straightwifeinNZ wrote:
How did I find myself in this position where I put up with this treatment for so long?
And how can I avoid it happening again in future relationships?
Such a challenging journey to have to walk.
I have asked myself that question a thousand times. After much reflection, the answer is: because I cared and loved fully and unconditionally. I loved someone who never actually loved me and used me for 23 years. That said, you have to forgive yourself and learn the hard lessons. I discovered the red flags were there from day 1. I ignored, didnt know what to do, or simply justified her behavior and treatment of me "for the sake of the relationship". The hard lesson? Never do anything for the sake of the relationship. Do it for you. When you find someone who takes care and loves themselves, so they can love you, and you love yourself so you can love them, that is where the magic happens.
I reconnected with a HS friend. Hadn't spoken in 25 years. She has gone through similar. Now we have been together for several months and it has shown me for the first time in my life, what a real relationship looks like and feels like. My marriage was awful, but if you find my original post here I described it as "great". I didn't know what I didn't know. Now I do. You will too in time. But you have to be very self reflective and be willing to go VERY deep to ask "why did I feel ok with being treated as less than? The root cause identification and resolution will set you free.