How do you cope with the hate?

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Posted by Anon2222
December 3, 2023 3:35 pm

I am curious as to how others deal with the blame, resentment, and hate thrown at them throughout this process by their former spouse?

I do have a plan in place for no contact when I am able, but the requirements of where I live for the divorce process and some health issues that have cropped up have required low contact. This is only through technology - no in person discussions. We have been living and functioning separately for over a year now.

I am doing my best, but it is difficult and painful to have to interact with him, because his hatred towards me is palpable. He has a lot of blame to place. The difficulty I have, is that in amongst all of it, there are some legit things mixed in there. I am by no means perfect and I have made my share of mistakes along the way.

My struggle with this though, is I legitimately had no idea he felt this way. One point he brought up was my reaction when he came out. He felt I abandoned him when he needed support and he is still dealing with this trauma....but he never said anything to me at the time, or in the years after. It appears that it just all built up into this giant ball of hate which he then annihilated me and everything I ever loved with. 

I am doing my best to not engage. I am trying not to get drawn in to anything. But, it is incredibly painful to have all of this sledge hammered into my face from someone I dearly loved for several decades.

I have always struggled with being a people pleaser. Logically, I know it has nothing to do with me and I have no control over his emotions or actions....but, it would be nice if he would just stop kicking me. I spoke with my therapist and came up with a plan and wording for the request I had (sadly, he has information that will substantially help me, but he is not legally obligated to provide). His response was intense. There was a lot of why should I help you when you did all this to me. I am aware that in his mind he is the victim in this, but I just can't seem to comprehend the why in all of this. I just need a simple answer to a question.

I am in the process of figuring out how to get what I need without his assistance, but it is going to require sacrificing a number of things very important to me.

I understand he is gay. The marriage didn't work. He hates my guts and everything else. But I just have a really hard time with this going out of his way to make sure I suffer thing. He really was so kind to me prior to this and took great care of me. Which is part of the reason this coldness and abuse is so foreign. I don't know who this is.

So, since I am only human. And I have to still jump through certain hoops that require being in do I best handle the situation where I have to work with someone who clearly hates me and wants me to suffer, while not being hurt by this? I would love suggestions, because as much as I would love to go NC (and I tried so very hard to), I just can't at this time because of the situation. So, any advice would be appreciated!

PS: I have done a lot of therapy, I have coping techniques, and I can handle a lot of the shit thrown at me, but it's for those times when he just really hurts me that I need the additional help to not react in return.

Posted by Rob
December 3, 2023 9:52 pm


Me and my GX are low to no takes practice and patience.. We only text about the kids and they are old enough now so as there is little need..

Read about gray rock..always keep texts, emails, etc on topic and terse.
It took my GX a bit of time to learn..  her rage texts I responded to with crickets, silence, nothing. 

To this day she is still filled with hatred toward much hate and anger even though I'm the one that should be angry.   There is no normal reason for it..just that they are not normal.  Best you can do minimum contact and remake your life in the normal moral world.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Anon2222
December 3, 2023 11:35 pm

Rob wrote:


Me and my GX are low to no takes practice and patience.. We only text about the kids and they are old enough now so as there is little need..

Read about gray rock..always keep texts, emails, etc on topic and terse.
It took my GX a bit of time to learn.. her rage texts I responded to with crickets, silence, nothing.

To this day she is still filled with hatred toward much hate and anger even though I'm the one that should be angry. There is no normal reason for it..just that they are not normal. Best you can do minimum contact and remake your life in the normal moral world.

Thank you for the response. Sadly, I was the one who did some rage texting and emailing at the beginning of all of this. I was devastated by the betrayal and could not wrap my head around it and I most definitely lashed out. I will not lie, after all the abuse came to light and just the sheer cruelty of it broke me. Then it got even deeper when I found out I actually had a disabling cognitive condition that had been previously undiagnosed. 

