Posted by Josie August 4, 2017 10:43 pm | #31 |
I've had a rough few days. So much so I don't even know where to start....a few nights ago my husband and I got in a discussion about maybe him moving out. As soon as he said he would I panicked and took it back. I'm not sure what made me do that when really I want him out of here. The next night we got in a serious discussion about our sex life. One comment I made was that he never touches my breasts. He said I have a few times....what? I said do you hear how that sounds? I kept asking why he has never been attracted to me sexually and he says he doesn't know, but that it is him not me. At one point, without me saying it he said "I'm not gay!" But he also can't explain why he has never wanted to have sex with me. I reminded him that we did not have sex on our wedding night and that I had proposed to not have sex for the last month before our marriage hoping that would make him want me more and it resulted in nothing the night we got married and only three times on our honeymoon. During our discussion the other night he went on to say that he wanted to have sex with him that night. He said "I want you to have your way with me" WTF does that mean? Have my way? So he would just lay there? That is not what I want. I want him to want me. We talked more about him moving out, but decided to wait until therapy the next day to discuss moving out. At therapy we discussed all of this. He was late so I got to tell the therapist what had happened without him there. I asked if she thought it was possible he was gay and she said I don't know him so she didn't know. She asked some good questions and told him he needed to talk to his personal therapist about what we discussed. He kept saying during therapy its not her its me. She is attractive and I don't deserve her. I am the one with the problem not her. I asked what the "problem" was and he says he is afraid of intimacy. I am so sick of all these therapists saying that the reason he doesn't want sex is an intimacy issue. I think sex and intimacy are two different things! We decided to table the idea of a separation until we meet next week. The past two nights since we were at therapy he is being all nice. He said tonight that he wanted to have sex. I said this feels like a last ditch effort to get me to stay now that I've expressed I'm unhappy. He says no, I really do want this. I said if you didn't want me at 28 years old on our honeymoon why in the world do you want me now? He went to his therapist today and he said he told him all about all of this. His therapist said he needed to work on being healthier and loving himself more. Everyone keeps telling him this. Why doesn't anyone think that he could be gay? They all keep saying he is afraid of intimacy. That he can work on it. I am staying because I keep thinking what if I am wrong. What if it is just intimacy, etc? I'm going crazy! Also today he said if you have been unfaithful to me I would understand. I said I haven't, but honestly I have thought about it. I said you need to go to your therapist and figure out what is wrong because my needs are not being met.....I feel right now like I am being given the jedi mind trick and I can't get out from under its spell. As soon as I think ok I am done my logical voice steps in and says what if....I have no idea what to do....
Posted by OutofHisCloset August 5, 2017 6:49 am | #32 |
The phrase "I want you to have your way with me" is a red flag to me. It's exactly the same phrase used by my husband, who has autogynephilia--a sexual paraphilia in which a man is in love with the idea of himself as a woman--and who declared himself transgendered, to describe what he wants in bed, which is to act in what is a stereotypically feminine way, in which the man is the "aggressor" and the woman "passive." This dynamic, in which a woman is thought to be never more a woman than when she relinquishes all control over herself and turns herself over to the man's will, is both a pornified stereotype of woman and characteristic of masochism. I don't know if your husband has autogynephilia, but autogynephilia often is accompanied by strong masochistic urges. Your husband may not have autogynephilia, and he may not be gay, either, but he's certainly expressing a desire to be passive and act passivity, in bed, and your instinct that there's something odd about his sexuality is right on.
Whatever is going on with your husband, it seems to me that you are right also that this isn't a case of him just "needing to work on intimacy." He's clearly got more going on than that, and that statement of his is just the tip of the iceberg he has not shared with you--or perhaps even allowed himself to acknowledge.
