A gay ex-husband answers your questions

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Posted by Séan
February 3, 2017 8:00 am

Thanks for sharing lostdad and many thanks to you for helping manage this forum as an administrator. I can understand your anger and frustration. Being lied to for so long by people we love is soul-destroying. I have a question: how are things with your ex-wife now? Is it getting better? What you wrote here struck me:

"She would hide her phone, change her passwords, change the notifications on her phone screen, only check messages when I wasn't in the room, etc...why do you need to know every detail...?" 

I've often referred to the time shortly after I came out as 'gay adolescence.' It was a time when I acted like a sex-craved teenager, albeit in the body of a 40-year-old man. This may explain the love/hate relationship I had with my wife at the time which, come to think of it, resembled the relationship between an angry teen son and his mom. It was a kind of, 'I hate you now give me money to go the mall' relationship. I have a theory about 'gay adolescence.' I never truly went through puberty as a gay male because I pretended to be straight in my teens. However, once I came out to myself and my (then) wife, the floodgates opened. 

Unfortunately, it's much too easy to find casual sex in the gay male world. It would be like me dropping my teen son off at the candy store and expecting him to learn good nutrition. At first I wrongly thought casual sugar-high hookups with other men were intimacy. Man was I wrong and tragically I fell in love with EVERYONE I hooked up with. My gay adolescence lasted about two years and it was a whirlwind of casual sex, gay saunas, and a teen-like romance of sorts. I was a kid in a candy store really...but I eventually grew sick of it. In one of my worst teen-like episodes, I remember agonizing over a text from a former lover because it didn't have an exclamation point. How pathetic. I was the emotional equivalent of a 12-year-old girl and I neglected my (then) wife and three children during this time because I was even more withdrawn, hostile, and self-centred. I regret it all. This seems to be what lostdad and others have described in their recent posts.   

​I'm now through the worst of gay adolescence and am in a long-term monogamous relationship. But I could only live authentically after coming out to myself, coming out to my ex-wife, coming out to my friends and family. I then apologized to her, apologized to my kids, separated, and divorced. Thankfully our divorce was quick and amicable. Early on in my journey, I was very lucky to become friends with gay men my age who were in long-term, stable relationships. I firmly believe that remaining in the closet or staying married to a straight woman would have meant a lifetime of guilt, shame and secrecy about being gay. This would have also trapped my wife and children in my emotional muck. Gay-in-denial men get stuck in a world of Craigs List or short-term secretive relationships. They're trapped in the emotional equivalent of a McDonald's Drive Thru. Broken attracts broken in my opinion. If I'm emotionally broken and keeping secrets, I'd only attract men like me while emotionally abusing my wife. This is why I firmly believe separation and divorce is the only way out of a gay/straight marriage. 

Trying to maintain the fiction of a gay/straight marriage ruins everyone's lives. For example, I've read a number of threads here where straight wives describe their husbands having a lifelong 'friend' they know is a lover. It's a "Brokeback Mountain" situation with two married men (or women) having a long-term secretive affair while pretending to be straight. I have a very close friend who had an eight-year affair with another married man. Like attracts like. They eventually broke up, but not before inflicting a great deal of emotional damage on their wives, children and each other. Whether gay or straight, affairs are rocky because the relationship is built on lies, secrecy, and shame. Add to an affair a gay-in-denial husband with another gay-in-denial husband, and it's the emotional equivalent of two blind men trying to drive across the country.   

I'm rambling again so I'll come to the point. Staying with a gay-in-denial husband creates a teen mom (the straight wife) vs. angry son (they gay husband) dynamic. He'll forever remain stuck in gay adolescence. This means he'll love/hate you while keeping secrets, hiding texts, all the while hooking up on the side. The lying and cheating causes even more shame, resulting in even deeper narcissism to cope, and soon the couple is in a spiral of lies, cheating, shame, and emotional abuse. The only way out is separation and divorce. As lostdad and others have shared, it's emotionally exhausting because the straight spouse deserves love, honesty, kindness, and intimacy. My wife deserved more than an angry, cheating, adolescent husband addicted to gay porn. As so many have shared here, it's madness to stay in a sexless relationship with a gay-in-denial narcissist. What does the straight spouse get out of the relationship? The only way my wife could heal was away from me and my emotional abuse. Years or even decades spent in a toxic gay/straight relationship can never result in a happily ever after. We all know it and this forum is to help everyone accept the truth: gay/straight marriages just don't work.

