Posted by cookie ![]() February 10, 2023 8:45 pm | #1 |
I'm new here and just really want to vent.
Last June my husband (he/him, per his preference at this time) told me he identified as trans and wanted to transition to female. Talk about a freaking shock. I had ZERO idea. ZERO. But he told me that in 2017 he was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and had taken hormones before for a month before chickening out and trying to lock the feelings away. Very shortly thereafter he met me. He didn't tell me until last year which was about 2 years into our marriage with a one year old in tow about any of this.
I of course felt hurt. Upset. Betrayed. Angry. Guilty for feeling all of those feelings (because he's the one who has been having to live a lie all these years! How must've that made him feel?) And panic because I'm a straight woman... I don't want to be with a woman! But then I found out that his friends and family all knew that he identified as trans during the entirety of our relationship. And even his ex girlfriend knew! I knew NOTHING. He never told me. So of course I felt extra hurt by that huge withholding of information. I sobbed for days.
But then things turned worse fairly quickly as he started hormones without telling me first because I was taking too long to process... he started 9 days after he told me the news. He would gaslight me, guilt me, emotionally manipulate me, etc in an attempt to get me to stay.
"I don't know why this is such a big deal, this would be the same as if I were to just gain weight or dye my hair. I'm still me. I just look different on the outside."
"I can't believe you'd let something as trivial as my genitals stop you from loving me."
"Obviously you only loved me for my body if you don't want to stay."
"I'll only stop drinking if you promise not to leave."
"So what if I started hormones already? You wouldn't have even known if I hadn't told you. It's not like i'm going to walk through the door a woman one day."
So on and so forth. It had gotten to almost daily arguments or in the least super tense, uncomfortable silence when in the room together. He threatened to move out many times but would find an excuse not to each time so I ended up moving out and we share custody of our 1 year old child. I didn't want her getting older and becoming aware of the tension between us or her to see how miserable I was.
We tried couples therapy after I moved out but he ended up cancelling it because he felt like I was attacking him in the sessions. At that point I stopped trying to try to make things work in any sort of way.
He came out on social media recently and got waves and waves of support which is good for him but the whole time I selfishly thought to myself, "Where's MY support? Why aren't any of these people checking in on ME?" He's discovering his whole new identity and has this army of people coming out of the woodwork in support of him and his transition but where's my army to support me? My marriage fell apart, he killed my husband and the man I once knew, I lost my house, time with my child, my whole life was just flipped upside overnight and I feel like if I were to complain about the lack of support, I would come off as transphobic even though he, as a human, was a terrible person to me in the aftermath. Granted his friends and family don't know that version. They just know I'm no longer with him for probably trans related reasons. Well acually, for several months they knew we were separated but he hadn't come out yet so they didn't know it was trans related at all.
So now we're navigating the separation process and he still has made this separation my fault. That I'm the one who decided to leave because I can't overlook his outward appearances. Not because of the emotional abuse I'd been through by his hands... mouth?
And I'm upset. I love him. But I love HIM. Who he presented to me all these years. The man I agreed to marry and the man he subsequently killed off back in June. And now I just see him looking at me sadly and with hope anytime I'm in the same room as him because he still wants to get back together. And it freaking hurts. But I'm still so mad at him for all of the emotional whiplash I'm STILL being put through.
But I want to be in a relationship thats exemplary for our child. I don't want them growing up thinking that being unhappy in a relationship is just something that happens and is acceptable. Because I would be unhappy. I'd be forcing myself to be a lesbian which would be as unnatural to me as him forcing himself to stay a male.
And I feel like I really shouldn't complain. I do have some close friends that have been very supportive of me and know my story. But this whole thing has been such a whirlwind of feeling isolating because you can't just blab that news to everyone out of respect to your closested transspouse, and anger for literally feeling like they killed off the person you married, to sadness over the loss of your life as you envisioned it, and feeling like there's no hope for love in the future because I come with a ton of baggage now.
Usually I am pretty even headed and don't need these venting sessions but my lawyer just sent the separation agreement for me to review and he didn't even spell my name right after I spelled it to him at least 3 times so I'm just feeling extra forgotten in everything today.
Thanks for reading. I know many of you can relate and I send my love and support because it's been a terrible, isolating spot to be in.
Last edited by cookie (February 10, 2023 8:52 pm)
Posted by HereInMpls2717 ![]() February 10, 2023 10:31 pm | #2 |
Telling others about what you're going through and feeling when you're suffering like this is not complaining. You deserve to be supported. You never have to apologize for expressing yourself here. The confusion, anger, panic, sadness, betrayal, grief, resentment and frustration are all familiar here.
"I can't believe you'd let something as trivial as my genitals stop you from loving me."
I could have said that to my lesbian wife because I haven't changed- I'm what she knew she was getting from the start. Your husband knew what he was getting with you too. Would he feel the same if you transitioned? Or made some other change to yourself that completely altered who you appeared to be or how you acted? And even if he would (which I think is doubtful but likely unknowable), that doesn't invalidate how you feel or respond to him in this. I think what our spouses/ex-spouses aren't understanding is that we picked them, loved them, accepted them, desired them for who they showed themselves to be. We trusted that we were both going into the relationship honestly and vulnerably as our true selves. Sure people get older, maybe gain weight, pick up some bad or annoying habits, even change some significant beliefs, etc. Maybe there are health issues that completely alter how your relationship works. That's not the same kind of change as altering your gender or sexuality. If the change isn't that big a deal, why are they doing it? If they're the same person as before, why are the changes happening? With the change, they're completely altering our relationship and lives because now we're tied to them and this incredibly confusing complication, deception and loss. It's frustrating because they appeal to our empathy while giving us little to none.
