Posted by prettysure August 27, 2024 1:32 pm | #1 |
I am in therapy right now because there is no one in my family or friends circle that I can talk with. Even if there was, I still, despite 10+ years of lies and excuses, have enough respect for my husband to not risk outing him to anyone in our life. The mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion from this situation is really taking its toll. This is such an outrageously lonely experience and I am so grateful for this community.
Does anyone else suffer from physical symptoms of the gaslighting? I'm talking about things like elevated heart rate, sinking gut feelings, dizziness from suppressing emotions, etc. With any new discovery or even cautious attempts at civil conversation, it's like my body goes into fight or flight mode now because I know that he's going to spout some more bullshit. I know the truth and I know I cannot continue this life, but I am a bit stuck here for awhile longer. I still find myself stupidly hoping that he'll be truthful or apologetic or SOMETHING. Anything!
My reality feels so warped... I've been made to feel like I'm some crazy wife with unrealistic expectations. The song-and-dance lies every time I have confronted him about his online activities, the absurd excuses when I've lightly asked about why he isn't interested in being intimate with me... worst of all, the promises and reassurance that he is attracted to me but is just "going through something" right now and will work to be a better husband. He claimed he was stressed from work, so I took on more household responsibilities, he claimed I brought up sex too much and it put pressure on him so I stopped, but then nothing would happen for months... and when I finally would bring it up again, he would angrily accuse me of hiding my feelings for so long. He has always said it is normal for sex to deteriorate after marriage (our bedroom died right when we got married, how convenient) and tells me that millennials (I'm of that age) are too obsessed with sex. On the rare occasions that our bedroom is active, I've always been very open/kinky, supportive, and encouraging of him to explore his fantasies. He has always asked me to indulge his interests (pegging, rimming, cross-dressing, even watching gay porn with him) and I've always enthusiastically agreed - I think it can be such a healthy and fun way to connect. It is always focused on him. Whenever I have brought up my interests or even just asked for more kissing/body caressing during foreplay (NEVER an issue with any exes, even the most selfish ones), he will shut the bedroom down again for months at a time. He is TRULY not interested in me sexually and I wish that he would stop telling me that he is. I mean... logically, I realize his words and actions don't match... it's just been very difficult trying to get past that mind warp.
Sigh... just venting a lot. I am so, so tired and my self-confidence has been completely eroded over years of trickle truth through discoveries, contradictions, and everything in between. I have given him so much space to feel comfortable and safe, I know that I can't force anything and I won't. That's okay, that's his journey and maybe I'm not a part of it unless he's using me as a sexual tool. I just wish he would at least admit out loud that he's not attracted to me so I can move on. I'm working towards moving on anyway, but my love for him and the utter confusion/hope I feel from his promises makes it very difficult.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz August 27, 2024 2:26 pm | #2 |
prettysure wrote:
.......Does anyone else suffer from physical symptoms of the gaslighting? I'm talking about things like elevated heart rate, sinking gut feelings, dizziness from suppressing emotions, etc......
I would say that all of us have, at some point, felt all of those emotions. I did....for years. Until I realised that A. was never going to change the thing deep inside himself that made his sexuality incompatible with mine. My love for him held me back, stopped me from seeing, acknowledging and admitting to myself that if *I* wanted things to change then *I* was the one who had to do it.
The first step in all this was knowing that I couldn't do it on my own. Unless you can see and hear the reactions of somebody else to your situation you will only see & feel it from your own point of view. Look around you for a friend or family member you can trust to keep your confidence.
It is the hardest step to take.....but it will be the best step you ever take, and every step you take from there will make you stronger.
Our Forum will build you up and make you strong. Keep posting and asking questions.
Posted by Anon 765 August 27, 2024 3:30 pm | #3 |
Hi Prettysure,
Yes, I definitely had physical symptoms that are slowly fading. My blood pressure is actually normal for the first time in at least a decade! That was a pleasant surprise. And my body is slowly, slowly unwinding and learning it is safe.
And yes, I am utterly exhausted. Completely. Profoundly. We're no longer living together as of the end of the year, and the cords are untangling. But I worked far too hard for far too long, trying to fix, carrying secrets.
I agree with Elle that starting to share this secret you have been forced to carry will help you see how messed up this all is/has been. I hope you can find someone. It was really hard for me to trust someone else too. But now that he is out, wow, what a relief to say it to people!
You'll be okay - it is all part of the process, and you're doing great!
Anon 765
Posted by HeldHostageInHerCloset August 27, 2024 4:37 pm | #4 |
Yes, the first 6 months after finding her secret IG account and confronting her I lost about 35lbs before going on an antidepressant and gaining it all back (I've since quit using them as the side effects were getting annoying). I've always had stress related psoriasis which would get worse in stressful times. It's worse than it's ever been and in forms and places I've never had it. From the neck down I look like i've got chickenpox.
