Posted by maresyd February 17, 2017 11:25 am | #21 |
JenS: YESSSSSS!!!! So glad you reached out to your friend. If she is your friend, she can see you're struggling. What you need to do now is lean when you need to (on us too), and ask your friend if you can call her when you are so bullied and exhausted that you need an extra push. It might be a signal to her that things are harder than she thinks, and she will check in more often. As for the reason, him being an a-hole really is not because he's gay, it's just in addition to him being gay. My ex was both. It was easy for my friends to cheer me on without knowing just because I could share how difficult he was making it for me to divorce (and they wondered why) but really in the end just encouraged me to keep fighting him. Years later the entire truth came out and I got lots of calls about why I didn't take him to the cleaners. It was so far in my rear view mirror by then it was easier. All I had to tell them was that I did what I had to do to stay me, and they understood.
Also, not sure who is responsible for collecting info of those of us well past this rollercoaster (calling lostdad or Sam??)...but I'd be happy to provide my cell # in a PM if anyone felt particularly hopeless and needed a lifeline.
Posted by foreverfooled February 17, 2017 1:02 pm | #22 |
"Mine had never done it before either. But when I confronted him about TGT and called him out on those behaviours, he was like a caged animal. Over the time that I would call the "period of confrontation" when TGT was on the table between us, he crossed the line with me physically about 10 times in total, in different ways. I wish now that I'd called 911 on him. It would have been clear cut for the kids. It would have simplified matters quite a bit. I'm a petite woman and he's a huge man, so there's a disparity in our respective sizes; I'm no physical match for him and never will be. He outweighs me by 100 pounds and 8 inches at least. I can't go back to trusting him ever again. I can't be emotionally intimate with him or physically intimate with him again. He's still here. I personally can't see the point in fighting him now on the divorce, I just need him out of the house and then I can regain my footing and slog onwards. So I think I need to smile at him and be civil until he leaves, for my own safety. It's only a few more weeks."
Mine was the same. Once TGT was on the table he was furious at me for even mentioning it. How could I even question him.! One of my kids even pointed out that it was extremely obvious that he preferred his best friend to me, and everyone could see it. He still said it was normal for him to do that. It was me, I was crazy! He was always prone to being extremely controlling and abusive in other ways but on occasion would resort to physical violence if he felt it necessary to shut me up with any questions. It just got worse at that time. Just another control tactic used on me. I would call 911 on him and then call them back and say all was OK. I didn't want the embarrassment from our neighbors or my kids to see it. If I could go back a little different. This also works in your way or getting them out of the house if you decide to stay or have to stay put.
I wonder how many actually resort to this when they have been caught up? Stay strong.
Posted by Rob February 17, 2017 10:58 pm | #23 |
My ex texted me about my kid ...took her all of 30 seconds to have me shaking with trauma.. How dare I question anything she did or had to say..Took personnel offense to almost any's like she was .paranoid. Couldn't stay on topic. I said nothing offensive..I'm the kindest ex husband someone could have. If you knew me I'm kindest and most docile person... sometimes I wish I was some jerk that doesn't feel anything..
For me NO CONTACT is best... I have the joy of having a crazy gay ex wife now..she has something mentally wrong with her.
For those reading and mad at their spouses.. if its any comfort... even after some of these gay spouses leave us..they are not happy..they may never be happy. Maybe it's not all roses in gayland ..
Posted by maresyd February 19, 2017 10:11 am | #24 |
Rob, I'm so sorry you're still feeling the trauma. Have you ever considered EMDR Therapy? It's a type of therapy I once did, for post-traumatic stress. I find it, along with meditation, the keys to letting go and coping with those horrible emotions of panic and fear every time I was around, heard about, or had to deal with my ex. It was too much to take and sent my emotional (and physical) health, eventually down the toilet.
PM me if you want some links to it, I hate reading so much of your pain and suffering.
Big warm hug this Sunday morning.
Posted by Kel February 24, 2017 11:14 am | #25 |
Your ex has given you a gift - the gift of honesty so that you know exactly why he's doing what he's doing. That should and can supercharge you to fight the fight. He literally TOLD YOU that he's being manipulative because he wants to destroy you. My attitude after that conversation would be "FUCKING BRING IT, ASSHOLE. You can't break me - I won't LET you." Then I'd use the kids as my reason to stay strong - to keep fighting when I feel like I can't walk another step.
My now husband told me one day why it always hurt so badly that my son would play on my heartstrings to manipulate me, and it's helped immensely. "He's using your beautiful heart as a weapon against YOU." Think about that. They're using the best, most pure part of us to manipulate us. He is literally hitting you in what he sees as your weak spot so that he can have what he wants. Now, that's something anyone in a war does. However, it's really cruel to use the best part of you to do that to. He's not poking something that inflames you - he's attacking the most beautiful part of you. If you let that be used in that way, that place won't be as pure and beautiful anymore.
And I love what your friend said - that you knew it was going to be a fight - embrace the fight. Here's another thing that my husband has said to me that's helped: "You have what it takes. But it's going to take everything you've got." Tell yourself that it doesn't matter how tired or broken you are - people have walked while their feet bled to go places that they were forced to go. If they can do that just to survive - just to keep living for their children, then you can do THIS. I know you can. You've got this, babe.
Posted by JJ1966 March 4, 2017 9:36 am | #26 |
I agree with Rob, their job is to give us a confidential sounding board. They can't tell us what to do because only we know what will make us happy. My shrinks all post here......hang in there.