Happy Holidays to all of you!
I've been gone for quite a while - had to focus on fixing the mess I was in. I have had an exceptionally hard time of it. He gave me a hell I cannot describe. I am on the other side now. Divorced 18 months, gone from the house 13 months. I had a very hard time of it but was blessed by all of you and your support. Thank you so much for being there for me. Patti, Steve, Sam, it's good to see you all.
I literally thought that this experience was going to kill me. I remember a couple of years ago when i was trying to get out lying on my bed in my room exhaling and trying to will myself dead. It didn't work. The emotional pain I was in was horrific. Then, as I moved forward with the divorce, etc., he put me through a hell I cannot describe or discuss here. It reads as a horror movie and I'm lucky to be alive. He would have rather seen me dead or destroyed then to let me leave with his secret. I sometimes think he will have me killed if he can. He is already telling everyone in the entire town that I am very, very sick and a psych patient and on psych meds. None of which is true. Just more lies on top of lies on top of lies on top of lies. He is a very, very sick man.
I have my own place now. It's a nice place. I have my 3 cats and it's just us. I don't have many friends as I was so isolated for so many years. It's hard to overcome the depression sometimes and put myself back out there to meet people. I'm so exhausted from the whole ordeal. I don't have much family so I get really lonely a lot. I have a good job and they love me and I am truly blessed with that. So, so far I'm doing okay.
I thought maybe I could pop in from time to time to see if I can give back. God only knows I have a wallop of an experience and maybe I could be of help to the newbies.
Love and Peace to you all. And thank you.