I found out last August that my husband of 25 years believes that he is bi-sexual. Unlike many others on here, he has not cheated on me and says he never will. He always had some fantasies and some kinks, but I believed that they were just that, fantasies. He says he loves me and wants to stay married but I know he would eventually like to explore this side of his sexuality, I can't think about that happening right now and the fluidity of Bi-sexuality really scares me. He has begun to notice men and he says it is only about the sex. But how can he be sure once he is with a man, I don't know if I can do an open marriage and it feels wrong to deny him this side of his sexuality. I don't want him to grow to resent me if I say I can't allow him to experiment. I too have experienced the earth shattering pain that everyone on here talks about, the stages of grief, the PTSD the feelings of guilt, the depression, the anger. I hate living in this limbo and hate even worse that this may last a very, very long time. I know our chances of getting through this still married are statistically very low but I believe him and want to try. I need others to talk to that are married to bisexual spouses. Can this be made to work? Sometimes I wish he was gay because I could leave, I am afraid he may decide that, "Yes, I'm gay." and I will have stayed in this far longer then I ever should have. I am in Limbo, inside limbo, inside more limbo, trying to have hope and waiting for the other shoe to drop.