Posted by Rob March 16, 2017 9:45 pm | #11 |
Yeah so many ties to him financially still. At least you have a goal...get completely independent of him.
As you know I could never have my ex in my home... I would start shaking. I also don't want to know about anything about what she is doing.
If you must have him visit the kids there...yeah..go out and don't make conversation with him. I hope you still feel safe in your home. These spouses hurt us so much ...just being in their presence creates anxiety and hurt. I know we need to be strong for the kids but we have limts... I don't think the kids need a traumatized mom. You sound much stronger than me.
Posted by Rob March 17, 2017 10:25 am | #12 |
"There’s nothing wrong with being gay. "
Chumplady's sentence in context is only partly correct.. I understand what she is trying to say.
It is the lying and cheating. But in our case; yes there is something wrong with being gay and its not being prejudice against gays....its that they are gay and married us ..they kept a big hidden lie. A circular
conundrum. It makes the affair so much more horrible and irrecoverable.
I would think the kids could see that in time..its not you being prejudice against gays...its the big lie.
His actual affair... I think when they are older they can hear about that if they ask.. though when they are older that should be able to figure it out. I can't see what purpose that would serve with the kids now but to give them more stress and confusion to can they process an affair when we can't. Our cheating spouses never thought of the kids.
Posted by maresyd March 17, 2017 3:16 pm | #13 | sounds like you need some time away from him. He needs to find a new place to meet with the kids. Seems like it's triggering you, the closer things get to the end. You'll find a list of annoyances which keep building--and you are totally right about them, by the way. You've been kind. You've been accommodating. You don't need to take care of him anymore.
As for the kids, they understand truth. Kids know more than we think. It's very possible that your son's (teenagers) reactions to their Dad is because they know he cheated, not only that he was gay. The logic is, if he didn't want to be with a woman, he was probably with a man. I know your sons had different reactions, and your daughter has a different one as well, but she's more mature. Your little guy probably doesn't get it. But he understands truth. There's a great book about truth and integrity that is centered from a kid's viewpoint. I'll have to dig in my archives and find the name.
Posted by Kel March 20, 2017 12:38 pm | #14 |
I think you've really come a long way since you first visited here, JK. You are clear now on that you want separate lives, and that it's not necessary for the children to see you as a unit in order to get healthy parenting. Do you currently have no contact with the ex unless it's about the kids/visitation? If not, you need to revisit that and double down. My ex used to like to shoot the shit with me whenever he came to get the kids - and when he dropped them off after a visitation weekend. It got to the point where I'd go up on a Sunday afternoon and take a nap, just so that when he came to drop off the kids, he'd have to ask my current dh about me, who would no doubt NOT wake me. Instead, my ex would tell the kids to go wake me. Eventually, I'd tell him that I don't need to know what they did all weekend - I'd learn that from the kids. The only things I needed to know would have been an emergency that couldn't have waited until the end of the trip, or he could text/call me later to inform me / discuss something that he felt I needed to know. Then when he called, I'd let it ring to voicemail. It was surprising how quickly that made him stop contacting me. No, I don't need to know that dd started her period over the weekend. She has pads, and she'll tell me if she needs me to know. No, I don't need to know they fought like cats and dogs all weekend - they do that HERE and I don't call you to tell you. No, I don't need to know that ds2 slept a ton. Who cares?!? I'd see that things he was supposed to be telling me (like whether to expect the kids several hours earlier/later than normal) weren't on the list. Which means that the information was never for MY sake - it was for HIS. So HE'D have something valid to share. Or so that he could interact. Thanks, but I've moved on, bud. You have a boyfriend. Go talk to HIM. I'm not interested any longer.
It became self-evident over time that if I was barely interested in stuff about the kids unless absolutely necessary, I was certainly not interested in where he and his boyfriend went for fun. I.Don't.CARE. It didn't make me angry, or sad. It was just like an acquaintance oversharing - you ask them how they are as a pleasantry, and they tell you all about their grandkids' school play, and how they played the turnip, blah, blah, blah. SHUT IT! No one wants to hear that static! It got to the point where if the ex came in to wait on the kids in bad weather, I'd say, "I'll go get them", and then not come back. I don't need to talk to him! (I made sure not to do that if my current dh was stuck in the area though; otherwise HE'd have to make pleasant conversation with him, and he thinks my ex is an ass.) Or my ex would knock on the door for the kids and I'd say, "Oh, hi. I'll let them know you're here and that they should meet you in the car.", and then close the door. Started telling the kids to just have their dad text them when he's getting off the highway so they could start watching for him. Works like a charm. I rarely see the douche now.