I did reach out and apologize for my behavior and explained some of the difficulties with the health things I have had go insanely sideways. I said that I had no expectations of him and that I am well aware my behavior was cray cray (I have never had anything more mortifying in my life occur than to have this weird neurological break from reality).

I had no idea what was going on. I thought I was going insane. I had no control over my own actions at almost cost me my job and everything I had left by the time I actually had someone figure out what the hell was happening.

This is part of why I contacted via email. The specialist requested specific information in order to guide treatment. A lot of those diagnosed, it was the spouse that first saw the changes, and it can then give an idea of the progression and changes over time. I just wanted some clarification on events and timelines, so that I could sort out where reality ended and my brain began to warp.

I worked it out with my therapist, which questions to ask. I will be honest, I probably came across as a bit desperate. The past while has been terrifying as I try to sort out reality vs what isn't. I really did try my best and agonized over writing that stupid email and even I was taken aback by the anger and hate in his response.

He was incredibly angry and took it as I was blaming him for not noticing the illness. That I was making excuses. That once again I would never take accountability for anything. And he has refused to answer any of my questions because he has already told me before that he will not ever discuss our relationship or what happened, and that I am abusive and crossing the boundaries he clearly set. He keeps saying things like, everything that has happened is just too hard for him to articulate or put into words. Which also really screws with me because then I get anxious as I try to figure out what is so awful that he can't even bring himself to speak to me about it.

I mean, I won't lie....the fact that he thought I was being a psycho crazy person, rather than having a legitimate neurological condition that I needed help for is also shitty. After 20 years together, it really does suck to get blamed for not being able to control the disease in my brain, see it sooner, and fix myself prior to it becoming an issue. I get to come to terms with the fact that the man I married cared so little about me that he sat back and watched me go crazy. 

Nothing like a neurological disease warping your reality, and finding out your actual reality was a lie at the same bloody time. 

I feel like I should win the lottery anytime now, because seriously what are the odds? I have made progress...but man alive do I feel like one really screwed up individual at this point in life....just picking up the pieces of my life one at a time. 

Posted by Rob
December 4, 2023 7:11 am

Don't beat yourself up.. I surmise some of your rage was righteous and warranted.  I sometimes wish I stood up for myself some more.    Remember even Jesus got angry at the merchants in the temple.     These spouses did not think of us when they did what they did..we were expected to be loving and kind but they could do and behave however they wanted.      Forgive yourself and maintain  terse and minimal contact.  In time you his hate may keep him out of your life ..which is really where he needs to be...

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by M-Kate
December 4, 2023 4:52 pm

His behavior is inexcusable.  I'm so very sorry that you're going through this.  You will get through it and it will get better.    It has helped me to spend time with friends.   Keep the people you can count on close for support.      

Posted by Anon2222
December 5, 2023 12:07 am

Thank you for the kinds words, I really do appreciate them.

Some days are worse than others, which also is frustrating as hell. And I can now tell when I'm in a "bad" spell if nothing else. Except, at this point, while I can be like "oh, this is going to be a really shitty few days" I can't actually stop it from happening or do anything about it. So....I do random things like burst into tears in the middle of teaching a class, or helping a student in a lab. And I have never been a crier. Ever.

My work is giving me issues now on top of everything else, because I have been missing time for appointments and all the crap. I'm starting to see just how supportive the world and others are out there *eye roll*

I don't know why I thought any differently...I just had thought, since it is medical. And I am literally just asking for some clarification on shared memories....that he would just provide the information and then we'd go back to talking only when related to the divorce.

For some reason, out of all the things he has done and all the different ways he has dumped on me....this is the one that is the breaking point for me. I am just. So. Mad. How hard would it be for him to provide me with a bit of info to ease the distress I'm going through? It just seems so damn petty. Especially since I would love to know exactly what I ever did to him to "deserve" this.

