Standing by/with my partner

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Posted by Kel
August 15, 2017 2:59 pm

So,.... what would happen if you went back and told him that you were no longer interested in maintaining an open relationship?  Have you already tried?

Or..... what would happen if you drew boundaries around what you are and are not comfortable with?  Such as.... very specific limitations on how often sex can be had outside the marriage (like once a month), and no interaction outside of making arrangements for sex ahead of time?  That you do not use anyone outside the marriage for anything related to a sounding board.  And that you both always, ALWAYS use condoms outside of your own bedroom?  This should be started with testing to start with, and then the promised use of condoms.

How did you react when you found out about the lack of condom use?  How did he react to your reaction?

Opening up the marriage to outside sex partners should be done when it's a benefit to the marriage, and of no threat to it (I could never figure out when that'd be, which is why I don't ever advocate it).  But if he's literally putting your life in danger from unprotected, dangerous sex, then it is NOT of benefit to you, or the marriage.  If he's chatting with other women, it's not in any way of any benefit to you or the marriage.  That stuff needs to stop ASAP for the rest of it to even be negotiatable.

After you confronted him about emotionally withdrawing, did things change?  Did he try for a while to act different?  Did it last?


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by Kel
August 16, 2017 6:36 pm

I wasn't asking so you'd pull your head out of the sand.  I literally was interested in the answers.  I didn't realize, for instance, that you had already discussed these things with him, or that you wanted monogamy again.  And I didn't realize how far your trust in anything he says had already eroded.  For a lot of newer people here, they haven't arrived at not being to trust yet.  Well, I think their head gets that, but their heart hasn't arrived there yet.  They want to believe, so they believe.  You may have already said all these things in different posts, but I didn't put them all together.

So,.... what are you truly hoping for?  I don't have an ulterior motive here.  I'm literally asking you - what is your ideal situation at this point?  We know the relationship can't go back to being fine without some pathway to fine.  We know that because nothing in life works like that.  And if it was going to happen on its own, you likely wouldn't need to be here.  So,.... are you hoping for suggestions on how to get him interested and invested again?  Are you looking for ways to build trust again?  Are you looking for ways to not let what he's doing bother you any more?  Are you looking for ways to detach from him, or see your way clear?  Have you figured out what road you're hoping to take, and to where it leads?


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz
August 16, 2017 10:02 pm

Kel wrote:

I wasn't asking so you'd pull your head out of the sand.....'Kel


So,.... what are you truly hoping for? I can't hope, expect to trust, detach myself or decide what road to take  til I reach a point *in myself* when I understand completely what he wants. And if he can't decide.....when I've reached 
the "I give up" moment

what is your ideal situation at this point? Me, my partner, nobody else

KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Ellexoh_nz
August 18, 2017 2:15 pm

I was using the "Our Stories" section as a diary for my journey.
I am now taking a step back

Last edited by Ellexoh (September 2, 2017 3:27 pm)

KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Duped
August 18, 2017 2:37 pm


Last edited by Duped (November 11, 2019 3:29 pm)

Posted by Daryl
August 26, 2017 4:23 pm

Who's getting a rental? Both of you? If so, maybe a two bedroom would be better. It gives you an option of a space of your own but you can justify looking for it as a guest room.

Take care.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
Posted by Judy
August 29, 2017 4:30 am


Your husband is already out of your marriage. He's simply manipulating you to limit what he imagines will be a really terrible breakup of a long term marriage with a nasty divorce. I tried to endure it for 46 years and it ended up the same. Horrendous pain. Mine wanted me to look the other way while he dated and had sex with all kinds of women and then men for years. I was his meal ticket, gardener, nanny and the woman who took care of him when he was very ill.  I finally threw him out. His bed ended up on the front lawn of my million dollar home in March of 2016 put there by me experiencing an adrenalin rush. I added his crapped up Jockey shorts from his Gay hookups on Craig's list. The neighbors all saw it. My divorce (after almost 50 years of being with him) will be final in late Dec of this year. Don't wait. Take control of your own future and life. This isn't something you can work on and alter.  According to what I researched decades ago and then got confirmation of from therapists, there is NO CHANCE of having it work. Virtually none. You have already lost 32 years. Don't waist anymore of your life. One of the things I choke on daily in fits of anger is why someone like me would wait all these years when I knew what he was. He wasn't a husband to me on ANY level. He was completely detached. I was the wrong gender for him to BE interested. He cheated with women first and I thought he was BI but then he finally came out as Gay. That's typical. It's a transitional attempt to switch from their wife to the gender they are actually interested in. 

All of us can see what your situation is. We've lived it. We don't come from a place of harsh opinions or judgment. We simply want to spare you the extended heartache. You'll end up at the same place. I'm sorry you have spent 32 years with him. I know exactly how you feel only I waited even longer. Don't follow my example. Throw him out and get on with your valuable life. The ONLY power you have left is to take back your life and step out of this mess.

One last very important thing. Make sure when he's out and gone you get tested for STD's. That was a dark day for me but necessary. I sobbed when I asked the doctor to do it at the age of 66 years old and never having opted for any kind of lifestyle that would warrant me getting tested.

I wish you well.

Last edited by Judy (August 29, 2017 5:16 am)

Posted by Judy
August 29, 2017 4:36 am


Kel is not any sort of "mama bear" here. That made me really cringe. There is nobody on this board more valuable than any one of us and you don't need to protect or stand up for her. The adminstrator here isn't Kel. 

Perhaps it's the size of her posts or the frequency she posts that have you confused. She is simply more visible. I think you're dangerously close to diminishing the value of all of us that have lived this horror when you state such things.

This board will drop considerably in value when we allow ourselves to worship a few frequent long time posters. 



Last edited by Judy (August 29, 2017 4:38 am)

Posted by Judy
August 29, 2017 4:49 am

I think we need to spread out the power and wealth of experience with more posters. It's gotten down to a handful of regulars that are too busy patting each other on the back to notice there are new people that are so obviously at the beginning stages of this kind of event and they aren't here to experience a mutual admiration society.  I'm bringing this up because it's now everywhere and after being gone for a few months, I can see it's a big prob. 

Let's get back to the enormous amount of valuable information and kick the ego to the curb.


Posted by Judy
August 29, 2017 4:53 am

CajunBelle - don't leave. I agree with all of the advice and commenting you did to Ellexoh. I never saw you be anything but kind and offering very good advice. This situation hurts. It's so easy to be so full of emotion when visiting this website that things get misinterpreted easily. Or, it might not be what the person wants to hear because they are clinging to hope the marriage will survive. It's very hard to tell them it's not going to happen. We are all living proof of it. We need a broad range of advice givers here. I hope you'll stay. 


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