I had a terrible time sleeping for a long time, usually when it had been awhile since we'd been intimate, she'd push me away any time I tried to initiate.. I'd end up staring at the ceiling or just going to watch tv til 3 in the morning when I was actually sleepy enough, feeling worthless and unwanted. One I reached the point where I was done asking or expecting it, I've slept alot better, though sleep aids and melatonin are very helpful.
Lately it's been the tenseness of constant anger, trying to hold it in for my kids sake while she's never around... the only night I have free to myself is when I go to Celebrate Recovery to talk about it. If you would consider a group like that, i'd highly encourage trying it. I held everything in for the first 6 months, but having that group to open up to helped alot, and Ive made close friends thru it. I've opened up to friends she's cut off contact with over the last year as she left our church to chase her lifestyle and my own family. It's their closet, not yours. I was willing to hold it in if she was willing to actually work on things, but it's clear she's not, so I feel my only obligation is to my kids at this point.
Posted by EleanorIsntHere August 27, 2024 7:13 pm | #5 |
Yes to the extreme fight or flight and dizziness with every new revelation/conversation. I could also barely eat for the first six months and lost 20 pounds (he didn’t notice, although I had acquaintances commenting so I know it was obvious). Stress and panic do crazy things to our bodies.
Elle makes an excellent point about needing to hear someone else’s reaction. Many of us are exceptionally empathetic/codependent people, and for me that meant that my empathy for his situation kept me disconnected from my own feelings over MY new situation. Being able to tell a couple of close friends - the ones who are no-BS tell it like it is types was the most helpful thing for me. Both of their reactions, separately, were the exact same: “he said WHAT? WTF? And he thinks you’re staying married?! You’re separating, right?!” It helped me see that being angry and upset wasn’t an overreaction like I had been worried it was. They were most concerned that I didn’t seem to be as angry as they were for me. It also helped because I could lay out alllllll of the slow-drip ups and downs at once - as soon as I finished telling the story I could hear it myself - but OF COURSE he’s gay! And OF COURSE it’s better to split, even though it’ll be hell on all of us.
Now, keeping that mindset when we’re together and things start feeling like “normal” is my challenge.
And hell yes, it’s absolutely fucking exhausting.
Last edited by EleanorIsntHere (August 27, 2024 7:13 pm)
Posted by prettysure August 28, 2024 10:52 am | #6 |
I am overwhelmed (in a good way) at the beautiful, empathetic responses here. Thank you to everyone who responded and shared their experiences. I have plans to talk to a trusted friend very soon - between that and increasingly in-depth sessions with my therapist, I think some clarity may start to unfold very soon.
Sending good vibes to everyone here, whether you are currently in this situation or managed to move forward. You are all amazing! Again, I am so grateful for this community.
Posted by walkbymyself September 3, 2024 3:51 pm | #7 |
HeldHostage: I have psoriasis, too. I can't tell you how many doctors have told me I need to "avoid stress". I mean ... how exactly does that work?
Posted by HeldHostageInHerCloset September 3, 2024 4:34 pm | #8 |
I had a doctor put me on prednisone, as if that would help things.
Posted by Jupiter1 September 5, 2024 4:35 pm | #9 |
I just listened to a pretty good podcast about the effects of break ups on the body with symptoms of inflammation etc resulting.
Also there’s a book from this author. She suggests going out in nature, meditatively. Like everyone else I’ve had some medical issues that seem beyond my years/age that are certainly not helped by all the relationship stress.
I tend to run around like a headless chicken especially since my separation to keep up with everything. Sound familiar? I’m really trying to slow myself down, to expect a litttle less, to treat myself and body more like I’d treat a friend rather than my usual whipping-the-unruly-horse treatment.
Anybody else have any success with undoing the effects of chronic stress?
Posted by Anon 765 September 5, 2024 6:00 pm | #10 |
Hi Jupiter1,
It is slowly happening. More slowly than I'd like, but I do think it takes time. Google says it takes about 3 years to get over a divorce. So that helped me put things in perspective. It took me a while to be able to stop and do nothing. Like, lie on the grass for 45 minutes and just watch the clouds. But it feels so very good!
I think some of my frantic "doing" was a way to not be with the big huge feelings. It's getting easier to be with those feelings now, so I don't have to "do" as much.
Thanks for the podcast - I'm going to listen! And good luck with your healing journey. Deb Dana and the vagal system might be worth exploring. Her books are accessible, and she has lots of interesting exercises.
Anon 765