And Rob - this is the part that boggles my mind. He treats me like crap (while gaslighting me every time I ask what's going on, what's wrong, has something changed....and he tells me nothing has changed, he's fine, he's not mad, he's perfectly find, I'm the one reading into everything) then blurts out he's gay....and I'm supposed to do what exactly?  Shit rainbows and clap?

I asked him to please leave and stay at a hotel for the night. That I needed time away from him to absorb this information. I followed up via text to see that he found a hotel to stay in and that he was ok. Then I cried all night long and ate cheetos. He now says that I kicked him out of the house and made him think something was wrong with him.

I'm actually really surprised by this. But....he never once told me he felt this way. We stayed together for 3 more years after this. He never once brought it up. I mean, I am saddened that this is how it went for him....but I'm also like, what did you expect when you blind side me with something like that????

He also says that he supported me throughout the marriage and then when he had an issue, he felt like he didn't matter. And that I never provided him with any support.

I loved that man. I bent over backwards for him. I envisioned growing out. Had dreams and long term plans. I tried so fucking hard to support him. But he would never talk to me. I would ask. I would beg. I made going to therapy a condition of staying. I told him he had to take all the time he needed to figure himself out.

And I'm the one with dealing with finding out about the developmental defects and issues I have.....and I swear he's more delusional than my messed up brain....the absolute complete self absorption is just mind boggling.

Posted by Rob
December 5, 2023 4:13 pm

Gaslighting at its finest or twisting of reality... I supported you throughout the marriage but when I declared myself gay(and cheated on you) you didn't support me.   Mine was I didn't take out the garbage at 5am (so I went and had a gay affair).

All you can do is get far away cant change or fix their sick morality.

Last edited by Rob (December 5, 2023 4:15 pm)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Blue Bear
December 6, 2023 3:25 pm

"I am by no means perfect and I have made my share of mistakes along the way."  STOP RIGHT THERE.  Your only mistake was never being the gay man he lacked the courage to tell you he needed instead.

As for why he hates you?  It's because he operates with fundamentally different emotional and logical circuitry than most people do.  "Normal" people (and no, I do not mean non-LGBT+) do not hijack other people's lives like this, so don't expect him to behave the way you would.  And he's probably finding it easier to leave someone he distances himself from.  My ex-wife freaking hated my guts on her way out.  She was a malevolent, nasty human being toward me so she could make it easier to leave me.

Here's a stupid analogy, but I think it works.  Your husband is into Mexican food, but he instead goes to visit a French restaurant.  Does it make any sense for him to criticize the chef for not having nachos on the menu?  Or to dislike the crepes?  To scream at the outstanding selection of French wine?  Of course not.  That French restaurant has no ability to please him, and he's a selfish dumbass for complaining or throwing shade at the French chef.

Like Rob says, get far away.  Build those boundaries.  Don't engage unless your life depends upon it.  I'm sorry you are here, but glad you found us.

Last edited by Blue Bear (December 6, 2023 3:25 pm)

Posted by PJ
December 14, 2023 8:00 pm

@Rob - lol re the garbage

I am getting simular now from my LID wife I recently left. She is now confronted with reality and kicking back hard to blame me for the breakup for my impeefect execution of domestic chores.

She hates that I will be soon seeing other people and is afraid I will let hwr secret out - which I won't. But I am getting a lot of rage.

@OP - this sounds rough. Good luck with NC - hope it works. I am dreading having to down this routr.

Last edited by PJ (December 14, 2023 8:01 pm)

Posted by Blackie563
December 14, 2023 9:44 pm

All good advise. My ex (who is with a woman and never goes anywhere without her), is VERY angry and still dragging the official divorce out. Trial comes in January, no more ways for her to drag it out further. The reality hit her, I do not care for her in any way because I simply do not know who she is, and never did. It takes time, but eventually they start the understand the boundary, low contact/kids only, everything else gets no response. "Happy Thanskgiving" No response. Happy birthday! No response. Like a dog learns, so too, will your ex


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