I guess I get to have the Monk Syndrome then.
She's the only one I've ever been with, so I don't have much comparison. We waited for marriage for actual sex, but she was the first to make a move prior with heavy petting or other making out. Honeymoon phase was great for a few months, but quickly the lingerie turned to sweats... the fun of doing it on a rock in the middle of a river turned to the same old thing everytime where she just laid there.
I have to accept the blame for my porn struggles, but I also feel she contributed. At one point we met with a preacher that basically turned to her and said she wasn't being sexual enough, which naturally offended her, and drove a wedge between this preacher and us... 10 years later I look back and think... we, maybe.
She's told me flat out well before finding out, sex with me is meaningless and she'd just assume do it with the next guy she ran into at a gas station.
If I ever initiated, she'd immediately shoot me down, guilt trip me, say that's all I thought about. It was only when she'd actually initiate, but still, it was just her laying there.
It's been since January since we did anything (which wasn't much), and last november since I bothered asking. I at least sleep better now knowing it just won't happen and not to bother trying, rather than staring at the ceiling till 3am after being pushed away yet again.