hey everyone. Yes, I have had so many issues. I met my ex wife in 1999. Within 6 months, I had my first anxiety attack. Over the next 23 years, my condition got worse, I needed xanax to cope and at the risk of being too graphic, in the last 4-5 years it was rare to have a solid stool. My stomach was destroyed. I found out most of what had been happening in 2022. By the end of 2022, I blocked her on every social media channel, and went no contact. (low because we have kids) Within 3 weeks, I was able to go off xanax completely. Within 6 months, no more stomach issues. In less than a year, I could tolerate dairy food again. (had no been able to eat it ion over 20 years)
So yeah, she was the source of the anxiety. I ignored red flags and obvious signs. I paid a heavy price. The good news is, my health has nearly completely recovered. My life is full, I am a better father, friend, son and boyfriend to my new girlfriend (now 1.5 years in). The work started with me, learning to live in the present, and not the past of future, I eliminated almost all stress. I lost 53% of everything I earned, but I have never been happier. IT does get better, but you have to care for you, learn what you need to learn from all of this and forgive/begin to trust yourself again.
Easier said than done, but you can do it! I still have some nueromuscular issues that lingered from the years of lies, gaslighting and poor treatment, but all in, life is good.