Hi, I’m new to the group. I guess I’m looking for validation. We have been married 28 years, together 32. I remember her clearly telling me after a few dates that she had given up on men prior to meeting me. I took that as a compliment at the time but looking back it was a clue. We married and had kids. The sex was great until a few short years after our second child. Yes, it has been like 15 + yrs since we had sex. I stopped counting and trying. It was both our faults but her answer was that she simply didn’t like it. We never sought counselling but she admitted to me she just didn’t like the idea of a man on top of her. We are just roommates and friends now. We live are own lives. She has befriended women over the years who fit the stereotype of lesbians. All have been a few years older than her. She has brushed it off saying she is an old soul and feels comfortable around older women. The friendships last about a year making me wonder if they are more like girlfriends. It is always like they break up. She has gone away on trips etc., and the friendships are always in a row, ie not as a group. When she befriends a new women she seems to fascinated by her, making me wonder if it is more than friendship. I’ve never actually said to her directly are you a lesbian? I guess I don’t care anymore.