The worst pain - known only by straight spouses

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Posted by Keepinghope
January 15, 2017 4:10 pm

Thanks Lostdad. I've read so much, but your summary is just perfect, along with the comments that follow. I've been through a lot in my 66 years in earth, but for me this was the worst. At the beginning it felt like both my arms and legs had been ripped away and my torso tossed in the street and rolled over by cars. I'm not joking. The ultimate betrayal. Shakes you to your core. I truly believe it would have been easier if he had died, along with his secret.

I've clawed my way back pretty much but I will always carry the hurt sadness and anger, to some degree. I'm trying to release it all.

I'd like to take your words and post them on a billboard for the world to see. Especially the ones who,said stupid things like "these things happen." Arghh!

Wouldn't you consider publishing your words somewhere? A book, a blog, an interview? We need to be seen and heard.

Thank you Lostdad.

Posted by Keepinghope
January 15, 2017 4:16 pm

And after reading all the posts here, I know it is not the worst thing that can happen. I consider myself lucky in so many ways. I have a nice home, wonderful friends and family, a good job. At my age, I can't wish for anything else.

But at the time it hits, it is so intense it feels like the end of the world. I never knew that kind of pain before or since. But we can heal and move on. Now I want to encourage newbies not to get stuck in the pain. I can still cry 18 months later, but most days I don't. Keep hope that better times will come. They will.

Posted by lily
January 15, 2017 4:27 pm

I'd just like to add, I think maybe part of the reason there is such a lack of support for the straight spouse is that so many many many marriages include a closet spouse and there's so much pain associated with it so the straight spouses are instinctively avoiding the pain.

Posted by phoenix
January 16, 2017 6:12 pm

I'm glad people find my observations to be helpful.  I won't claim to be any sort of poet or writer, but it felt like the thoughts came together clearly in my head one night and I wanted to capture and share it. 

I've been thinking about using this for my own personal coming out party.  I want to "come out" as a straight spouse.  I want to raise awareness for the people affected by this tragedy.  I want to bring attention to the innocent lives that are ruined when gay people try to hide and avoid how they are wired.  I'm sick of reading the applause given to people who come out as gay after divorcing their hetero spouse and I want to see support and consolation given to those wives and husbands and children who had their lives crushed by a fraud. 

So I'm thinking about revisiting the original text to see if I can clean it up and make it a bit shorter and easier to read.  Perhaps a bit more poetic.  Perhaps I'll post it as a blog and create my own blog site or maybe I can get the Str8 spouse homepage to post it in their blog.  Then I'm thinking about posting it publicly on my facebook page and sharing what I consider to be my new cause in life.  I desperately want to validate my pain and agony by using it to help others.  I'm a deeply religious person and I believe God is in control of my life and uses the hard times for good.  I haven't been able to see the good in my own life so I cling to the hope that I can help others get through their struggles.  Maybe my advice can ease someone else's pain.  Maybe my support can convince someone that they have a future and a life worth living so they can get through this.  Maybe I can save a life someday by preventing a suicide.  That would make my agony worth enduring. 


Last edited by lostdad (January 16, 2017 6:13 pm)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by maresyd
January 16, 2017 7:36 pm

lostdad, admirable that you want to help others see what they can get through.  Congratulations on finding your way through that older post.  
Any person who hides and lies who they are can't be having much fun either, I suppose.  I think the turning point for me was not accepting his behavior or feeling sorry for him, or sorry for myself.   I realize that if there was more open same sex marriage, maybe he wouldn't have chosen to hide in ours.  Maybe he would have.  But the more evil we make being gay, the more people will hide in fear of persecution.  the thing is, being a manipulator, liar, cheat....this is not only reserved for the gay community.  Lots of people do it.  One has nothing to do with the other, it just seems like it does when we are in the middle of it.  Our feelings of double betrayal are that we believe everything was a lie. We question everything. We are tentative and distrusting after it happens.  But I'm guessing anyone is who has been through trauma, or a victim of a crime.  We are the walking wounded.  
But it's what we do with the wounds, how we heal them, and how we continue to open them that matters in the process, right? 
Hugs to all

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”
Posted by Rob
January 16, 2017 9:15 pm


Go for it.   I've gone through this and it's just not totally in my rearview yet....
I would like to help others but I still need  some help also.  Getting there.

I go to mass alone. I'm there to thank God and pray for strength and for my family.  I'm getting used to going alone even though I see all the intact families which makes me sad.  This Sunday during the our father I have no one to hold hands with.ok...the mother behind me (with her beautiful family) puts her hand on my shoulder as we are all praying as a community.  I could all but stop  myself from crying..does she know how starved for physical contact of any sort I am?  A complete stranger could touch me but my now ex wife  could not.  My ex told me I was garbage and withdrew all physical  contact like a light switch. 

I offer a warm hug to my fellow straights.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by phoenix
January 16, 2017 10:40 pm

Rob wrote:


I would like to help others but I still need some help also. Getting there.

