Trigger events and secrets

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Posted by Dagwood79
November 10, 2023 2:57 pm

A lot of what I am reading about late-blooming spouses is that there is often a triggering event or epiphany.

As a recap, my spouse told me a couple of weeks ago that she has been wondering (for the last few months) if she might be bi. I am giving her space to figure things out by removing all physical contact for the next 4 months. The caveat is that she has to be honest with me and keep me informed of her progress.

She explains that she doesn't look at women and wonder what it would be like to have sex with them. Nor does she crave emotional attachment to women. She says the same holds true for men.

So I asked her yesterday about what makes her think she might be bi. She spends a lot of time with that community and said listening to their stories helps her feel free to explore feelings she's repressed for a long time. So, now I'm hearing that it's a lot more than a few months of wondering. 

When I asked her about whether there was a triggering event or epiphany period, she won't answer. She said that there was nothing physical or emotional, but she refuses to tell me where these feelings come from. I don't get it! She said she doesn't want to give me any ammo to use against her, but if she didn't cheat, what ammo is left? 

She wants to process with a counselor before telling me her big secret. I'm racking my brain trying to figure it out. I'm tired and lonely and rejected. When I try to tell her this she says that I am making it all about me.

I'm not sure how all this is going to end, but it's only been two weeks and I know it's going to get worse. 

Did y'all discuss the origin of your spouse's feelings? Am I missing something here? And how did you deal with secrets? I'm trying to get to a point that I no longer care, but I'm far from that right now.

Posted by Blackie563
November 10, 2023 3:10 pm

Dagwood - sorry to hear this. Very normal from my experience. My ex did not say she thought she was bi, she suddenly said she thought she was gay. I tried to get answers for a few months, but it did not take me long to ask for a divorce. Why? Because I caught her in numerous lies AND she forgot the part about this being about us because we were married for 19 years. She said the exact same things, "I don't know" but she did know. She kept secrets, lied about contacting the original affair partner, even after being asked directly over 2 dozen times. She could notgo more than 3 seconds without lying to me, so then she became angry because I finally, after 19 years, saw her for what she was.....a self hating, broken person who had been leaching my life from me slowly. She was too emotionally immature to deal with whatever her past was, or her unhappiness, commenting "I was the best husband anyone could ask for"....

I am not saying this to discourage you. I am telling you this so you have a prospective, if she is not telling you information and you're married, then you are no longer a union. She is concerned with herself only, not you. It will take time to process, get help, find a routine (mine was up at 430am to workout daily), meditate, and focus on me and my kids. Over time, I cared less and less about her. Not out of hate or anger, but indifference. You can not help or save someone who does not want your help or have the ability to self reflect. You wait for answer you may be waiting a lifetime. 

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
November 10, 2023 3:26 pm

Dagwood79 wrote:

Did y'all discuss the origin of your spouse's feelings? Am I missing something here? And how did you deal with secrets? I'm trying to get to a point that I no longer care, but I'm far from that right now. I never asked. Mostly because he is a reserved personality, hates talking about himself and now we're separated, even though we have an amicable r'ship.....I don't care anymore where it all originated from (this is one of the bonus' of working through the Mindfuck and reaching the other side)
As for the secrets. I knew they were there, saw them as harmful, to me, so learned to keep them all in the back of my mind as I worked through it all. 
As an example.....I saw something odd on his laptop that looked different (it was an incognito tab) and he gaslighted it away and shut me down. I filed that moment away with the other odd things seen or said but I could bring them to the forefront of my mind whenever I needed them.

Dagwood I know you've 'put a hold' on physical contact with your wife but if you're using it as a weapon to try to lure her back I think you're doing a disservice to your emotions. It took me three years to know I could never, ever have sex with A. again and when I made that decision there was no going back. I didn't withhold it, or timeline it...I worked through my emotions. Then made an irreversible decision that I was happy with and gave me peace of mind


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Anon2222
November 11, 2023 1:44 am

My GID stbx husband came out as bi 3 years prior to the gay thing. When he sucker punched me in the face with the fact that he was gay and never loved me....he claimed he only figured it out 2 weeks prior to telling me. 

He claims that he never lied to me. His defense is how could he be lying when he didn't know himself?

Then there were the holes in the he was miserable for years. Hated everything about his life. Didn't want to be married. Statements like "when I noticed I was attracted to men". Except he had "no idea" he was gay.

