Posted by Kel June 6, 2017 4:06 pm | #1 |
Not sure if many of you remember, but back in Oct., I told you guys about how my sister was also finding out things about her husband having cheated on her too - also with at least one man. We learned more as time unfolded - mainly due the fact that 1) he kept journals (which he hid well), and 2) he was removed from the house by an order or protection, therefore was unable to remove any of those journals from my sister before he left. And she found them all. And you would not beLIEVE the stuff she found out.
- Emotional affair with a 16 year-old girl (her husband is like 34)
- Emotional affair with a man
- physical relationship with a man
- Ran a prostitution ring
- Ran a gambling ring
- Ran an organized crime ring
- Sold drugs
- Did drugs (like coke)
- Several affairs with women
It's been more stuff than I've EVER heard of anyone going through before, bar none. He's been unable to stay sober enough at his drug tests to back off of them. Now he has to blow in a breathalizer four times a day. This is ordered by his daughters' court liaison, for visitation purposes. He fails a LOT - he's legally drunk at 11 in the morning some days - from the night before. He sleeps through his visitation with his daughters (at his mom's house). When his family got after him about it, he tried to get a court order to prohibit them from "harassing" him.
Last week - after months of this B.S. - my sister found out that he'd slept with their nanny. Who was not only a good friend of my sister's, but also 19 now (18 when he started sleeping with her), and a former student of my sister's at the business she co-owns with her husband. The girl came clean, and he essentially baited her - finding out what kind of alcohol she prefers, putting her in a situation where it was the two of them alone and then getting her drunk, and then feeding her lies to tell my sister if she started to become suspicious that something was going on. He told her that none of the boys at her college campus could treat her this well (with dinners out and trips to a motel). He guilted her by telling her that if my sister ever found out, it would KILL her to know that she (the girl) had done this to my sister. And that it was going to break up their marriage if she found out. At one point, my former BIL tried to get the names of this girl's cheerleader friends, telling her that he had great jobs for them that paid big cash - all they had to do was accompany men to places like nightclubs. My sister found FB Instant Messages between him and another man talking all about how he would "pay him for some girls", and that he "wanted to sink into some nice 18 year-old pussy". These girls would have been raped if she'd been dumb enough to give out their numbers. Instead, she ran. She knows he knew where her apartment was. She knew his wife (my sister) was out of town at a convention. She was afraid he'd come over and hurt her. So she went to live somewhere else until she knew he'd left town again. She says that she was depressed all year - that she'd thought about suicide three times during the school year. But that she couldn't get help because if she went to a counselor, they'd bill her parents' insurance, and they'd want to know why she was going to counseling. So she suffered alone. When she finally came clean, my sister had already lined her up for a full summer of nannying, and also for teaching at her school. The fallout over this could have been immense. Instead, my sister told the girl that she forgives her - that they are BOTH victims of her ex. But don't ever lie to her again or she'll put him 6 feet under with him. Lol.
The narcissism runs SO deep that it's unfathomable. All these years she knew he was a problem, and that he did whatever he wanted, but she thought it was mostly about working (or rather, him NOT working), and about overspending. She had no idea the depths of his twisted personality. She still wouldn't, if it wouldn't have been for her finding some proof on accident, and finding out other things due to suspicion and hammering until they came out. I'm sure there is still so much she doesn't and will never know.
There is ALWAYS more. Always. We've decided that there are things that she trusts more than her ex:
- Flesh-eating parasites
- Mexican tap water
- Blind hairdressers
- Homeless career criminals
- Hungry Alligators
- Venomous Snakes
- Explosive diarrheah
- Trump
Last edited by Kel (June 6, 2017 4:07 pm)
Posted by Rob June 6, 2017 6:27 pm | #2 |
Yeah kel..I have more faith in the stock market, the weather and god than my ex. Their lack of morality goes so's like something out of a bad movie.
She's blessed to have a sister like you.
Posted by Foolme June 7, 2017 2:07 am | #3 |
OMG Kel how horrendously shocking!!!
I just love the list of what she'd trust more, that made me laugh out loud!!!
I love when people bring a sense of humour to their horrendous situations.