​I hope that helps in some small way my friends.  

Last edited by Séan (February 3, 2017 2:18 pm)

Posted by Séan
February 4, 2017 6:57 am

From a recent post:

"Only two weeks after moving to my new home in Atlanta with him, it came out that he had struggled with his sexuality back in his 20's. He was raped repeatedly by his brother when he was very small, abused by his father throughout his whole life (physically/mentally), and mercilessly teased and humiliated by so many people in his life/in school...The common advice is: once gay, always gay.  I am not too certain of this...I have seen instances of the opposite, and that gave me a little hope. And I personally think it really IS a choice...He has lashed out at me in the past. Threatened me with taking away the necessary things I would need to do my job, therefore threatening my livelihood. He apologized for that, but much later."

​I've read similar versions of this scenario over and over again. A great deal of my thread has been dedicated to discussing narcissism, which is an extreme and highly toxic type of self-centeredness (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/basics/definition/con-20025568). Why? Because a lot of gay-in-denial husbands are full-blown narcissists who choose as partners very kind and caring people (often referred to as 'co-dependents' or 'empaths'). I know from experience because I'm a recovering narcissist and my ex-wife was an empath. So I know all too well the tricks gay-in-denial narc husbands will use to distract our partners.

​We narcissists bizarrely see ourselves as victims, even when we're clearly the aggressors. For example, a typical narc gay-in-denial tactic is refusing to have sex with our wives, which is a choice, and yet we blame our lack of interest in sex on the straight spouse. Typical blaming techniques are saying she's overweight, unattractive, not trying hard enough, or we'll try to impose bizarre rules like showering multiple times or other such nonsense. We choose caring people as partners because they go along with our constant stream of lies and bullsh*t for years...if not decades. The truth is we're not interested in sex with women because we're gay and want to have sex with other men. No amount of excuses, therapy, or dildos in the bedroom will change that basic fact.

​Eventually the straight wife discovers enough gay porn, proof of infidelity with men, or perhaps sex toys that she's had enough. She courageously confronts her gay-in-denial narc husband. He's caught and has to do something, anything to hit the relationship reset button so he can continue to be the victim while making her feel like the healer/protector. This is when he reveals the BIG LIE. "I was sexually abused as a child." This does three things: first, it allows him to continue being the victim. Second, it serves to justify all of his gay behaviour in the eyes of his straight spouse. And third, it evokes emotions of empathy with his straight wife. Whether or not these stories of sexual abuse are true, I don't think straight spouses should automatically believe gay-in-denial narc husbands who have spent their entire lives lying about everything.

​So what's my point? Don't always believe the "I was abused" excuse. No matter what happened in his past, nothing gives him the right to continue to abuse you, lie to you, nor cheat on you. It's like this: there is a difference between him getting drunk one night and then he hooks up with his male college roommate. That's a one-time event that happened under the influence of alcohol. He has serious mental issues when he tries to use former (and likely fictitious) sexual abuse to justify his porn stash, countless Craigs List hookups with anonymous men, or refusing to have sex with his wife for years on end. No matter what he's saying, don't fall for the trap that he gets a pass when you have to try even harder to make the relationship work. That's not love. If he's lied and manipulated for years, you're right to be skeptical about this latest story that only came up when his back was up against the wall.

I hope that helps in some small way my friends. 

Last edited by Séan (February 4, 2017 7:14 am)

Posted by Ruby
February 4, 2017 8:42 am


Just to be clear.  Is there anything a woman can do in the bedroom for a gay man that will sustain a long term monogamous sexual relationship?


Posted by Rob
February 5, 2017 12:41 am

"..sex is not just sex.  It is trust, intimacy, love, oneness.."

