Posted by Kel ![]() January 9, 2017 1:15 pm | #201 |
Hi Sharon,
I've read all of what you've written here. I'm sorry you've been going through this for so long. The one recurring thought I kept having throughout your explanation of your husband's behavior is "WHY is she still with this guy?".
Yes, he's DEFINITELY gay. But even if that weren't self-evident, it doesn't matter - he's been unfaithful to you, he's betrayed you, he's lied to you and deceived you. He's tried to make you look and feel crazy for trying to protect yourself by understanding the truth within your marriage. He's treated you as though his body is a prize that you cannot access - not the vessel that his soul resides in. He's shown NO compassion for giving you the truth and kindness you are entitled to in your marriage. He's not even a decent companion anymore. He's been a TERRIBLE husband to you. His pulling away from both you and your son leaves you two alone anyway, so why keep him around? He's a terrible example to your son of what a husband and father should be. You are setting your son up for misery by leaving this man in place in the home.
You don't need to leave him because he's gay. You can and should leave him because he's a miserable excuse for a husband and you're not happy and you need to get away from his toxicity. The gay thing (along with being narcissistic) is the root of why he's behaving the way he is. But it's not what he's done wrong - all the rest is a reason to divorce even if you had no evidence of what the root cause is. You have everything you need to walk away. You don't owe him a THING - you're leaving because you're miserable with him. Period. You can't tolerate accepting this any longer. You are assured unhappiness if you stay. That's enough reason to leave.
All the best to you -
Posted by sharon647 ![]() January 9, 2017 2:09 pm | #202 |
I have 3 more semesters until I am finished with my BSN. I want out of this marriage NOW. I honestly can't take this shit anymore. I am going to just tell him to leave and I want a divorce, I can't sugar coat it and don't want to. I am afraid of what I might do..and I don't want my story to play out on Snapped or the ID channel. I have thought about what it's doing to our son and I won't even mention how he treated my other son (his step-son). My oldest won't even come around, he's 25, because of him. My son and I are good but when you mess with my's on! I hate who I've become. I especially wasn't raised to take shit off of anyone. And yes, I do want revenge for all the fucking years this asshole has stolen from me and what he's done to our family.
Posted by Séan ![]() January 9, 2017 2:43 pm | #203 |
Good for you Sharon. Getting angry means getting active. Don't waste your time on revenge nor trying to get the truth out of a black-belt liar. Living a good and happy life, without him, is the ultimate revenge. In reply to your questions:
Q: Sean did you treat your wife differently or more different once you thought your wife knew and thought she might expose you?
A: Yes and that's a very good question. I firmly believe that deep down, underneath all of the bullsh*t, there exists in every human being a core self that cannot deny the truth. This is why I believe so many of us experience depression, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, addictions, acting out, low sex drive etc. before accepting the whole truth. I myself went through terrible depression the last few years of my marriage because deep down, I knew I was gay, I knew my wife had already figured it out, and a reckoning was coming. Given my own experience and what I've read here, I firmly believe that once a closeted gay man's homosexuality goes from the virtual world of online porn to actually having sex with other men, the marriage is over. Once I'd had sex with a man for the first time, I just couldn't be intimate with my wife. I tried very hard to remain in the relationship, but my heart just wasn't in it anymore. In fact, I started to reject her in little ways such as squirming out of hugs, refusing to have sex, and just generally being terrible to her. In retrospect, I think I was trying to get her to leave me because I was too scared to come out then ask for a divorce. I also believe I was trying to pre-emptively reject her before she had a chance to reject me. That's very f*cked up. I don't recall fearing disclosure because I very quickly came out to my family and friends. But I can see how the fear of disclosure leads some gay-in-denial narcissists (or sociopaths) to tell their friends and family the straight spouse is crazy, is gay, is cheating etc. This is called projecting and it's common among narcissists. Getting back to your question: yes I acted horribly to my wife as some sort of deranged build up to disclosure. I wish I had handled it differently, but I was just too terrified of being gay and the consequences of being gay so I acted like some immature teen hiding a secret.
I hope I've answered your questions. If not, please feel free to write again.
