Apparently, I was tired this morning when I wrote that. I meant to say domestic abuse (not violence). Violence would be physical and a whole different ballgame for sure!
I found this summary of psychological abuse:
[*]Humiliation: insulting, criticizing, name-calling, embarrassing the other person in public, belittling their accomplishments, posting unflattering photos or videos of them on social media
[*]Control: acting jealous and possessive, monitoring the other person’s behavior, reading their texts and emails, demanding all their time and attention, pressuring them to use drugs or alcohol, using social media to track their activities, trying to control who they follow on social media
[*]Blaming and gaslighting: accusing the other person of cheating, denying abusive behavior or blaming it on the victim, claiming their problems are the other person’s fault
[*]Neglect and isolation: refusing to communicate, turning other people against the victim, withholding affection, preventing the other person from seeing friends or family
From what I have read, a key to recovering from an abusive relationship is acknowledging that you were abused. I can't decide how I feel about what I went through abuse? It just seems so serious and awful. And I feel an intense guilt and shame for thinking of him as an abuser. I also worry about being accused of slander for saying this....or that I'm playing a victim or something....