Cross dressers and transgenders

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Posted by whatasham24
October 22, 2016 11:03 pm


I've been off here a bit but just catching up on email alerts and I've had to pick my jaw up from the floor a few times on these last comments but firstly, before I any others husbands have fathers with the same proclivity?

Uhhhhhh YA!!! We found oud from one of my TGH's fellow girlfriends that inf act HIS OWN FATHER is TG. He is also an asshole. Left 2 wives, series of kids & finally hooked up with a woman who controls his every move. I love it. He's 80 now & I suspect he still dresses, although in the privacy of his home now.

My husband has 3 brothers, 2 of them are also suddenly going thru divorces. I also suspect the one brother is going thru TG problems because he said he's "seeing a therapist to help him get thru something" 

On the mention about huusband being the social one? Not in my house. I was always the social one, him the "strong silent type". In fact, he told me when we were first married that "I talk too much" at his family functions. Dick. Now, after 25 years of being beaten down & physically unwell, he is the social one, especially when in drag. In fact, he thrives on the attention, prancing around events so people can take a photo with him. Ya, he's a real hero. I had one girl tell me how lucky I was to be married to a TG. I clearly was not in agreeance. She said she wished her own boyfriend was TG. That was the last time I went out with him. I'm a third wheel, he could care less If I'm there, dying in the bathroom or having sex with the bartender. I sure as hell don't need any more reinforcement how bloody lopsided society is with support & understanding in the TG world. And I refuse to be his fan any more. I know I am naturally & genuinely more social & people comfortable than he is, even in drag, and I am definitely not reliant on him, but the fact is, after all these years of being isolated, plus being physically broken, I'm too bloody tired to get out there. 

With regards to the timing of his amping up the CD/Tg? He started it big time (purchasing more clothes, silicone tits, wigs etc) when he was hitting midlife, discovered he had a heart condition (lots of operations), yes, my daughter was going thru puberty. He REALLY amped it up over the last 5 years as I have been unemployed, physically unable to work, dependent! they really LOVE & need a woman to be vulnerable & at their mercy in some way to have the freedom to go full throttle, not give that one last damn. That saying "The only way some people can keep you is by keeping you down"? Ya, him to a T. 

He also stopped having sex with me when I got pregnant. 23 years ago. I pretty much had to beg for anything after that. So the idea that that they are jealous of any REAL woman in their family, with all her "privileges" is entirely believable. All these years when I make the effort to get out of slumpy mode & really bring it make-up/hair/clothes, he NEVER says a thing!! My daughter will prompt him (guilt him) into noticing. He absolutely is jealous of me. Funny, I used to be jealous of "her", for all she stole from me, for being the ever growing "other woman" in my marriage. Now I just have zero effing respect for either of them. They're both selfish & I would never choose either one of them as my friend.

I am in therapy, sporatically albeit. It is shitloads of money in Canada. $250/hr, but she is a Godsend. She does not give any sympathy to him/her. She had one beatiful piece of advice for me that I think works for anyone who has had a life of trauma. "Re draw your blue print" It's a bit kitchy , but it helps me feel like I have some power in this shitstorm, to move away from the cruel mother & shithead narcissist husband. Plus, she swears nearly as much as me.

This is a particularly rough time of the year as we approach halloween. Being in the same home still, having to be around all the costume fanfare & seeing how much friggen money he is spending is a test of my sanity & patience. Some days it's bearable, most days I want to tell him to dial it the fack down already. They really do think they are all that at Halloween. Always the bride.


Posted by OutofHisCloset
October 23, 2016 1:18 pm

Always the bride...great one, Sham.  One day I told my husband that it seemed like he was the feminine one in our household--and I said it in a rueful tone--and he just preened.  Saw no problem with it.  It's one reason that I went out and finally bought myself a nightgown (instead of wearing old T-shirts or nothing to bed).  I decided that he's not appropriating "woman" and "femininity" and taking it away from me.  The irony is so immense: the men who say they LOVE women so much they want to be one don't care about the actual woman in their life, but assail their wives for being women (or feminine).  My husband once told me he was a masochist (because those with autogynephilia are turned on by a male fantasy of womanhood that defines it as sexually submissive), and although I said I wasn't interested in even play acting cruelty, I thought, wow, if I really wanted to punish you I'd parade around in my legitimate body so you could see exactly what you'll never have, no matter how much surgery you have or how much money you spend on clothes and makeup and voice and deportment lessons.  Seriously, sometimes I surprise myself with how out of self preservation I want to flaunt myself or rub his nose in my own womanhood.  

Posted by FeelingCheated
November 1, 2016 12:44 am

I so wish I would have found this site earlier. To finally see that I am not alone! Some of your situations are so close to mine - I just can't believe it. My first serious relationship was a physical and mentally abusive nightmare. Then one day I met "him". Thought he was wonderful-trusted that he would not hurt me in the ways my ex did. I was just so happy to finally have a "normal " relationship that I just ignored some of the things that were going on. We started playing lil sex roles - I thought it was just for fun. Then suddenly I saw just how much he was enjoying dressing up - he really thought he was the shit! So I stopped it - said no more of this. And stupidly thought that was the end of it. Over the years I've caught him watching his transgender porn and pictures - he would say it was no biggie. Then I would just shove it to the back of my mind. I thought he just liked dressing up, boy was I wrong. Last year I caught him again and we had a blow up. I had a sickening feeling that it was bigger than I realized, And then he said it - "I'm transgender"
It was horrible. He had been seeing a therapist, and I went in with him so we could talk about it. I've been trying ever since to make our marriage work, with the understanding that he wasn't going to do it anymore. Said he knew he'd lose me if he did. But I don't think I can hide from this anymore. I've finally realized that's what I've been doing all these years - hiding from the dirty lil secret. im sick all the time - wanting to hate him but feeling like I deserved all this bull because I basically knew but married him anyways. Sorry this is so long - and I hope it isn't to whiney. I'm just so lost - I need help! Thank you for listening.

