Posted by RCElmo December 28, 2023 4:01 pm | #1 |
My life was just flipped upside down on December 26th. My wife came out as lesbian and that she wants to break up to explore that side of herself. We have been deeply in love for 8 years, and married for 3. It was a perfect marriage and my eyes and for her as well as far as she would tell me. Fights were rare and we were always willing to talk through them and we never stayed mad at each other, we always came to the conclusion that nothing was worth being mad about when we love each other and we always came back to that. I can't imagine a life without her, we were just trying to have a baby 2 months ago and apparently that's when the thoughts started. She started to have sexual feelings for other girls and found me less and less attractive in comparison.
We never had a great sex life but it was never too important for us. I always assumed it was because of the sexual trauma she went through as a child. For me, I was fine without sex and she told me she was as well, and we went that way for years. Now the reason is because she is just not attracted to men.
I think I'm still in horrible denial, I feel like I'm pleading with her to go to marriage counseling and work things out. I want so bad for it to just be a phase, she is manic bipolar so this wouldn't be the first time that we have had to work through a dramatic and impulsive decision. But she is very hesitant to go to counseling and thinks that it won't do anything because she is Gay and needs to be with other women. For me our relationship has been so much more than sex and ever she felt the same at one point. We had romance and we had sex at one point in our lives and while it fizzled, it was mutual and we were both happy to live our lives.
I'm having such a a hard time accepting that our marriage could be over, I've never thought of living my life with another person and I feel like my entire future has just fallen apart. She was my person and the one that I wanted to come home to each night and wake up to each morning. The thought of losing that is enough to make me feel that life is no longer worth living. (I'm not suicidal I don't think, I could never do that, but it really does feel like I'd rather have a heart attack and pass away before I go any longer feeling like this.
I just don't know how realistic a future with us would be, does couples counseling even really help in this situation. I feel like if she could so easily make this decision to drop the life we planned together then do I even know if she evel loved me like I loved her, or I was I just a safety.
I'm just not a person right now. She wants to be friends but understands if we can't. I'm torn because I still love her and can't imagine life without her, but how can I even move on from this. Especially if she stays in my life. I can't picture myself in a relationship with anyone else.
To make things more complicated, she has largely been dependent on me through most of our marriage. We lived together earlier in our relationship and she went mostly unemployed for the longest time. She is working now, but not enough to make it on her own yet. How do I even begin to handle this. At times I want her in my life no matter what, other times I feel like I hate her for what she has done to me, and no matter what I can't picture a life without her in it. She was always my best friend and there is nobody I could talk to like I do with her and I'm just so heartbroken. I want more than anything to make our relationship work but I just don't know if that's possible given the fact that she seems so capable of ending it.
Posted by Daryl Online! December 28, 2023 7:49 pm | #2 |
The first thing you need to do is to find someone, other than your spouse, to talk to about this. This is traumatic. If you have access to personal counseling, please do so. If not, use one of the official channels to Our Path - email or phone. They may know of resources near you that you can draw upon. There's also a world of experience here that you can use. Trusted, non-judgemental friends and family might also be useful.
There's a pinned thread created here that we call the First Aid Kit. Not all of it might be applicable to you but some things seem to happen to us all. You can find it here -
It is normal to experience conflicting and rapidly changing emotions when this sort of thing happens. Bargaining and looking for a magic wand or a "Hail Mary" play is also common. So is the wish that it could be forgotten about or she could just change her mind. Many of us don't like sudden change and this is a big one.
From personal experience, I think couples counseling is for those who both want to put in the work to piece something back together again. Such as rebuilding a broken trust. If either party isn't really there, it's doomed to fail.
Another thing we often overlook, our spouses can be way ahead of us. Some have known this about themselves for a long time and have spent a lot of time thinking about it, and deciding when to tell us. I've noticed right after Christmas, New Years and Valentine's Day seem to be popular choices. I doubt this is some sort of post-Christmas depression reaction.
Although it might feel impossible, there is a life after something like this happens. You can't see it yet, you need to move closer to it. Don't put yourself on a time-table. For now, I would suggest just breath. Gather your thoughts, take some good walks, and, as I said off the top, find someone to talk to.
Posted by Rob December 29, 2023 4:51 pm | #3 |
Definitely an uptick in posts around the holidays. Holidays are stressful enough and these spouses feel they need to add to it..
Last edited by Rob (December 29, 2023 9:38 pm)
Posted by RCElmo December 29, 2023 5:18 pm | #4 |
Thank you Daryl,
When I first read your response I hated that you were saying counseling wouldn't help or that it was a hail Mary for things to work out but I think I really needed to hear that. I'm just struggling to get out of denial.
I ended up going to my family's house and staying the night and this morning my wife called me saying she wants to try the best no. She is still certain that she is only interested in girls but she says that she loves me and can't imagine life without me. She wants to consider an open marriage, but I fear that will just essentially be using me as support until she finds someone else and that way she doesn't have to be alone. I'm a bit more pessimistic this time around that there is any possibility of making this work.
But I think I'm going to try the therapy. I'm hoping if nothing else it gives me some level of closure, helps me move on feeling like I did try my hardest for our marriage, and hopefully allow us to end on good terms as she truly is my best friend and I'd hate to lose that because I can't get over the romantic feelings.
Posted by Rob December 29, 2023 9:45 pm | #5 |
My GX was also dependent on me (stiil is with spousal support). They want all the benefits of marriage but dont want to be married to us. They want to be both our friend and abuser/hurter.
Definitely find a therapist, talk to your family and build your support system, Know that you do not deserve such hurt and treatment.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz December 29, 2023 10:52 pm | #6 |
Daryl wrote:
From personal experience, I think couples counseling is for those who both want to put in the work to piece something back together again. Such as rebuilding a broken trust. If either party isn't really there, it's doomed to fail.
This was my experience
Posted by Daryl Online! December 29, 2023 11:39 pm | #7 |
RCElmo, we all have our own path to follow. Others here have expressed the need to feel that they tried everything and tried their best. Please don't get lost in the process. You matter and are worthy.
An open marriage is a significant line in the sand. Once open, it might not be possible to close it again. Completely unscientific, but the experiences related here suggest it's often open for one person while another suffers watching it happen. Be careful.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz December 30, 2023 1:25 am | #8 |
RCElmo wrote:
......She wants to consider an open marriage.......
Been there done that. It smashed my self-esteem and my ability to
see myself as worthy of better. And it was all because I loved him and
couldn't imagine being without him. As he became more confident that
I was okay with it he became less and less interested in interacting with
other people together and wanted to go out alone, which became unbearable.
Our r'ship was never the same again. I feel lucky that the lifestyle did not
drag me down before I decided to get up and rebel against it
Posted by PJ January 1, 2024 7:00 am | #9 |
RCElmo - welcome!
This sounds like t has come a terrible shock to you.
But at least your partner has had the decency to come out to you. I hope this will make it easier for you to split amicably.
Posted by walkbymyself January 2, 2024 3:32 pm | #10 |
Sometimes when they come to us with proposals, they're using carefully crafted "baby steps" to keep things under their control while they use the time to figure out their next steps. Sometimes words don't mean what you think they mean.