I'm sorry you belong here, it's not a club membership anyone wants, but at least you'll be supported, understood and cared for here.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() February 11, 2023 2:49 am | #3 |
Your army to support you isn't there because you haven't spoken up on social media..
So why don't you...? Go on social media and tell your story
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() February 11, 2023 7:35 am | #4 |
Your story is unfortunately familiar to me and also a common experience for those of us unlucky enough to have partnered with men who identify as transgender, including the deception, acting unilaterally, lying by omission, boundary breaking, lack of empathy, and attacking our understandable distress at discovering or hearing that our male spouses now wish to disavow their maleness. It's also unfortunately the case that the trans-identifying spouse is seen as "brave and stunning" while we are considered collateral damage, or, worse, condemned for not enthusiastically getting on board the trans train. It is truly a double-standard we are subject to: we are expected to act as if our partner's maleness and presentation does not matter, yet the trans-identifying partner is allowed to claim that gender presentation and the body matters so much it must be altered. If it's not supposed to matter to us, then why can that same things matter so much to them that they need to change it.
You can find sympathetic support online at the website, where women whose partners/husbands have killed off their male selves share their stories ("trans widows," because our husbands are effectively dead), as well as on Mumsnet, on this thread:
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (February 11, 2023 7:42 am)
Posted by lily ![]() February 11, 2023 4:37 pm | #5 |
it's hard to wrap your head around having fallen in love with a fake persona. But it might help to recognise that underneath it, he always was the person you see before you now.
check out that separation agreement. might not hurt to get a second opinion.
Posted by Rob ![]() February 13, 2023 7:54 am | #6 |
I think we all feel like widows/widowers here. My gay ex wife (GX) still looks the same but the person she was (to me) or fake persona or whatever you want to call it is gone. Yet people see the same physical appearance...which if this make sense,,, I think she likes...she likes that people don;t see what she took away from me.
I can think of nothing more concrete and absolutely hjurtful then your husband the person you made your vows to is not there... Its on such a different level than gaining weight etc. What is more disturbing here, as you've seen, and said it his total disregard for you...going on hormones without your knowing..the lies etc. This, I think, we all have in common....there is their sexuality etc and then there is their total disregard and, really, discard of us. Like we were not enough.
No he is not looking out for you...thus breaking his marriage vows... this is not gaining weight.
You need to look out for you... because if you dont who will? Not him/her/it/them/? Next time he tries to shift blame to you ask him why he thinks its ok to hurt you... to keep hurting you..weren't you enough? he vowed you were enough...did that factor into his hormone therapy?
Posted by cookie ![]() February 14, 2023 7:59 am | #7 |
Thank you everyone for the supportive and kind words. This is definitely never a situation I'd ever see myself in. I don't think he can help feeling like he's in the wrong body. But I do think he's in complete control of his narcissistic behaviors and the fact that his narrative for our split will always be "She left me for my genitals" bothers me. I honestly would have at least TRIED had he not been so manipulative and rude and gaslighting me daily. Would I have stayed had those behaviors not been there? Maybe not. But I would've tried to see where it went at least.
I just hate feeling like I'm the bad guy in this scenario.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() February 14, 2023 12:39 pm | #8 |
cookie wrote:
I just hate feeling like I'm the bad guy in this scenario.
You have nothing to do with how and what other people think of you. You thinking you're the bad guy is a product of how your r'ship has progressed,
You know you're not "the bad guy" tell yourself you're not. Know that you're not.
Believe in who you are.
Posted by Rob ![]() February 15, 2023 3:08 pm | #9 |
Cookie..your thread title made me think of that song by Pink;
"Oh, what about us?
What about all the plans that ended in disaster?
What about love? What about trust?
What about us?
..and the real answer is they were not thinking about me or you as part of a team or couple..rather they were only thinking of themselves.
Posted by HereInMpls2717 ![]() February 15, 2023 3:18 pm | #10 |
You aren’t the bad guy. There doesn’t have to be a bad guy and you don’t have to participate in that kind of discussion. There are facts. He wants things that you aren’t okay with, that you didn’t agree to (even if you did you could change your mind), and that means your relationship can’t work. Blame doesn’t even need to be assigned. But how cruel and self-centered to try to make you feel guilty about this. You have done something that’s incredibly brave, standing up for yourself while also supporting him as much as you could. He should be grateful. Maybe one day. Don’t wait around for it though.
I don’t think anyone can go through what he’s going through without a lot of emotional disturbance. He’s thinking like an adolescent right now. He wants what he wants and doesn’t care what it does to you, and won’t take responsibility for the results of his choices.
I hope you can get through it without much damage to yourself. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself!! You’re the only one who can, and that also provides him the opportunity to deal with himself instead of having your help.