I realize that you have a different situation on your hands with the house, and him not having his own place. But PLEASE understand that we make excuses for EVERYONE. All.The.TIME. "He can't visit anywhere else because he doesn't have housing". Ummm, the truth is that it's been months, and he COULD have housing, but it's not important to him - because it doesn't NEED to be. He can still his kids. He still has a place to lie his head. So why is he going to go changing all that if he doesn't need to? He doesn't need to because wherever he falls down, you will be there to catch him. You continue to play your role even when no longer required. "But the KIDS!", I hear you say. Yeah, yeah. He could make time with them out and about (even if for only part of the time). He could take them to museums or the zoo or the library, or out for nature walks. But nooooooooo....... because he doesn' Tell him that as of June 15th, he will not longer be using the house to visit the kids in. That's long enough. You would NEVER expect that you could do nothing and still receive visitation with your kids - no job, no decent housing, no taking then out for anything. Not even letting them go to the movie store to choose ONE movie they'd all be excited to see. Nope! Just whine and moan and make himself a victim. Don't fall for that - you would NEVER expect that if you wanted the divorce, you'd let him come over all weekend and tell the kids about poor little old you. Or bad-mouth him to them. Nope - you'd do a ton more and you'd succeed. He's not exceeding because he's incapable or unwilling to change. That's HIS problem - not yours.. If YOU had that problem, you'd consider if your problem to solve. Let him put his big boy pants on and be a freaking man. You just need to expect it. He will either deliver or he won't. But giving him another 9 months to get a job/place makes him feel MORE complacent, not less.
Posted by JJ1966 March 20, 2017 8:38 pm | #15 |
His crazy.....not yours. BIG virtual hug from me.
Posted by JJ1966 March 21, 2017 7:08 am | #16 |
I'm praying for you, if it gets to be too much in the courtroom, think of us.....we will all be there with you in spirit.
Posted by OutofHisCloset March 21, 2017 7:47 am | #17 |
Thinking of you. Let us know how it goes.
Posted by Bec March 21, 2017 9:48 am | #18 |
Praying for you today jkpeace. You have touch my life more than you know. I pray things go smoothly and that you feel peace today in knowing you have made the right decision.
Posted by Kel March 21, 2017 10:02 am | #19 |
This message is for when you come back from divorce court. You may feel elated, or you may feel like you're in mourning again. Whatever it is you're feeling, it's okay - it's normal. Doing the thing that's best for you doesn't always feel wonderful. And just because it doesn't feel wonderful doesn't necessarily mean that it's not the best thing. Just let yourself sit with it a bit, and it'll morph over time. For me, my divorce was just like any other day - absolutely no sadness whatsoever. But I was already dating my current dh, and knew I wanted to remarry. So for me, it was a freeing up of myself so I could eventually move onto the next phase of my life. For most people though, there is some sadness that goes along with this day and time period.
The only similar thing I experienced was the day that I had to go to court to get a restraining order against my adult son. I NEEDED the order. I was fine in court. But as soon as I hit that hallway, I was bawling like a baby. I didn't want to have to do that, and I couldn't believe this was my life. I was upset that this was my predicament. That didn't mean that I would drop the order (I didn't). It just meant that I didn't want that to be my life. And that's okay. I can remember my kids (who accompanied me) asking what was wrong - why was I crying? And my current dh just put his arm around me and told them, "No mom ever wants to have to do this. She did it to protect you, and she's not sorry she did it. But it broke her heart that she had to put one of her children out of her home. Can you understand?" And they did. I only cried for a few minutes then, and again that evening. And I was okay with that. It's okay for it to not feel great.
I wish you peace today more than ever -
Posted by Duped March 21, 2017 2:53 pm | #20 |
Thinking of you also, hope you're ok.