I too wish Sean would answer women who are questioning in private message who don't trust the whole public thing here. The thing is this.. Many men who are in the closet are NOT going to tell their wives no matter what. Even on their death beds they will stay mute as to the real truth of what is happening. It would be nice to have a member here that has seen his ways as a GIDH and the changes he has made to help some. Many of these men ARE watching their wives online/offline and spying so as to know whats in their heads, so they can prepare a counterattack against the wife! Sean you know that. Really. Maybe YOU are not like that or never were when your marriage was falling apart but many of these men are stalking and listening to their wives without them being privy to such. I too have wanted your opinion Sean but don't want to put it all out there (so to speak) for reasons similar to seekingtruth. I am not PC savvy but...............my H is. Understand. I am with you seekingtruth.