Agreed..   One can never get it back..  That our spouses broke this trust and oneness....it is just arrogant disrespect and hatred of us... The  ultimate F u .., the ultimate I will do whatever I want..our years together, our friendship/love/sex ... count for nothing..you are nothing..  That our spouses can be so morally horrible...it is that I'm glad to be away from..  It's so hard for me, because like yourselves,  I was so good to her..I treated like a queen?  a princess?  a goddess.   It seems that was wrong of me.

Yeah JK,  I still struggle with this....that our friendship and years together counted for nothing.. I will say this;   The years were not fake...this is not Dr. Who...they cannot rewrite history.   They are not gods or immortals that have the power to do that.   I had kids that prove we were married and at some point she loved me enough to have kids..  No matter how much she wants to erase it now she cannot.    She is
left then, a sad narcissist cooking up lies as to why we are divorced because her saying "it never happened" is ludicrous and crazy ..not normal.. and she can't have people thinking that of her. 

 I'm also stronger as a dad...they get fierce love and action  from me...but they always did.

 But myself...(why am I still here if I'm divorced)..  I am a not that strong...I'm alone and scared.

What am I scared of ?  

Her.   Physically and mentally..    I am strictly no contact to avoid the raging and cursing.

Myself..  I am scared I married such a morally corrupt person capable of what she did.  I guess my parents and teachers did not teach me there was such evil in the world.      I don't trust my judgement and I don't trust people.   And that is very sad because there are some very nice and kind people out there.


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Séan
February 5, 2017 8:18 am

Thank you Ruby, JK, and Rob for posting. In response to Ruby's question:

"Is there anything a woman can do in the bedroom for a gay man that will sustain a long term monogamous sexual relationship?" In my experience, the answer is no. I agree with what JK wrote and, like JK, it might help to answer your question with another question: ​

"Ruby, is there anything a lesbian woman could do for you (a straight woman) in the bedroom that would sustain a long term monogamous sexual relationship between the two of you?" 

The answer is likely no. I can't see how a relationship can last with one partner attracted to the same sex, and the other attracted to the opposite sex. This forum is full of posts written by straight spouses who bravely tried everything in the bedroom to please their gay spouses. While this may have improved things temporarily, over time the gay spouse went back to watching gay porn, having affairs, or boldly asking for threesomes with a same-sex partner.

​So no I don't believe there is anything a straight wife can do long term to keep a gay husband sexually interested in her. I believe intimacy is much more than just the mechanics of sex. I believe a spouse wants, needs, and deserves to feel desired by their partner. And no amount of conversion therapy, sex toys, nor bedroom gymnastics can change the simple fact that a gay man is attracted to men and not women.

​I hope that isn't too harsh Ruby and that I've answered your question. 

Last edited by Séan (February 6, 2017 3:27 am)

Posted by kk
February 5, 2017 11:04 pm

I keep coming back to this well of support. I read and read elsewhere, but here I can ask and you kind souls will answer. Thank you for that. Thank you so much.

I am struggling a bit. My husband is denying that he was ever really interested in men, claiming it was just a folly and he can't be gay because he 'didn't do anything'. Under intense questioning he vacillates between being straight, bi and 'unsure, but who needs labels?' and I am starting to question my position. I have recently taken sex 'off the table' because I just can't handle it right now and, even though we weren't having penetrative sex much, if at all, before, he seems to take this as a personal attack. Instead of just having a kind, affectionate interaction (which I have stated multiple times is still welcome with no expectation of physical intimacy), its a mix of the cold shoulder and derogatory comments about how 'all you (me) want is a roommate', silent fuming, open rage and a random selection of unrelated transgressions to accuse/grill me about. He's behaving so angrily about the idea of not having sex with me, and is so very angry still that I don't believe he is straight, that I just wonder if maybe I could possibly be mistaken about his orientation? I feel so sure that he doesn't want me physically, but he seems so frustrated and angry one moment, and otherwise fine in another moment, and back again. He says the switching back and forth is because he 'forgets that he isn't allowed to be himself' and then gets angry when he remembers. I just don't know what to do. I think he might even be bailing on counseling at this point. How can I be sure one way or the other? I don't want to ruin my marriage over a 'folly' but I feel so unwanted, even now in the face of his protests. I feel bullied about the sex thing and it makes me want to withdraw even more. After our last session he was so angry that I was afraid of his retaliation, not violent but just...angry and hostile and unpredictable. I hate feeling like this.