Last edited by Séan (January 9, 2017 3:02 pm)
Posted by Rob ![]() January 9, 2017 2:44 pm | #204 |
Don't seek revenge.. But don't build any bridges either. Work on planning your exit.
I think we all need some righteous anger and it actually helps our strength a bit to get through this.. We need to be strong for our kids. For me.. you can do whatever you want to me but rule #1 of a marriage don't hurt the kids.. but that's exactly what our spouses have done the millisecond they decided that cheating is ok. They were in no way thinking of the kids.
So much destruction and hurt.. all we can do is get away from these people and move on.. Revenge will get us nothing.
Posted by sharon647 ![]() January 9, 2017 3:30 pm | #205 |
the revenge I seek is in his wallet. My last marriage (I was the other woman) I left with nothing but joint custody. He was a narcissist woman beater. I gave my husband now fair warning (about cheating, lying, etc) before we ever got married as to what I would do. I begged for the truth and told him if he'd just give me a divorce, I would leave without draining his retirement. I want him to suffer because right now money seems to be his thing now or his excuse for his strange behavior. My birthday was yesterday and I received absolutely nothing but it's ok because it only reinforces my need to get out!
Posted by Kel ![]() January 9, 2017 3:34 pm | #206 |
Know that you asking him to leave might not make him leave. When it comes to narcissists, they don't feel the guilt that usually goes along with what other people feel - the part that makes them feel it's their duty to leave. Don't be surprised if you and your son need to leave. I'm not trying to scare you, but it's a very real, very possible scenario. You will see your husbands WORST once he realizes he's up against something that he can't change. He'll expect that he can throw a fit to get you to back down. Then when he realizes that isn't working, he'll try to give you the changes you've requested and desired from him all along. Don't believe it. I personally found it very insulting that my gay ex only wanted to make changes after I called the entire things quits and told him I wanted to divorce. That meant that until it affected HIM, he had no desire to make changes. Which meant that my needs, wants, desires and feelings never mattered to him. He knew I was angry and despondent over him not changing, but he didn't care enough to even attempt to make the changes. He had no desire to please anyone but himself. It was only when his plan on how that should be done were dashed that he figured he'd better try a different route - to get what HE wanted. Too little, too late.
Once that doesn't work, then he'll get mean. He'll try to make you look crazy to everyone. He'll act immature and entitled and won't do anything that isn't required by the law. But that's okay - if you want your freedom from this toxicity bad enough, you'll gnaw your arm off to get out of the trap. Don't let the fear of the loss of that limb deter you. People who are afraid to go on without the limb never gnaw it off - they die in the trap with their damned arm intact. Pointless. I was surprised to see that a lot of my metaphorical arm "grew back" afterward - a surprise I was not expecting. I was left with scars - but they are pliable enough now that it's only battle scars to be proud of.
You can do this!!!
Posted by sharon647 ![]() January 9, 2017 3:46 pm | #207 |
Well, this man is also a coward and really afraid of me. I will do what I did with my first husband, he will come home and all of his shit will be in the yard. I do not play nice. Once you screw me over, it's on. Especially when it's done over and over again. When I ask him to leave, I will ask nice only once! I will not do this in front of my child...another thing just occurred to me, this is why my husband always insists our son stay home or is around. What a schmuck!
Posted by Kel ![]() January 9, 2017 5:06 pm | #208 |
Yep! This game gets much easier once you have them figured out.
More power to ya when it comes to packing his sh*t and putting it all out! I'd be SO happy to have done that to my ex. I'd have felt so empowered! But alas, he gave me almost no reason to know what was wrong. I'd just reached my limit one day on continuing to live unhappy - no matter the reason. So I didn't feel right putting him out. Hindsight is 20/20, though - he knew what he was doing all along. He just made himself look like a victim to everyone for a long time. And it worked - for a while. And then it didn't anymore.
It's pretty pathetic that he's using your 15 year-old as a pawn to control your behavior. Not really concerned about either you or your son(s) - only in getting what he wants - no matter how he gets it. Makes you wonder why they don't just come out already. It's got to be easier in a lot of ways than the constant manipulation, lying and head games!
