LEW partner left her

Posted by Seattledad
May 15, 2023 11:20 am

So married 14.5 years two young sons.   Now 5+ years post Dday & high conflict divorce.  My ex lived with her partner and her partners son for five years.  She and her partner would tell our sons they don’t need a father, man aren’t needed, her partners son has never had a father so why would our sons need one. 

Now my LEW’s parter left.   The weekly causing conflict in my life has stopped; I mean she still purposely sends rotten food in the boys lunchboxes every other Sunday, still trash talks me at little league games in my presence but hey she’s much less conflict oriented.  She used to do something intentionally every week to make my life harder.  Examples it’s snowing send kids with no coats return boys to her house with new coats they return again no coats.  The diabetic child she would send with insulin but no syringes or needles, she steals the school picture packages I buy for my home……just something every week for 5 years and now it’s nearly stopped. 

Have any of you experienced this?  Have any of you lived through this longer to understand why it would have stopped?


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