When he declared he was bi but it meant nothing and would change nothing....I told him that I was looking into divorce. I also said he had to figure out what he wanted. Take all the time he needed. He had to decide if marriage was for him and what his orientation was and what he wanted. I told him my greatest fear was that he would turn around and say he was gay and leave. I told him that if he did this, he would destroy me as a person. I supported him. I loved him. I researched LGBTQ and coming out late in life. Went to therapy to figure out my own thoughts and feelings, and how I could support and accept him. What's funny, is I just remember feeling so much guilt over the fact that I was struggling with coming to terms with his attraction to men. I do not find that remotely attractive, but I actively worked on everything and building "a stronger marriage".

He begged me not to leave. He cried. He said I was the love of his life and he was committed for life. I was very hesitant. But, stupidity apparently won me over. My non-negotiable was that if he had any doubts, any thoughts or feelings, any changes that he had to share it with me immediately and we would work it out together, whatever ended up happening.

Apparently, in his mind, this meant say absolutely nothing for 3 years (I directly asked him about it, how he was doing, any concerns....he just lied to my face) and then sit down and blind side me one Saturday morning, leave and just never come back. Then refuse to talk to me and any attempts I made to ask any questions about the marriage and what happened....he would call me abusive.

He actively chose to destroy me. He went out of his way to do all the things I very vulnerably told him would hurt me in unimaginable ways. It's not even the fact that he's gay....I don't think he has ever been honest. 20 years of my life was a lie. I loved this man with everything I had and spent 20 years with him, and he thinks of me as a disposable piece of trash. Welcome to the mind fuck.

Posted by Rob
November 11, 2023 9:02 am

Lots of triggers..we are beset with triggers..

Anon's word of trash was a trigger.. because my GX not only treated me like that upon her gay awakening and affair but screamed it to my face during the divorce..I was garbage, trash, nothing (but please give me all your income as if we were married). 

It was an educational experience... just because she screamed something did not make it was like that movie the sixth sense..all her screaming during the whole marriage was lies.  It was arrogance that if she screamed it it made it true. Once I saw through that the curtain was down and her screams were just rants of a broken person.

Their words and , more so, actions over us are just that..lies, if they think they can inflict their morality and reality on us and anyone. 

Today I live my life real reality.
We are worth so much more their their words and actions over us.  For those that still harbor anger..take some comfort that this probably upsets them..that their sick reality is really not true..
Wish them well in their sick broken morality land and get far away.

Wishing everyone fortitude and peace during this holiday saeson.

Last edited by Rob (November 11, 2023 9:05 am)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Blackie563
November 11, 2023 12:37 pm

Well said Rob. We had very similar experiences. 

Posted by PJ
November 11, 2023 3:54 pm

she refuses to tell me where these feelings come from. I don't get it! She said she doesn't want to give me any ammo to use against her

This drives me nuts. They don't get that BEING GAY ISN'T THE PROBLEM.

If you're gay, just be gay.


When she says "doesn't want to give you ammo", what she is displaying here is her own homophobia that lies at the root of the deceipt.

For the straight spouse, the GID spouse saying "I don't want to give you any ammo" IS THE HURT ITSELF, not the symptom of the hurt.

Last edited by PJ (November 11, 2023 3:56 pm)

Posted by LonelyDude
November 11, 2023 8:23 pm

PJ wrote:

When she says "doesn't want to give you ammo", what she is displaying here is her own homophobia that lies at the root of the deceit.

100%. Mine continuously uses the phrase "You're just building a case against me". If that is so, it has been a case 20 years in the making, based on 20 years of evidence, and I only recently realized this summer that there was a case at all. Late to the GID party I guess.

I hope that we are a generation away from homophobia being completely eradicated, that people can feel empowered to be honest about their attractions early in life, even if married or a committed relationship. It sure would cause less pain.

Sadly, I feel that religious communities will be the last to adopt this posture. I think religion makes it twice as hard: harder for the GID spouse to address their true self, and harder for the straight spouse to do something about it.

I'm overcome by loneliness today. Apologies for coming off as ranting.

Last edited by LonelyDude (November 11, 2023 8:23 pm)

Posted by Anon2222
November 11, 2023 8:44 pm

PJ - you hit the nail on the head.

It's not "the gay thing" - it's the lies, manipulation, gas lighting. Honestly, the absolute worst part of this whole thing for me was when he just left and refused to speak to me. It had nothing to do with being gay. It was that we were married for 20 years, and apparently all I deserved was to be abandoned with zero explanation. I really don't have any other way to put it other than feeling like I was a thrown away piece of trash. It really messed with me. To find out the person I loved more than anything and had spent my entire life with was able to just abandon me and never look back. 

Icing on top of the whole thing is the fact that he was cold, cruel and uncaring throughout the year of separation and divorce process and blames me for everything. I've witnessed the way he looks at me....pure hatred. And I have no idea what I ever did to him to deserve this.


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