The bottom line for me in what you've said is that your husband is not really present in the marriage, and is unable to be your partner and enter into a true intimacy with you. It doesn't really matter if he's gay or has an otherwise unusual sexuality; what matters is that your marriage isn't healthy and you won't ever be happy in it, because your husband is, has been, and has shown himself over a long time as unbothered by being unavailable to you as a full partner. He has also been willing to allow you to suffer because of his problem (yes, he apologizes for it, but nothing has ever changed, right?). The sooner you see how this plays out and has played out in your marriage (connect the historical dots) and come to this conclusion, the sooner you can stop that "what if" voice (and I think the "what if" voice is not your logical voice, but the goblins of your fears speaking), and the sooner you can stop the "why is he that way," because you're spending a lot of time and mental effort trying to figure out what's going on with him so you can potentially fix it. You're fixated on a picture of the hopeful future you can have if you can just figure this thing out and work to change your husband's problems. The only one you have control over, however, is yourself.
Your instincts, however, are telling you what you need to hear: this is his problem and not something you can fix. Time is not going to change things. His working on being "healthier and loving himself more" is not going to fix what makes him unavailable to you.
Here's something you can do: go to your own therapist and say, Here's the reality of my married life. It's unsatisfying to me, and although my husband is either unwilling or unable to change on this crucial issue, I can't seem to take the step to leave him and free myself so I might have a happier future. Help me understand why I am holding myself back, and help me take the step I know I need to take--and want to take.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (August 5, 2017 6:58 am)
Posted by Josie August 5, 2017 7:34 am | #33 |
Thank you OOHC. I agree with you, but I keep holding back. I keep thinking if my husband says he can change and two therapists think things could change for us then what am I not seeing that they can? And shouldn't I try to "work on things" before I throw in the towel? I would think that if the therapists saw no chance at all that this can be fixed they would indicate that. Or maybe they don't do that until we've had more sessions. I think my husband and I have only been to the couples therapist together 4-5 times and a couple times by ourselves. My husband seems to be genuinely trying to fix things and does not want our marriage to end. I think that is what is keeping me here. However, I am still thinking that this is beyond fixing....I just wish I was more sure of it.
Posted by Abby August 5, 2017 8:29 am | #34 |
OutofHisCloset, I second your suggestion about leveling with the therapist about your needs in this marriage, We went to marriage counseling and individual counseling for years trying to work on the disconnection. Finally I led us into a group which involved shared discussions and decided that scripted ways of communicating and public revelations were not for me. I refused to participate which made him angry because he LOVED talking about himself and his feelings and trying to find himself.
In making this decision I was finally accepting that this lack of attraction and intimacy was not fixable - by this or any other marriage therapy - and I had boundaries. There was a certain peace in that: he did not beat on me, he did not cheat on me (financially that is) though I sometimesadded "but he doesn't love me." Life went on.
He continued with other counseling, self-help books and group retreats until years later he accepted himself enough to announce that he was gay and wanted a divorce.
I by nature am a "fixer" but sometimes there comes a time to give up and realize that even if you cobble something together it may not be worth the time, effort and expense - and in the end it won't even do the job you intended it would.
Josie, what I am trying to say is that working on a marriage can replace having a marriage. Counselors are not living your life: value your own experience and do what is right for you.
Please make this my tagline:
"You can add yeast to cement but it won't make it rise."
Posted by Rob August 5, 2017 10:59 am | #35 |
"..husband seems to be genuinely trying to fix things.."
I really have no experience in this as my ex was clearly not trying to fix things. .she was torch and burn.
How is he trying to fix thing? What proofs is he offering that he is straight and loves you more than anyone and life itself". Would he die for you? I guess what I'm saying is I that i was all in...i loved my then wife more than anything...there was nothing I would t have done for her...but I could not live rejected and shunned.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz August 5, 2017 4:57 pm | #36 |
Abby wrote:
.....what I am trying to say is that working on a marriage can replace having a marriage. Counselors are not living your life: value your own experience and do what is right for you.
