Hi Lyonene
Your story echoes so many of my soon to-be ex GID's story. He admitted to being addicted to porn, but denies that it is gay porn. Says it is pop up links that he followed, but the next moment admits that he was looking at the penises as to see if he is big enough. Haha. You have to look day in and day out at five different sites to see how yours compares to others?
He also tries to blame it on me. I have too strong a personality, question his decisions and that it makes him feel a lesser man. Okay, so why haven't you mentioned that to me once in the last 5 to 7 years that we are together? Why did you have to turn to gay porn to make you feel like a man?
Like you I also had to ask myself is this the kind of man that I want to be with. Because the man I married is not the one standing in front of me every day now. He manipulates, lies, cheats, do whatever necessary to protect his image. He watched me suffer this last couple of years and did nothing. Only now that he is about to loose everything, and I mean everything since I am the financial stronger one & taking the kids with me, he is willing to do something. And I mean something, since he is doing the minimum to fight for this marriage. He sees people not understanding our break up over a few lies and still does not explain to them the real reason why we are divorcing. And that is how I know he doesn't really care about me. I am just the keeper of his closet. He will stay in that damn thing till the day he dies. But I am leaving this dark, forsaken, stuffy, frustrating, pain filled closet for the light. And I am taking my kids with me. Because they deserve better than this. They need to grow up as strong, independent and happy children and I cannot provide that with a partner that is hiding addictions and pretend to be someone he is not. I agree with Kel, the younger the children the easier they adapt to their circumstances. It is better for them to live a true, stable life than being part of a fantasy world that can fall apart easy. I am still worried about my kids and I take them to a therapist now. She is so amazing. they learn the kids to be "boss of their own emotions and make clever plans to keep their hearts happy". She helps them how to deal with fear, loss and sadness. If you have someone like that available, do take them. It is short, playful sessions and they learn all within a few sessions. what is great is that my company is now paying for these sessions as one of my benefits.
I wish you all well. Stay strong and sane through all your troubles. Remember to use your logic and brains to evaluate any emotion. That way you will always know when someone is trying to bullsh*t you.
Mrs Lonely