Thank you, everyone. Your advice has been extremely helpful. This situation has nearly killed me.
I have started making plans to move on, and we have made some decisions together that have helped so far. I have started referring to him as "my gay roommate" and he actually doesn't mind being called gay in our home behind closed doors. He has the upstairs and I have the downstairs so although we live under one roof, we have our own separate "apartments" for now. I have reached out to 3 close friends in the last couple days and none of them were surprised to hear the news. I thought I would be a laughingstock, but it turns out all of them are furious with my GID for what he has put me through and have given me 1,000% support. Of course, my GID was horrified that I told my close friends, but oh well.
He keeps asking me to cuddle with him and be sweet because its so difficult for him, but I told him I have to have boundaries now. Cuddling and comforting him would just be too painful for me, and he just doesn't understand why. He thinks we can just go on as usual like nothing had changed, but he can't have me and his gay boyfriends, too. And I really don't care if he thinks I'm mean. After 10 years of gaslighting, I'm immune to his teary, manipulative BS. Sorry, not sorry. (hairflip)