I recently attended a "beginning again" retreat and had a phone call follow up last weekend and it was lovely to hear that they found my smile and humour uplifting, that it's refreshing and welcomed among the grief and gloom some people are under. If your sister is anything like you she's of exceptionally strong character and will survive these horrendous times.
Two sisters in the one family with such narcissists????!!!!!!! You guys know how to pick 'em ;-) Not that any of us here are any better pickers of course!!! Isn't it frightening to see the level of deceit these people are capable of!!
Last edited by Foolme (June 7, 2017 8:52 am)
Posted by phoenix June 7, 2017 6:52 am | #4 |
Wow, Kel.. I'm so glad your sister has you to be there for her and support her.
What a nightmare!
Posted by iamthelorax June 7, 2017 8:53 am | #5 |
I'm going to reveal myself as the weirdo I am because I always think things differently than sane people, here are my thoughts:
1 - What kind of grown @$$ man writes in a diary?
2 - You have an HBO series on your hands here. You and your sister should write a script about a woman who discovers these journals and learns of her husbands crazy second life she didn't know about. It'll be a HIT!!!
Posted by Foolme June 7, 2017 8:57 am | #6 |
HA HA iamthelorax!!! Yes I agree, it would be a hit. If Kel's sister doesn't have one on her own we'd certainly have the makings of one between us!
As they say fact is stranger than fiction! Who'd believe it was fact though?!!!!! SMH
Posted by Kel June 7, 2017 10:11 am | #7 |
My mom continually tells me to write a book. If she knew the depths of my sister's situation, she'd abandon me altogether and tell my sister to do so, instead. Lol.
Yes, what she's gone through has been unimaginable - even to me - and I'm here every day listening to all our stories! About the only thing she hasn't gone through is an STD from him. She's been tested repeatedly, and says she will be every 3 months for the next two years. Her doctor knows all and has been very compassionate. The first STD test she took, she cried through the whole thing. And then they called her to tell her that they lost the swab at the lab, and that she had to come in and do it all over again. Proof that you DO get numb to things, since she didn't shed a single tear at the second test. All came back negative, thank GOD.
Her ex didn't really keep a journal as much as he had stuff tucked in notebooks from his counseling sessions over the years. He'd been suicidal about two years ago, and one of the notebooks was from that time period. He listed things he'd done in the past 10 years, in a bullet point fashion, since they'd had their oldest daughter. It was literally all on one page: 1) had daughter, 2) incorporated business with wife (very successful), 3) emotional affair with man, 4)...... Take one pic and send off to lawyer. Too bad our state is a no-fault state; none of it matters in the end except for his visitation with the girls. A parent admitting to all of that doesn't get too much leeway on visitation.
The other written proof was an intake form he was going to use with a counselor. It was 11 pages long and there were questions he had to answer. Affairs? Yes (check). Women? Check. Men? Check. Did you use protection? Not all the time. Percentage of time you used protection? 25%. Did you use protection with your spouse? Never. Did you tell these people you loved them? Sometimes. Alcohol? Yes. Street drugs? Yes. When last? 2 weeks ago. The intake form was only 2 weeks old when she found it. He'd take MANY an evening to go to AA meetings, supposedly sober for years. He was drunk and using right under her nose. He had a reason to escape (I need a meeting!) that she would never deny him. The most interesting part was asking him where on a scale of 1-10 he rated his sexuality (one being straight, 10 being gay); answer? 1. Completely straight. But sleeping with men. And falling in love with men. HOW do you answer a question that way???
Sis also found a bunch of letters in one notebook that appeared to be an exercise where he had to write a letter to himself from her - saying what he thought she'd say. Same from his mother. And she said what she had to say was SO much worse than he ever portrayed her having to say. While his letter did have her saying how disappointed she was in him, it also had a ton of "but I believe in you", "you're the love of my life", "I'll never stop supporting you" crap. It's STILL all about him - always.