I like this
Posted by Josie August 5, 2017 11:27 pm | #37 |
Rob, as far as what he is trying genuinely trying to do, no I don't see it to the extreme you are saying, but there is improvement. He is so much less critical and he is spending more time with our kids and I. He's also helping around the house more. I am being a bit standoffish and saying I still need space so in some ways he can't win. He is saying he wants to have sex, but at this point I feel like it may be just something he is saying to keep me here. He says that he is changed and that is why he wants sex now, but that part is very hard to believe. It's not like we had good sex at one point and then it dwindled. It was never really there. That's what I have to wonder about. That's why I don't know about fixing it. I emailed our couples therapist today and asked what she thought based on what she heard the other day in therapy. I was wondering if she thought it was possible that he was gay. She wants me to call her on Monday, but says she doesn't keep secrets from spouses so I would have to tell my husband I am calling her. I responded that I can tell him I am calling her, but I won't tell him what it is about. She says we then need to bring it up in therapy and address it. It scares me a little for two reasons. 1. What if I am wrong. It is a terrible thing to accuse someone of if its not true and 2. I seriously doubt he will admit it even if it is indeed true. I'm also going to tell her that there are so many other things at play here (in how bad our marriage has been) and get her advice as to whether I should continue in this marriage and therapy to work on it or not. I wish I had more courage to just leave. I thought today that a big thing that is holding me back is I was raised to stay in the marriage. I never thought divorce was even an option. It's just so hard to find myself here. I am getting to the point where I think I just need to do it and it will be hard and will be uncomfortable to me, but that eventually I will get over it as will my kids. I guess like ripping off a bandage. Sorry I'm rambling! My head is going around in circles!
Posted by OutofHisCloset August 6, 2017 6:47 am | #38 |
A couple of points. One, those therapists who are saying things can change are not in your marriage. They haven't experienced it from the beginning the way you have. They haven't seen what your husband has done (or not done, which is also an action, by default); they only hear what is being said, and half of that is your husband saying he wants to change. That's what they work with. Two, those therapists have a vested interest in keeping the marriage going: they're relationship counselors. They're never going to say: you two have irreconcilable differences and you should divorce.
Because you are placing what happens in counseling alongside what your experience and your feelings tell you, and the result of that is your feeling you need to divorce, a big first step, but not an irrevocable one, would be to stop couples therapy and opt for an individual therapist. You can present this as a necessary sorting out of yourself apart from the couples therapy. It seems to me that your emailing the therapist and wanting her take indicates that you need a safe therapeutic space apart from your husband.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (August 6, 2017 7:02 am)
Posted by OutofHisCloset August 6, 2017 6:54 am | #39 |
I posted before I was done, I guess. The other thing I am thinking about is your husband's current behavior, of making an effort around the house and saying he wants sex. Have you considered that this isn't about fixing the marriage and making you happy, but preserving his cover? All his new behavior, in the therapist's office and at home, may be motivated by a (warped) self-interest and not out of a genuine commitment to you or the marriage. Let's say you have sex. Then he goes to the therapist with you and says, "Yes, we're having sex! I'm making progress!" And you're in a bind; now you're cast as the stubborn one, the one with a problem. And the therapists will push you and you will push yourself, doubting yourself (gaslighting, anyone?). Has he ever made an effort like this when it was just you saying something wasn't right?
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (August 6, 2017 6:55 am)
Posted by OutofHisCloset August 6, 2017 7:08 am | #40 |
I read what you said, "the thing is, none of us know we'll wish we'd acted sooner until we reach that point."
To me then, the question becomes: what are we doing to push ourselves? It's not enough to just "accept that this may hurt for a while longer" if we aren't actively trying to do the work to get us unstuck. Otherwise, acceptance becomes an excuse not to have to act.
I guess this sounds harsh, but I've recently become aware of just how able to game myself I am. I can make what are really excuses for not acting or coming to terms with what holds me back into perfectly reasonable sounding precepts that allow me to fool myself into inaction.