Posted by blankcanvas December 17, 2024 9:10 am | #1 |
Hello All,
I have never been one to really use forums online but this community seems so positive and helpful for many, and it has been heartwarming to see all the support for such a tender and specific pain that so many have felt. I'm currently on month 6th of my situation and I am really struggling to make a decision on what to do in regards to my marriage and life. I have been with my wife for 12 years, since we were 20 and 19, and have been with each other throughout the entire time with little to no true fights or serious arguments. I have always known she has had feelings of being bisexual, and that has never bothered me or caused me insecurity. Over the last half year or so though, she had become increasingly distant with me, to the point I felt extremely shut out and trying to figure out if I did something wrong at some point. After about a month of just strained interaction, she tells me she had gotten drinks with a new friend who was her age, also married, and tells me this new friend had hit on her at the bar and confided feelings for her. She then tells me that it has awakened this deep sense of self in her and that she is struggling with her sexuality more than ever before. She even tells me she wishes she didn't feel this way, and I completely believe her.
After she tells me this, we go back and forth over how she is feeling and she tells me she feels like it is a part of her that she needs to explore. I love her deeply and would not be okay knowing that she could live a life full of regret. She tells me it's not just sexual for her and she wants to explore a relationship with a woman, which was more painful, and we agree that if she is going to explore that she can't do it in our home. I stay with some friends for two weeks and she moves out about a month later after this and starts dating a new woman. In this time we agreed that if she is going to begin a full on relationship, I want to at least date and explore what that feels like as it is something I have never done as a young adult since we have been together since we were so young.
I feel like we have had really great communications throughout all of this, and I have been as supportive of her as possible without completely destroying myself. She has come to me in the last month or so and has stated that if I told her that in that instant that I wanted to absolutely make things work and be together, that she would break it off with the person she is with and we would get back together. I care for her so much and there is still a lot of love there, but to be honest I am deeply afraid that she hasn't worked through her feelings and that she is just experiencing the honeymoon phase being over with this new person. She has even stated in the past that being with a woman felt more sexually natural to her, but stated that she feels truly bisexual, as she still thinks of me sexually. Also with it being the holidays, I don't want to react to these feelings out of sadness and desperation just because it is hard in the moment. She will also need to break up with the person she is with now, which Im sure will be its own full process of heartache for her and will take a good amount of time as they have been seeing each other for a few months now. I would not want to reignite our relationship in the shadow of her current relationship, and just jumping from one thing to the next.
I'm completely at a loss of what to do at this point, because I feel like I need more time to truly know what I want as I have lived my life surrounded by divorce, while simultaneously not wanting to wait forever to move on with my life. I have been going to therapy which has been semi helpful, and she is going to begin going herself here soon. It feels like every time we talk that the ball is in my court on how we move forward, and she assures me it's not, but then I feel like I am the one who needs to say the right thing and demand us be together and convince her I mean it. But I have also built up some walls to protect myself, so I feel like I'm in a mental loop and can't truly make a decision. We talked so much about having a house and kids, which is what she brings up a lot of the time when we talk about the future, as she still sees this with us. When she brings it up though, I almost have an adverse reaction to it because I can't handle all of the dreaming and mourning of futures that have failed to emerge. There are definitely things that weren't working in our relationship now that enough time has passed for me to reflect.
I'm at a point where when someone asks me what do I want in all this I truly don't know because I feel like I'm still spinning, but at the same time enough time has passed where Im getting increasingly frustrated that I don't know. Has anyone else felt this way with having to make their decision?
Posted by Blackie563 December 17, 2024 10:17 am | #2 |
Hey blankcanvas - welcome to the forum no one wants to be a part of, but we are all here
I am sorry you are here, but glad you found us. I think it would be helpful to consider several things:
1. her sexuality is not the point, the only point that really matters is she is choosing someone else and not you. My ex wife said the same initial "I want to want us, but I just want her" she said. Just because someone is bi, doesnt mean its not cheating. Cheating is cheating. period.
2. She is putting all of this on you. "If you want to stay together, I will make it work" she said. That is a massive grand canyon sized red flag that not only is she not done exploring, she wants you to function as a parental figure and make the decision for her. Thats not a healthy relationship....
3. Actions matter, words do not. Just because she says she wants to be with you, what are her actions showing you? If it is you that consistetly has to say the right things, do the right things etc, where is her accountability?
I can not decide for you. No one care. Take the time you need and focus on YOU. Clearly, that is what your wife is doing, focusing on herself and not you at all. Words DO NOT matter. Only actions.
Be well my friend. Its a long journey, but life gets really good on the other side. I am in a healthly relationship now and looking back at my marriage, it was not only toxic, but it was manipulative in every way.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz December 17, 2024 12:16 pm | #3 |
blankcanvas wrote:
I'm at a point where when someone asks me what do I want in all this I truly don't know because I feel like I'm still spinning, but at the same time enough time has passed where Im getting increasingly frustrated will have to stop spinning first. The Mindfuck is a process and it's not often a straightspouse can make definite decisions about something as deep and disabling as your whole world changing.....
You need space and yourself but with connection with others...friends, really think about what your wife has done to the r'ship you had with her.
Posted by Alex1984 December 17, 2024 1:31 pm | #4 |
Hi blackcanvas
Sorry to find you here.
You do need to step back a bit, it feels like you're spinning. It's hard, but many people have been through it before and so will you!
This forum is helpful, if your goal is to separate, most people on here will steer you in that direction. If you want more balanced advice try these groups on Facebook:
I strongly recommend couple's counseling to move you guys through the crisis. Polyamory can be enjoyable and if you want to explore it, you need to equip yourself with some new knowledge and also un-learn a few things. Read "Ethical Slut" if you're into reading. Don't believe the scaremongering that opening the relationship is the point of no return. You can easily open your relationship and then close it again (my bi husband and I did, so do many other people).
