Posted by JenGrey December 15, 2023 6:20 pm | #1 |
I’ve (F26) been dating my boyfriend (M33) for two and a half years.
About a year ago (2022), I went through his text messages (we’ve both always had full access to each others’ phones) and saw texts from the previous year (two months into our relationship in 2021) where someone sent him nudes and asked if he wanted to meet up. He didn’t answer them but I was upset that he’d had these nudes on his phone for a year; he pictures weren’t saved to his photo gallery or anything but he could open those texts and look at them whenever he wanted. I confronted him about it and he told me he had sex with the girl a long time before he knew me and that when he saw she texted him again he ignored it. At some point during our conversation I looked a bit closer at the nudes and realized the person in the pictures was a pre-op trans woman.
When I asked him about it he broke down crying and told me he’s bisexual and hates himself for it. I spent the rest of the night reassuring him that there’s nothing wrong with being bisexual and I still love him and want to be with him. I’m bisexual myself (I’ve been open about my bisexuality since I can remember) so the idea of dating another bisexual person wasn’t a big deal to me. Over time, I helped him come to terms and get comfortable with his sexuality and this year (2023) he even built up the courage to come out to some of our close friends.
Everything seemed to be handled on that front but we had been struggling with intimacy issues for the majority of our relationship. I had a much higher sex drive than him and because of that I was the one initiating sex 95% of the time. I didn’t think this was anything to be too concerned about because I have a higher sex drive than most people but I was annoyed that he didn’t at least try to initiate sex a little more often, especially after I explained how much his lack of interest in initiating sex made me feel. We would get into arguments about this pretty frequently throughout our relationship. This morning we got into another argument about it. I asked him what he thought the best solution to this problem is and the best answer he could come up with was maybe he could go to therapy to work on his initiation skills. I told him he’s obviously just not attracted to me if it’s to the point where he needs to go to therapy to want to have sex me which led to us having a frank conversation about whether or not he’s actually attracted to me.
I asked him if he was sure he’s bisexual and not just fully gay and he confessed that, in his words, “over the past year I’ve been becoming more and more attracted to men for some reason and now it’s to the point where I’m 75% attracted to men and like 25% attracted to women.” I asked him if it’s going to keep increasing and he said that he’s sure he likes women too, just not as much. I also asked him why his sexual preference changed so drastically over the last year and he said it started with him watching gay porn more often than not and then he started noticing attractive men in public which he hadn’t done before. I thanked him for being honest with me but told him that I don’t want to be in a relationship with a man who’s mostly attracted to other men.
We both cried a lot and he tried to convince me to not break up with him, I told him I’m sure about breaking up but really I’m torn. On the one hand, I’m still not convinced that he’s not gay; when I met him he was “straight,” a year later he was “bisexual but mostly into women” and now, another year later, he’s “75% attracted to men and 25% attracted to women.” At this rate, if he’s not gay yet, he will be by next year (joke). And even if this is the last time his sexual preference changes, I don’t know if I’d feel secure in a relationship with someone who’s only 25% attracted to women. On the other hand, we’re literally best friends and we’re still deeply in love with each other… I can’t help feeling like it might be worth it to try and figure this out.
Any advice is welcome.
Last edited by JenGrey (December 15, 2023 7:25 pm)
Posted by Diff I guess December 16, 2023 3:32 am | #2 |
Gay point of view. While bisexuality does exist in men, some gay men, esp. the ones that have trouble accepting the fact that they are gay will call themselves bi(or even straight) when gay maybe a better description for what is going on. The famous bi now gay latter. Gay men often don't want to be gay really don't want to be gay therefore bi(half way right or half way there) sounds better to them than gay. Think gay as in sinful, effeminate, wear pink, limp wristed, ect.
Most gay men are not 100% gay. They just are mostly to almost exclusively attracted to men. Also the attraction to men is stronger than that to women. Sure I have had the occasional attraction to women but rare and no where near as strong as to guys or as often. It is rather like calling a dessert a rainforest because it rained for fifteen minutes ten years ago.
I don't think his attraction did that much shift in a year. I think he is being more honest. The thing is that porn can make a guy horney and it tends to amp the libido. Gay might be the fire but the porn adds fuel to the fire.
As for him he may have some fears about being gay. He also does not want to lose the close friendship and near platonic relationship you have A gay guy can sorta love a woman but attraction could be missing and that is for the majority of people a very important ingredient in a relationship. The lack of initiation is a direct effect of him being gay.
Posted by Daryl December 16, 2023 12:06 pm | #3 |
Most users here are the straight partner, or former partner, of someone who was somewhere from Bi to Gay, sometimes in-denial, sometimes just an enigma. As the straight person in a former relationship I can offer the following;
Honesty - no relationship works without that. Both towards each other, and with yourself. What you desire is important, but one must also be honest about the chances that your desires can be realized ?
Then there's health, not just medical but mental. True friends don't put the other through hell because they can't be honest or keep their commitments. You are not obligated to take on this sort of burden in the name of love or friendship. It's not quite the same as a marriage vow of "sickness or in health" etc.
If you do try to make this work, he needs to be 100% on-board and not avoiding the whole topic. Also know where your line in the sand is. I would also suggest you do not blend finances or start a family until you know you are on solid ground. "Kids" won't make it work, sometimes it complicates things to the point where one person decides they can't leave, no matter what happens.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz December 16, 2023 2:16 pm | #4 |
JenGrey wrote:
We both cried a lot and he tried to convince me to not break up with him.......we’re literally best friends and we’re still deeply in love with each other… I can’t help feeling like it might be worth it to try and figure this out.....
Some of us know that as soon as the men we once loved employed emotive tactics (be it anger or distress) to 'convince' us of something.....that was the first red flag that we ignored. When you're loved up and in a good place you'll try anything to not have it change.
My former partner A and I were best friends too. I also tried my best to figure it, and him, out. In the end I admitted to myself A didn't want or need my input.
So he " broke down crying and told [you] he’s bisexual and hates himself for it.".
...but does it seem like he's going to do anything about it.....that will ease your concern? Or do you think he might simply get better at hiding it?
Edited to add.....A once told me his bisexual side was only 5% of who he was. If that were true we wouldn't now be separated after 38 years together.
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (December 16, 2023 3:12 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz December 16, 2023 3:37 pm | #5 |
Diff I guess wrote:
Are you homosexual? And if so....what are you here for? This is a straightspouse website
Posted by Daryl December 16, 2023 8:37 pm | #6 |
Diff has been a member here longer than you have. He was a regular since the days we were on that other message board platform. Probably 10 years or maybe longer. In that time I've never seen him do anything except offer thoughts from his perspective. I've never seen him try to minimize bad or dishonest behaviour by our significant others (or ex-others), or suggest something like maybe we should be giving them a break, poor them, stuff like that.
Posted by JenGrey December 16, 2023 10:33 pm | #7 |
Daryl wrote:
Diff has been a member here longer than you have. He was a regular since the days we were on that other message board platform. Probably 10 years or maybe longer. In that time I've never seen him do anything except offer thoughts from his perspective. I've never seen him try to minimize bad or dishonest behaviour by our significant others (or ex-others), or suggest something like maybe we should be giving them a break, poor them, stuff like that.
Diff’s insight was extremely helpful for me, there was so much I was confused about and his comment gave me the answers to 90% of it. Felt like the first time any of this made some kind of sense.
Diff, if you’re reading this thank you so much, you’re a God send!