, or trauma bonding or insane loyality. One can only get away and protecy oneself and children.
Posted by OutofHisCloset September 21, 2017 7:17 am | #7 |
You wish you could fix things, you wish you could change him, you wish he had the same compassion and feelings for you that you have for him. But you have also now realized that you can't fix things, change him, infuse him with the compassion that would have prevented him from doing the hurtful things he did. You know that for whatever reason, he acted in ways that demonstrate he was willing to sacrifice you. For your own self-protection and future happiness and health, you know you have to leave.
To let go, you also know that you have to stop wishing these things, but it's so very hard. So much of the way we find value in ourselves is invested in caring, so to have to deliberately harden your heart feels like a betrayal of the self.
You are grieving, and the way you feel is part of letting go. Be kind to yourself. But also take some small steps, concrete actions, to set you on the path toward your own life. To do so will help you from staying stuck in the limbo of grieving.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (September 21, 2017 7:18 am)
Posted by majenco September 21, 2017 10:51 am | #8 |
The limbo of grieving. Yes. That makes sense. I feel stuck there, weakened. I know I should rise up and stand for myself and be the strong woman I always fancied myself to be but currently after the last 9 months of one horrible revelation after the next I just feel so bone tired. It's like I see I need to be strong but I used up all the strength I had just getting to this point. I was physically and emotionally spent and mentally traumatized. I will take the advice of moving ahead a little at a time until I feel stronger.
My God this is a bitch.
Posted by Kel September 21, 2017 10:54 am | #9 |
Welcome. I'm sorry you're hurting so badly.
I knew all along that my ex had been horrifically sexually abused as a child - by adults. I am angry that anyone would do such things to a child, and I regret that he still to this day suffers due to it. BUT...... it's not an excuse for them to cheat on you, lie to you, manipulate you, gas light you, etc. Abuse might explain where some individuals same-sex desires took root. But,.... does it matter? I mean, it's not like the origin of their same-sex desires matters all that much, in the end. If they were born gay, then that's the origin. If they were abused into being gay (I'm using it just for the sake of the example - I'm not necessarily saying that it's even possible to be "abused into" being gay) then that's the reason. If they never had a strong male figure in their life and they're gay from needing male approval, then that's the reason. In the end though, it's still the same end result. They're gay - which means that they're not attracted to people of your sex, and they're attracted to people of the sex that you're not.
Also,.... them being gay or not has literally zero to do with their choices on how they handled that. I know that there's lots of people who think that society has put gay people in a position where they couldn't come out. But,.... that's not true. Yes, it's been shameful for people to be gay - especially in the past. But it's not like they were executed over it. And it's not like being single in this day and age is that big of a deal. They didn't HAVE to get married. No one put a damned gun to their head. And no one made them lie to us about it. They didn't have to choose to cheat on us. They could have just decided to keep sticking it out - like WE have done. That even if they weren't completely sexually fulfilled it wasn't justification to betray us. And when they did, and we found out, they didn't have to keep lying to us. That was their choice. Trying to connect it to their childhood abuse is overreaching. Damage from abuse was likely inevitable. But no one forced them to take that damage and re-visit it on US. That was THEIR choice.
I firmly believe that if you're in a marriage where your basic marital needs aren't being met, and you've made those feelings clear, and they're STILL not resolved, then you have every right to walk away. Why choose unhappiness every day? Even if you were to stay for your damaged spouse's sake, it's not making THEM healed and happy. If that were the case, they would already be healed and happy.
Posted by majenco September 21, 2017 8:50 pm | #10 |
You are so right. Iknow it shouldn't matter how this happened just that it did and he handled it wrong and harmed me. I am struggling to get to the point where I can fully accept the level of abuse I have endured.
Lynn I am definitely going to read the articles you suggested. They look very interesting.
Thanks everyone so much for your continued counsel and support.
Last edited by majenco (September 21, 2017 8:51 pm)