Good luck! You got this!
Posted by lily December 17, 2024 5:38 pm | #5 |
A straight partner in a mom is always at a disadvantage, it is not a level playing field, they are vulnerable because they are for real while their partner is just playing at being straight. And monogamy matters.
Blank Canvas has expressed that he has taken steps to emotionally protect himself which is good for him and I hope he doesn't dismantle that protection any time soon.
There was a poster here, Diff, gay man who came out of the closet and he said when he got romantic with a man it was like the light of the sun to a flashlight. Yes. Same when you get two straights getting romantic.
Sexual attraction is magnetic - whole different ballgame when you're both magnetised.
In answer to your question BlankCanvas - yes difficult to get real answers. The point came with my ex gay in denial husband that I still hadn't got any answers and hadn't twigged that he was denying being gay. I said to him, after yet another fruitless attempt to have a real conversation with him where he would complain that I was pressuring him by wanting to talk, that he had 3 months to start talking and give me some answers and then when he did nothing I said to him I am giving you another 3 months incase you didn't understand I was serious and he laughed but of course I was serious and when the 3 months were up I didn't want to talk with him anymore, I had accepted I was alone in the relationship and started making my way like I did before marriage, as a single person.
From the perspective of a straight spouse, it looks to me like there's a huge reality gap between her saying to you let's buy a house and have a family and her saying she is romantically attracted to women. Where's the bit where your romantic needs are met?
Last edited by lily (December 17, 2024 6:33 pm)
Posted by freedmyself December 17, 2024 7:09 pm | #6 |
Hi blankcanvas - I'm really sorry for everything you're going through. It's confusing and heartwrenching.
I'm with Blackie - curious about the part in your post where she said that if you wanted to make things work, she would break it off with the person she's with. Sounds like she wants to make YOU responsible for whether you're together or not, when it's actually HER looking elsewhere that has your relationship unravelling. As far as divorce goes - I think there are more than a few people on this forum who are glad to be divorced instead of married to someone who'd rather be with a whole different gender, whose attention is directed outside the marriage while we're at home wondering what we could do to improve the relationship. In my case, the GXH pulled out all the stops to blame distance and conflict on me. Divorce is a fresh start.
Posted by blankcanvas December 17, 2024 8:25 pm | #7 |
Hi All, thanks for such well thought out and kind responses. It's truly amazing to get to talk to people who are going through/have gone through something similar and being able to hear your perspectives and stories.
In response to a few things that were brought up, we did try to initially open up the relationship, but to be honest it quickly became something I did not feel like would work for us or me. Not because of ethical concerns, but because it just felt off and in a way felt one sided. I was open to getting to date other people, but not while we both lived in the same household, as it just felt too painful.
Lily brought up a great point about the light feeling like a sun to a flashlight, as I have gotten to experience that with someone else and it was almost mind altering in how different I felt. Im still actually trying to deal with missing that person on top of all this (just all around more pain lol).
Finally to touch base on the responsibility all falling on me, I do agree that actions speak louder than words, and at this point I need to see action more than anything. Talking is just wearing me down and I feel like I'm going in circles. She has assured me over and over that she is not putting all the responsibility on me, and I've told her that she will need to make the decision on what she does with her other relationship regardless of what I choose to do. Where I struggle is just how much she tells me how she sees the future with me and seems extremely genuine, but at this point I do feel a real disconnect after all this and just can't tell what I fully feel yet in response to everything. I do agree with freedmyself that I feel a stronger drive to be with someone who I know is very much into me rather than always wondering if they are going to need their needs met elsewhere.
I guess I phrased the title poorly as I know nobody can tell me exactly what to do, but I appreciate being able to hear where others have come from or experienced with their journey, it means a lot.
Posted by lily December 18, 2024 6:17 am | #8 |
wouldn't you rather have your children with someone who is in love with you?
why is your head spinning? why doesn't she care about your feelings, why is it all about her?
the answer that comes to me - she is not your lover and she is not your friend - she is playing you.
do you have family you can talk to?
Posted by Ordinary guy December 19, 2024 12:05 pm | #9 |
Monkey branching into a new relationship, means that she will need a firm hold of the old one before deciding to let go and discard you. If the new one still has issues where she cannot fully commit to it, she will play both camps for as long as it suits her. A has been said, actions count much more than words. Do not stay in a relationship with a lesbian when you are contemplating children in the future. She has already shown you that she will leave you for a woman if the chances are there. If this happens down the line when you are a father, the implications are going to be horrendous for you and your children. You have been given the opportunity to dodge a bullet that I was not given. That, or you take it for her. You could end up as the sperm donor and the free childcare that she needs to live her authentic life. You seem to be a great guy, with your heart in the right place. This heart should sit next to the heart of a straight woman who is committed to you and the relationship as well. You don’t need to accept this amount of disrespect in your life. She wants to be be gay, or bisexual or whatever she wants to feel she is to suit her own needs. That is her problem not yours. Also, if someone tells you to look somewhere else for a more ‘balanced’ view, it is because they are trying to suggest that this view is more balanced than any other. What I will say finally is, that if you accept her and her behaviour now, this normalises it. In the future, she may use this to assuage herself of any conscience challenges when it comes to the next woman she develops feelings for.
Posted by lily December 19, 2024 3:05 pm | #10 |
just wanted to say Well said, ordinary guy.
all that plus a new word for me - monkey branching, so descriptive!