I'm sorry to be so needy and confused but I have no one else to talk to, as you all well know. Thank you in advance, even just for listening.

Posted by Séan
February 6, 2017 3:02 am

Thank you for writing KK. You're not being "needy" nor "confused" by asking questions. You're just being yourself: a kind, caring, and honest person. Your husband is needy and confused, not you. So please feel free to write/share here as much as you want. You're among friends. What you've described sounds very much like the confusion all straight spouses feel when living with gay-in-denial narcissists. If I'm reading what you shared correctly, the situation is as follows:

1. Denial: "My husband is denying that he was ever really interested in men, claiming it was just a folly and he can't be gay because he 'didn't do anything'."

2. Blame:  "...its a mix of the cold shoulder and derogatory comments about how 'all you (me) want is a roommate', silent fuming, open rage and a random selection of unrelated transgressions to accuse/grill me about.

3. Gaslighting (defined as "manipulating (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity"): "He's behaving so angrily about the idea of not having sex with me...I feel so sure that he doesn't want me physically, but he seems so frustrated and angry one moment, and otherwise fine in another moment, and back again. He says the switching back and forth is because he 'forgets that he isn't allowed to be himself' and then gets angry when he remembers."

4. Confusion/Fear: "I just don't know what to do...How can I be sure one way or the other? I feel bullied about the sex thing and it makes me want to withdraw even more. After our last session he was so angry that I was afraid of his retaliation, not violent but just...angry and hostile and unpredictable. I hate feeling like this. I'm sorry to be so needy and confused but I have no one else to talk to, as you all well know."

The feelings you've described KK, the fear, confusion, and bullying, sound a lot like emotional/physical abuse. Putting aside the gay thing for a moment, your marriage is clearly in trouble. Your husband is struggling, you are trying to help him, and rather than acknowledge and appreciate your loving support, he's using you as an emotional punching bag. That's not right.

​Given what you've written, I'm inclined to think your husband is throwing an adult temper tantrum because he's not getting what he wants. He doesn't want to go to counselling because there is a big, scary doctor questioning his ridiculous child-like behaviour. He wants to bail on counselling because the counsellor is 'taking your side' by calling bullsh*t on his excuses and questioning his sexuality. This makes him very uncomfortable so he's taking it out on you. It's the classic response of a narcissist. Narcs always see themselves as victims, even while being the aggressor. A perfect example would be your sex life. Let's look at the reality. You want to have sex with your husband which is normal and healthy. Your husband isn't interested in sex because he's a gay man. You've asked him why he isn't interested in sex and suggested counselling to work through your issues. Everything thing you've done is kind, caring, and honest. In his twisted narc logic, he gets to deny having sex with you, blames you for it, refuses counselling to address it, feels persecuted, and is now so angry you can't even discuss it. That's complete bullsh*t.

​So what now? KK it's time to take a short break and stop trying to glue the pieces of your Humpty Dumpty of a husband back together again. He's broken, angry, and abusive. Let's focus on you. First, I'd suggest you continue going to counselling, without your husband. Second, I'd urge you to reach out to the local chapter of Straight Spouses, make contact, and perhaps attend a meeting or find someone to talk to. Third, you should also reach out via private messages to some long-term members and perhaps have a phone call to share your problems. You are in a very toxic and potentially dangerous relationship. When we're in a burning house, we get outside as quickly as possible or risk going down in flames.  ​I hope that helps. Please keep coming back.

Last edited by Séan (February 6, 2017 3:04 am)

Posted by vicky
February 6, 2017 10:21 am

​I was in a similar situation.  He said he was just curious, or it was a turn on because it's taboo, or other guys online said it wasn't gay to watch gay porn.  Then it was me that was making him do these things.  Expect bizarre irrational behaviour, don't expect the truth.  I've made peace with the reality that it's not likely to become a topic we can discuss so my recommendation is not to interrogate him anymore, just accept it yourself and do not let him muddy the waters.  When you stop listening to him and remind yourself of the facts and that you are indeed sane you will feel better. 