Rob, I think this sums up most of the people on this board.  We have a constant flow of new people who are still in the early shock phase and of course are clinging to life and trying to figure out how to get through it.  The rest of us are months or years past D-Day and are getting better..  but we all still need help.  The beauty of this forum is that we can all give help and get help..  it's mutually beneficial.  Even giving help is helping ourselves.  In my case it makes me feel so much better about myself and my experience.  It gives a reason for what I went through and a chance to make something good come from all the horrible. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by phoenix
January 17, 2017 10:12 am

Hi JenS. 
Welcome to the club.  I'm so sorry to hear your story.  My heart goes out to you.  Many of us were betrayed and lied to by awful people who stole our lives away from us.  But some of us had it even worse and were abused, both physically and mentally.  I'm so sorry you fall into this last category.  You deserved better that this in life.  I'm so happy to hear that you have taken steps to reclaim your life and move forward without that awful man.  Go Jen!!!!

As I said, there are some ladies here who were abused for years.   I'm hoping that Judy will post here or reach out to you with help and advice.  There are a lot of others as well.  

You will find help and support here.. .you came to the right place. 

I will tell you that you don't need to keep the secret.  You don't owe him that.  I'm not saying you should publicly out him.. that would backfire and he could be dangerous.  But you must find some close friends and family that you can confide in and ask for help and support.  

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by Rob
January 17, 2017 11:32 am


Sad welcome and an OMG..just omg..

My ex became a mean narcissist when she started cheating .  This escalated when we started divorce as I said one word to her;  "No!".      But your story is outright physical abuse.    You do realize you could have him removed from the home...not that I'm suggesting that.   But gay spouse takes the cake and makes mine look like a saint..and she was bad.   Locked you in a room?   I would call the police...gheesh..   did you tell your lawyer?

".. I have been to court twice now, but he won't attend or participate in the court process so the judge is reluctant to deal with the issues if he is unrepresented. "

My experience was an expensive divorce as made so by my narcissist.  The thing about the court in my state is once you file the divorce  they want it settled..they do not want it backlogging them after almost 2 years the judge dragged both our lawyers into court and said settle today or we set a trial date.    Your spouse , once you file,  cannot simply ignore the divorce complaint... after a year or so the court will drag him in and force him to settle in someway...  if you last that long.  Therein lies the hell with a divorcing a narcissist.  

Your lawyer is duty bound to carry out your divorce..  the problem is your soon to be ex can drag it out and make your life a living hell.    Your lawyer should be able to help you deal with this somehow... it may mean you somehow move out.  

Please protect yourself...  do not poke the (gay) bear..Do not bother looking for an admission or explanation.. But explain to him that you need to settle and any more physical abuse with be met with legal action.    You have to settle so you can both move cannot go on forever.   

The law and my lawyer saying "No".. was the only thing that forced my narc ex to stop her mean tactics and solve her legal and financial  issues if she wanted out of the marriage.    I lived in physical fear never knowing what I would come home to.

Strong prayers for you..  it is a season.. a valley..  we must go through the valley..but it has an end..  it cannot
go on forever.   The end remains elusive and unseen takes busloads of faith, perseverance, fortitude.  

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Kel
January 17, 2017 11:57 am

Hi Jen,

I'm so sorry to hear what you've been going through for so long.  What you've endured is just horrific.  No human has the right to do that to another person.

Your husband is gay, and for whatever reason, appearing straight is the single most important thing in the world to him.  More important than his marriage, than his children, than living honestly and authentically.  He will therefore do ANYTHING to protect the secret from coming to light.  No one does or will ever care about his secret as much as he does.  He is never going to admit that he's gay - he can't even admit it to himself.  The secret is so important that he will abuse his wife to keep it.  It's never going to come out as truth from his lips to you or anyone else you ever tell.  BUT..... this is YOUR life, too.  YOU have every right to tell anyone and everyone that YOUR husband is gay and you've been suffering in an abusive relationship to hide the fact that he's gay.  If he wanted the fact that he's gay to be only HIS secret, then he could have remained unmarried and uncommitted and done whatever he wanted on the down-low.  He didn't do that - he committed to you falsely that he was straight (which is implied in a male/female relationship unless otherwise disclosed).  He stood and committed to you before God that he'd put you before all others - but that was NEVER his intention - he fully intended to put himself before you and all others, and he has.  He is a liar and a fake - and you have every right to walk away without guilt, and to disclose your life's story to anyone you so desire.  That's your right.

He will continue to be cruel and try to manipulate the truth to suit his needs.  Count on it.  Forever, unless someone offers him a reason to believe that life would be better if he came out as gay.  Don't count on that happening.  He will do anything to protect his secret, which means that you need to assume every.single.step of the way that he's going to attempt to make you out to be a liar, a crazy person, and evil.  He will not slink silently away - which would honestly be so much easier for you both.  THE.SECRET is the most important thing here, so he will fight to protect that as if it is his baby.  Protect yourself physically, emotionally and financially.  Take all that you can, because the only things you will leave with are what you decide to take.  He's never going to give you more than what you clutched to yourself as your right.  So many of us are just glad to get OUT of the situation that we figure we're willing to lose it all - and we willingly give up too much just to prove that this isn't about money or possessions.  But you've endured much and for a long, long time.  Take what you need to survive moving forward - it's your right and you need to fight for it.

I wish you the best.  Continue to seek counseling for yourself.  Continue to move forward with your lawyer.  Get away from this man and you'll see how much better life will be.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

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