Posted by Séan ![]() January 10, 2017 5:22 am | #209 |
Thanks Kel and Sharon. As Byron posted in a separate thread, it's unlikely asking: "Are you gay?" will prompt an honest response at first. When your spouse has hidden his/her sexuality for years, if not decades, you're not going to get the truth. In fact, you'll probably never even get an apology. Gay-in-denial spouses have spent a lifetime manipulating and lying to themselves and others. Once you've accepted your spouse is gay, you then have to decide what you're going to do...alone. Your marriage is now over and it's time to grieve it. While painful, this can also be empowering. The only person you can change is you. And only you can take action.
As Kel and others have shared, when your gay spouse is also a narcissist or sociopath, you can't love them back into the marriage. They're already gone. Now that I'm out, I consider myself a recovered narcissist and I know the personality type all too well: self-centred; manipulative; delusional; and calculating. Narcissists are like scorpions. They sting with their words and do nothing but prey on people who are kind and caring. So when dealing with a gay-in-denial narcissist, think of yourself as chatting away with a scorpion, hugging a scorpion, planning your future with a scorpion. Until your gay spouse comes out and apologizes, all they'll do is sting you.
My point is that if you're planning to confront a gay-in-denial spouse as Sharon plans to do, BE PREPARED. Gather all your proof he/she is gay, consult a lawyer, know your rights, draw up divorce papers, and then pull the trigger. Keep in mind that this is not a negotiation. The only safe places for a scorpion are in a tightly-sealed jar or crushed under the heel of your boot.
I hope that helps in some way my friends.
Posted by Ruby ![]() January 10, 2017 10:20 am | #210 |
I didn't figure out that my ex is gay until after we separated. I kicked him out when I discovered he was cheating. I gave him no opportunity to negotiate. I never considered trying to save it. During my efforts to obtain information for my divorce I discovered gay porn. After the dust had settled and I was on my own I put all the pieces together and realized he is gay. It was in that moment that I understood why my marriage was void of sex and affection. Since it didn't make a difference in my divorce I put that information aside and processed it in my own time. My ex was and is in deep denial. My children were not ready to hear that their father was gay and it would have only put them in a he said/she said between their parents. As a result, I always felt as if I was being dishonest with them. It was a very difficult time.
Five years after we separated one child decided she wanted to live with him. Within a few months she became very ill. As a result I was forced into regular contact with my ex. Knowing I was going to have to spend time with him over the next few months possibly year, I confronted him in the hospital. I told him that I knew he was gay and that he had hijacked my life for his own selfish reasons. I told him to stay as far away from me as possible because his presence in my life was unwelcome. He never said a word but his reaction confirmed everything I knew.
The therapists tried to put us in family counseling. I told each and everyone of them that my child's father/my ex was a closeted gay man interested only in keeping his secret and maintaining his reputation. I told them that family therapy was hopeless because he will lie whenever necessary and frequently when not necessary.
My ex demanded continued visitation. I begged the therapists to intervene. It took about three weeks before all three of my child's caregivers wrote a joint email to my ex telling him that my child should stay exclusively with me and only visit him in small doses and never overnight. This is a position that my older child had already declared. The email was less than a few dozen words in length but left nothing in question.
My child's illness was caused by her father's secrets and lies and came to a head when she moved in with him. During this time she saw him more realistically. The stories she told even shocked me. It is very sad when a child discovers that a parent is not their hero. Once back with me, I gave her avenues to express her feelings, mostly anger. Eighteen months later she is doing great; seeing her father one or two afternoons a month.
Now that both of my children have a more realistic view of their father my relationship with them has blossomed. One child has figured out that he is gay and I believe the other suspects. There is light at the end of the tunnel but it is imperative to see the situation for what it is. If you have been married for more than a few years and your spouse has not been honest with you, it is unlikely that they ever will be unless they are caught red handed. I have no interest in being my spouse's ethics police. Trust is number one priority in a marriage and that train has left the station once they start keeping secrets. My recommendation is to leave now and allow everyone the opportunity to have a better life. The longer you stay the more severe the consequences.