Posted by sophieemerald May 7, 2024 6:16 pm | #1 |
Hi everyone.
I'm in my late 20s and my husband and I were together for 10 years (had just gotten married) when he told me he had a surprise for me at home. It was him dressed in women's clothes, tights, shoes and makeup. He told me he wanted to start presenting female some of the time. I sat down and started crying. I was shocked, sad and unsure of what this would mean for our relationship. It still hurts that it was sprung on me that way, as a surprise that I was supposed to be excited about. This had never been discussed or even hinted that this was a thing for him, and yet I was supposed to immediately be on board and discard my sexuality.
Pretty much all of my feelings were seen as selfish, superficial and unacceptable by him. I was made to feel like I was a terrible person for having a hard time with it and for telling him this is not what I'm attracted to. "It's just different clothes and some makeup" I was constantly told. "It's still me underneath so what's the difference?" Unfortunately I believed this for about a year and a half. I pushed my true feelings down, did "work" on myself to "be a better person" and accept my partner as he was. I was told that it really sucked that I couldn't "get over myself".
Then he told me he wants to transition fully and the only thing stopping him is he knows it would be too much for me so he won't, for my sake. Now that is weighing on my shoulders, like I'm holding him back from his true self or something. I continued to push these feelings down because I didn't know how to solve this and couldn't bear the thought of divorcing, but staying together was beginning to seem more and more impossible.
This resulted in panic attacks while working, inability to sleep, nightmares, crying constantly but hiding it and putting on a brave face. My body was trying to tell me something...
I finally listened and went to a therapist. She specializes in LGBTQ issues. I told her that I needed to learn to accept this and that "I know I'm superficial and care way too much about outward appearances and that's why I'm here. I need to learn how to fix that." She said, "Fix your sexuality?"
That really put it into perspective for me...I had been told that for so long, that this is wrong for me to feel this way, to pull away when he is dressed as a woman and wants to touch me...I've been forcing myself to do things that I naturally feel uncomfortable with.
I ended the relationship about a month and a half ago. I am devastated ...but also relieved.
Now, I'm working through my grief and confusion and anger....
Before this happened I thought we were soul mates, that we could work through anything together. I was ready to be husband and wife for the rest of our lives, I was ready to be the best partner I could possibly be. And I was honest and in touch with who I am. He was not.
I need someone to talk to who has been here or is here now. You understand these one else can fully get how it feels. Its so lonely. Please reach out to me if you would like to be friends and chat about our experiences...therapy, friends and family help but I need someone who knows firsthand.
Last edited by sophieemerald (May 7, 2024 7:10 pm)
Posted by Anon2222 May 7, 2024 10:47 pm | #2 |
I would be happy to be a listening ear if you need it. I know all too well the pain this all is (and my posts on here will depict the absolute shit show that has been my life). I spent years feeling like a shit human being because I wasn't attracted to a "bisexual" man. He absolutely destroyed my self esteem and left me as a shell of a person....because every time I turned around, everything was my fault. I was also "selfish" and ruined the marriage because I couldn't accept him. I got the line that "I'm still me, nothing has changed".
Then he blind sided me one morning with "I'm gay, I'm divorcing you"....the one thing he promised never to do. The deal breaker for me. The thing I told him years ago that if he did that he would destroy me as a person. He deliberately destroyed me.
And now I have to pay him $100,000. I won't lie, I could use someone to talk to who has been there. Because, although I know they mean well, so many in my life right now have just made things worse. Because they just don't get it. They haven't lived it.
Posted by sophieemerald May 8, 2024 3:29 pm | #3 |
Thank you.
I'm so sorry to hear about the situation you're in...that sounds like hell. I know a lot of those feelings all too well. It's hard to look back and recognize the things I believed because I couldn't bear the alternative. I now realize that fully accepting means fully accepting the whole situation, how it is for me and how it is for him. Now I am honestly looking at what that means....that we're not compatible. That alone is extremely painful...without all of the blaming and hurtful words that came along the way.
I'm sorry you are in the financial situation that you are...that is just horrible.
Last edited by sophieemerald (May 8, 2024 3:30 pm)
Posted by ReedieTeacher May 9, 2024 6:25 am | #4 |
Hi SE,
You and I have similar stories, but I'm a bit ahead of you in the process. I was married for 15 years to someone who has came out as transgender (he has even had his name and sex changed on his drivers license - it's petty of me, but he has never directly shared his pronouns with me, so I still call him he/him). The bewilderment, anger, fear . . . all of it is so real and so, so painful. I've now been divorced for two and half years and I promise you it will get better. But it is hell to go through. I know how lonely it is, because most people are trained to be supportive of the LGBTQ+ person and don't realize how much pain you are in.
Keep checking in on these boards and reassure yourself that you are not alone. I just jumped on because I had to fill out a form for our son and was triggered by the "Mother's Information / Father's Information" prompt. The pain of the betrayal fades, but it's still always there.
Thinking of you,
PS I absolutely agree with Rob, it's them, not you!
Last edited by ReedieTeacher (May 9, 2024 9:50 am)
Posted by Rob May 9, 2024 6:52 am | #5 |
We love them but they hurt us. I'm glad you are getting yourself help. One thing you'll see on the forum here is they will always insist its not them but us. We are in therapy, the kids are in therapy, the dog is in therapy, but they are fine and insist nothing is wrong with them.
Wishing you strength and stoicism self love.
Posted by jokewife May 13, 2024 10:09 am | #6 |
I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. I'm here to add you're not alone in this shit show. I've been going through a similar situation with my husband cross-dressing all in secret behind my back. We have two young kids and I feel trapped in my situation. They are just so selfish and inconsiderate of our feelings. Good for you for ending it. Hang in there... I'm also here if you need someone else to talk to!