​Mine got into a cycle of sharing and then regretting sharing which led to all the crazy making.  So he'd want to watch the bi/gay porn, then later he'd say that I had selected the porn then he'd say something like 'I want to watch something with some women in it'.  We went to a male strip club and he said I chose it, I did not!  I'm ashamed to say I started to believe him that I was making up that he has an SSA. 

​We're not discussing the gay thing at counselling we're trying to work on our communication, the rest may or may not follow.  If your husband declines counselling my best guess is he's not willing to face his sexuality and he doesn't want to be forced to discuss it with a counsellor.  My second piece of advice is to drop the topic for now, lay low and keep your eyes open. 


Posted by Séan
February 7, 2017 6:26 am

Thanks for sharing Vicky & Jen. The gay-in-denial husband is often a narcissist. And narcissism is like a form of toxic self-centredness that both gay and straight people use as a coping mechanism for shame. I know from experience because I am a recovering narcissist. Narcissists are attracted to kind, compassionate, and selfless partners who are often referred to as "empaths." JenS shared something important in her last post:

"Then he tried to crush me mentally so I did not get back up to challenge him again, and it escalated into behaviours that (I am embarrassed to say) are physically abusive. Then he started pursuing me for sex very aggressively like a horny teenage boy. I found this very repulsing and it didn't turn me on at all.   But he'd flipped the tables on me because I was rejecting him for sex so I became the frigid one."

Vicky shared something similar:

"Mine got into a cycle of sharing and then regretting sharing which led to all the crazy making.  So he'd want to watch the bi/gay porn, then later he'd say that I had selected the porn then he'd say something like 'I want to watch something with some women in it'.  We went to a male strip club and he said I chose it, I did not!  I'm ashamed to say I started to believe him that I was making up that he has an SSA."

​Narcissists often follow the same relationship patterns:

1. Idealize: this is the 'honeymoon' or 'love bombing' stage of the relationship. It's the fairy tale start.  

2. Devalue: ​This is the conflict, sexless, crazy-making, and blaming stage described by most straight spouses posting here.

​3. Discard: ​While this seldom happens with gay/straight marriages, it's when the narc partner has found someone else and now simply dumps their straight spouse; acting as if the relationship had never happened.  

Gay husbands bounce from one stage to the next and back again. This is what confuses straight wives, to a point they question their own sanity. It's what Jen and Vicky have described above. One moment he's 100% gay, watching gay porn during sex for example. Then he tries to hit the reset button. He tries to be straight again by denying he likes the porn or blaming his wife for forcing him to watch it. In my opinion, gay-in-denial narc husbands most fear losing their wives as cover. They've spent their entire lives hiding their true sexuality, to a point that it's become a part of them. So when they fear losing their 'beards' or wives who ensure they still look straight to the outside world, they panic and start doing everything possible to win you back. This includes love bombing you with affection, gifts, attention, or suddenly pursuing you sexually after years of sexual rejection. But make no mistake, once you're back in the relationship, the cycle begins anew and they start devaluating you again. It's cruel and unnecessary.

So what now? I believe Vicky, JK, Kel and many others are excellent examples of how straight wives move on. They all started by getting off their gay-in-denial husband's merry-go-round. When asking the question: "Are you gay?", a straight wife is only going to get spin from her gay husband. Rarely will she get the truth because her gay-in-denial husband is lying to himself and others. He simply doesn't believe he's gay and certainly won't admit it to the only person linking him to a straight existence. An honest person accepts the truth, accepts consequences, apologizes, and tries to make things better. A narcissist lies, denies, blames, and projects. So I believe the first step in healing is for the straight spouse to accept she can't fix nor change her gay husband. She's likely tried for years, if not decades, with little to show for it. She can only fix herself. This means taking a day, week, or month to focus 100% on herself and her own well-being. It means reconnecting with family & friends who love her more than they love her broken marriage. It means going to counselling without him.  It means contacting the Straight Spouse Network (tel: 773-413-8213) to find support groups in your area. It means posting here and perhaps contacting long-term members via private message. Once the straight wife has gained a little distance from her gay husband, only then will she start to see things more clearly.

​I hope that helps my friends. Be well.