I'm the oldest child among our siblings, and she's the youngest. We're 8 years apart, and have always been super close. Over the past 6 years or so though, we'd had lots of distance between us. My siblings and their wives all mentioned that she just kept drifting further away from us all. As though she were lost at sea. One of the good things about this ordeal has been how she's come back to being herself again. She has plenty of pain, mostly which she just doesn't share with the extended family. But she also has plenty of relief written all over her face about him being out of her life. Despite the fact that her girls have visitation with their dad, she has had NO contact with him due to the restraining order she placed on him after he got physically violent one day and looked like he was going to kill her. She can see a lot of what he does, and does keep tabs on his online behavior for the divorce. But her life is so much better overall in so many ways. No more wondering where all the money is going (he was embezzling both from their business and their personal finances). She is still in the throes of the divorce and he's pulling the same paycheck as she is from the business that she runs herself. With her paycheck, she's paying for the monthly bills - the mortgage, the girls' private education, the car payment, all household utilities, and putting money into savings accounts for the girls college education. Meanwhile, he's living with a bunch of guys in a shoddy apartment, borrowing money from his mom because he's "practically destitute". He's telling his daughters that he wishes he could be the kind of daddy that he wants to be, but without a house to take them to (he visits at his parents' house), he can't. But that he can't get his own place until after the divorce. He has no job, and he's not looking for one. Why WOULD he when he's pulling in a fat paycheck every month for doing nothing? This business was bought and paid for by the time he met my sister. He has done literally NOTHING to earn this money - she only incorporated after they were married and expecting their first child. She is going to have to give him up to $100K/year in alimony for up to 5 years to buy out the business from him. Meanwhile, he's feeling sorry for himself, dating 19 year-olds, living the life of Riley, and not agreeing to anything on the divorce papers - because why end this ride any earlier than he has to? He blames his failed breathilizer tests on the alcohol in the cologne his body must be absorbing.
My sister and I both laugh a TON about this stuff. And make snide remarks under our breath to each other in mixed company. We're both sarcastic as hell, as I'm sure you can imagine. And although I've been through NOTHING compared to her, it's more similar than anything anyone else we know in person has gone through. The messages I've had to convey to her is "It's NOT your fault", "You're beautiful and good and the reason he did this is because it is who HE is - not because of anything you've done wrong", and "This too shall pass", among others. It's amazing how these little bits mean to her. She said, "No one ever told me that it wasn't my fault." through sobbing. We know there has to be a reason that we both picked men who didn't work - we think it's because our mom stayed home and my dad controlled all the money, much to my mother's disadvantage. We went in the opposite direction. Lesson learned. If she can meet a man half as good as the one I've found to spend my days with, I'll be so, SO happy for her. And she will - I just know it. She's an amazing person, full of strength, compassion and humor. It's practically inevitable.
Posted by Duped June 7, 2017 3:31 pm | #8 |
Last edited by Duped (November 11, 2019 3:05 pm)
Posted by Scrupulous June 7, 2017 8:24 pm | #9 |
Lol the last was too funny! I'm so sorry for your sister and her pain! Wow to think sometimes we have it bad!
You should have her join this network. I think it will help. I've a feeling he's had more than one relationship with a man.
He probably only lists they all do. There are probably lots more!
Posted by Kel June 8, 2017 9:53 am | #10 |
I've told her all about this place. She's a super busy person who doesn't really do anything much online - not even a Facebook account. She stays away from virtual and sits firmly in reality. But I'll offer again. Usually she just texts me when she's feeling down - which happened last night. She just can't get past this nanny thing. Says that she weathered everything else okay, but after learning this last week, it pops into her head 30 times a day. She is literally in her busiest week of the year, and she can't shake it.
I realized that she has NO outlet for her anger. She can't rage at her ex, because of the restraining order. She can't rage at the nanny, because he literally preyed upon her and she was already extremely remorseful about it and was suicidal about what she'd done. She has no one she can be angry with and let the rage spew at. I thought about it and realized that's not usually the case when someone's done you wrong. Even if they don't answer, you can usually contact them in some manner and dump on them. Not this time, though.
She does have a counselor, but it seems that she was in the middle of finding someone new. So she hasn't even spoken to her counselor since this happened. She wants NO ONE to know about this happening IRL, because it could be really terrible for her business. Despite the fact that the student was a former one, it was only a year ago that she was an active student. If it gets out that her husband did this, it would come out as "Did you hear the owner was sleeping with the students over at X?!?" So she essentially has..... me. And I'm good at this, but not THAT good! I'm not a magician, ya know? I can't just say words and have her heal. It's a process. I just think she's never had anything hit her this hard before, so she's unaccustomed to the feeling.