thanks lost dad - you and Sam do a great job here. Thought I'd have a shot at saying why I think the old board was better - in the early days of small computers we'd make these branching systems to put our files on -all very logical, similar vein to the way this forum is set up. And we'd have our paper back up, just in case. Fact is we were glad to have that over and again because once the system got up and running and the number of files grew they'd end up in these tangled messes and you could never find anything. I remember going to see if I could help this poor man, he had a small factory but he made hardware, lots of different screws and nails and so on. I looked in the computer room, I came out and I asked to see his paper back up. Oh no they hadn't kept one. I couldn't help him.
"Don't you sort your emails into different folders?" someone asked me (back in the days before Facebook, when emails were big) I said no I don't sort them at all. I just let them accumulate in one pile, that way they are sorted by time. Somehow it's easier to find things like that.
And that's why we found the last forum easier to use. All you had to do was scroll down the page. And then that lateral movement was used for replies to replies within a thread - I find that easier too.
oh and I just read your update lost dad - nice to hear you are doing so well. Hope the sunshine continues. all the best.