Last edited by Séan (February 7, 2017 9:08 am)

Posted by foreverfooled
February 7, 2017 11:48 am

Sean, I agree with this statement,

". In my opinion, gay-in-denial narc husbands most fear losing their wives as cover. They've spent their entire lives hiding their true sexuality, to a point that it's become a part of them. So when they fear losing their 'beards' or wives who ensure they still look straight to the outside world, they panic and start doing everything possible to win you back. This includes love bombing you with affection, gifts, attention, or suddenly pursuing you sexually after years of sexual rejection. But make no mistake, once you're back in the relationship, the cycle begins anew and they start devaluating you again. It's cruel and unnecessary"

This is what I believe is my husbands fear. On one hand he tells me to leave as he isn't going , and he tells me how unhappy and trapped (sound familiar anyone) he feels. Then if I tell him I will go but he'll have to help me out a bit financially for awhile, he says no to that. He doesn't have the money to do that but..he still has money for whatever he wants..

I did leave him a few years back, but he would call me to ask me to come home and work on things. Those things would be his complete non-interest in me as a wife, his partner, making me feel loved, caring about things I wanted, dating , romance, yada. Him putting ME before his best friend and since he knew I felt his friend was GID and possibly they were having an affair and his wife felt the same as me.., getting rid of him as a friend in order to work on our marriage. I would have De-friended anyone that I felt could be a direct result of my marriage ending. He would not do it. In fact, while I was gone his friend starting visiting more and I knew it! Instead of 2 days a week, he would come over 3 days a week. He would talk to him for hours on the phone each month, many conversations lasting for 1 1/2 hrs to 2 at a time.WTF, he couldn't talk to me for longer than 5 minutes at a time and then I could tell he wasn't listening to a damn word I was saying. I remember years ago,(many, before I started thinking anything was wrong here) that they would go out and sit in his workroom, and I would come out when ready for bed and tell him in so many words that I was feeling frisky and he should come up before I went to sleep. Nope, didn't happen! He almost always preferred to stay in his workroom with his best friend. Another time I walked out and sat next to him on our two seat patio furniture while his arm was outstretched along the back railing. His friend was sitting across from him and I noticed he slowly pulled his arm away from the railing as if I were getting too close somehow in front of his friend. Another time he came back from a fishing trip with his friend and I noticed no fish. So I said what kind of bait/lure did you use. Did you do fly-fishing? He friends looked up at my husband- but I don't think my husband noticed it much- and had a sly smile come across his face, while licking his teeth ever so lightly and said slowly drawn out " fly fishing" I though that such a weird comment for him to make. I went inside grabbed my head and thought WTF was that about and all the sudden it came to me ..zipper/fly/pants yeah,..but I was crazy for thinking this of course! They would both gaslight me together. One time his friend came over and acted surprised when i told him my husband wasn't home, but I knew they had been on the phone a bit earlier. So, I looked right at him and said " Really, you know better than me as to where he is at .." and he admitted at that point that yes, they had spoken, he was at so and so, and he would be home shortly.. Another time I placed a VAR in his car and heard him go somewhere, a guy got in and my husband said " 5 bucks" the guy protested somewhat and my husband screamed at him in a tone usually  reserved only for me and my children " 5 buck or get the hell out"! This was long time ago, like 12 years and I didn't know what to make of it then, I guess I didn't think much about it as that was somewhere I would NEVER go in my head. I used to tell my Mother how he was obsessed with wanting non traditional forms of sex, nagging for it constantly even though he knew I did not like it. She would say to me " but honey, if that is all he wants most the time, why he can just as well do that with a man".. still didn't get through to me... This was not something I could even imagine at that time to be possible, he was so manly acting. I'm rambling now.

I have never seen gay porn on our pc but he is much more pc literate than me and he is up in the middle of the night most nights, on the computer, and what I have seen any experienced over the course of our marriage isn't normal in anyway. He calls me crazy, tells me to leave as I am a no good wife, treats me badly for years and doesn't want to let me go?. IF he wanted me gone I would be! Going back to your post now I know he wants me here as I have always been but-wants me to go back to deaf, dumb, blind mode. A Beard and Cover. Cant do it! I have to work on myself and getting out of the crazy.


Last edited by foreverfooled (February 7, 2017 11:56 am)


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