My plan isn't set in stone. Initially I wanted to get my son graduated and of fto college. Right now I feel like my health and emotional state of mind is negatively impacted however he is opening his restaurant in 2 weeks and will be gone 12+ hours a day, so I almost feel like it's manageable based on how little I'll see him. I'm planning a vacation with the kids but not him and I will be doing a lot of weekend travel with my son this summer as he is in a drum corps.
What I DO know is, I am a) working on becoming more financially set. If my travel business doesn't take off (pun intended lol) by June I am going to get a part time job to start and once daughter #1 moves out of the apartment in our basement I think I may ask him to move down there. It has its own entrance but we need to put stairs in going down the side hill so it's easier to maneuver
I'm also going to see a nutritionist about losing weight and take a yoga class. Baby steps I guess.
If I have more freedom I may be okay for a while. My youngest told me she doesn't like being around him so I'm not the only one. We aren't in a position financially to separate and if we sold the house now we'd take a hit on it. Gotta just hang tight and work through it all.
I also keep seeing mid July in my mind as when I'll officially separate from him even though we will still be cohabitating.
Last edited by Lisa4kids (May 2, 2017 11:31 am)