Posted by Sun
November 1, 2016 4:34 am

Dear FeelingCheated,  Yes, transgender is the new term of choice for these guys.  Remember when it was transvestite and then cross dresser and now transgender.  Anything to try to convince themselves and others that their perversion/compulsion/addiction/paraphilia is just a harmless variation of normal.  Wanting to look like something doesn't mean that you are that something.  And being sexually aroused by it really doesn't mean that you are it.   This is pure lunacy.  I am so glad you found this site, too. There are so many brilliant, compassionate, honest people on here; something that we need so desperately when we find out how badly we were duped by those we trusted most. Don't even think for one second longer that you deserved this.  Narcissists are master manipulators and liars.  You may have known you were marrying someone who liked little sex games but no way could you have known that you were marrying a personality disordered/mentally ill person. Hugs to you, none of this is easy.

Posted by OutofHisCloset
November 1, 2016 10:01 am

Feeling Cheated, I second Sun's comments.  You didn't "basically know" anything more than that you enjoyed playing around with gender in bed with the man you loved.  What you didn't know--and couldn't know--was that your partner/husband wasn't "playing"!  I did the same; I indulged my husband's desire to "act like a woman" in bed, and even enjoyed it, because to me we were engaged in activities that were gender bending.  To me all activities are just activities, not evidence of naturalized gender difference (definition: traits and behaviors women--or men--exhibit simply because they are female--or male; you know, the ones that "prove" women are the opposite of and less than men, like emotional or passive.).  It took me a while to understand that to him these were not games or play, but that he was deadly serious and actually believed he was inhabiting femininity or womanhood, "feeling like a woman" because he was doing these things, even if he didn't think he "was" a woman while doing them.  That is, I came to understand he wasn't gender bending; he was occupying the opposite pole, and in ways that I found insulting to women: "a woman's deepest wish is to penetrated and I want to be 'taken'" and other traditional and (misogynistic) conventional ideas about what constitutes woman.  (This is what exposes the trans argument that they are "undoing the gender binary." Undoing the gender binary would be unhooking gender from all behavior; but for these types, it's all about the gender binary and claiming the opposite pole.)  And while my husband and I were having this unbridled sex--the most unbridled he'd ever been with me in over 40 years together--outside the bedroom he was extending his actions into body modification--shaving his chest and underarm hair (because "women are smooth")--and dress (wearing women's underwear underneath his regular work clothes, lounging around in a dress in the mornings before work).  These additional manifestations brought me face to face with clarity: if "shaving equals woman," and I, a natal female, shave, am I, who must shave my facial hair, not a woman?  If "lace and satin and swirly skirts and ruffles equals woman," am I, a natal female who prefers the comfort of pants and flannel shirts, not a woman?  When I confronted my husband with these contradictions, contradictions that put him into conflict with his desire to believe he was really experiencing what actual women experience , he engaged in all sorts of verbal gymnastics to justify or explain his behavior, the best of them, in that it helped me understand his actions, is this (a position he has arrived at because I have made him confront his behavior, not just let him believe his own promptings): he is driven to "feminize" himself, and although he (now) doesn't think shaving makes him a woman, or makes a woman, it does being him closer to what he isn't and can't have--he's "smoother," so to speak, than a man would ordinarily be.  And that's what he wants: to be closer to female/woman and further from male/man. (And yet, I remain a woman who likes male/men, which means, Houston, that sexually we've got a problem....)
   And yes, this is a mental condition. It's called "autogynephilia," a sexual paraphilia, and like another such sexual paraphilia, pedophilia, it pushes those who have it to believe its promptings.  Think of it: the "Man-Boy Love Association" (NAMBLA) says they aren't predators but that they simply "love children" and argue that the boys they "love" "love them back."  The origins of AGP are physical and biological, yes, but that doesn't make it just an alternative sexuality (like homosexuality).  It's a sexual orientation in which the object of the attraction is an imaginary woman the man imagines inside himself.   Men with this psychological condition suffer from body dysphoria--they hate their male bodies and wish they had female bodies and could be women.  Somehow, those with AGP (autogynephilia) have been able to push the line that their problem is not their body dysphoria, but us--that they suffer not from the mental condition that prompts them to hate their bodies and wish to be the other sex and express the characteristics of the other gender, but from societal prejudice.  
    I compare what my husband has to what I have: chronic depression (which I have had far longer than I've known my husband).  Depression is a constant in my life, but I don't go around indulging it and acting out and expecting others to validate it and indulge me when I'm in the grip of it.  The chronically depressed would like to see the cause of their depression as coming from outside themselves, and to understand their depression as a rational response to those bad circumstances outside themselves. (I'm not talking here about "situational depression," which can be set off by the grief and stress of actual circumstances like a death, etc.) The chronically depressed are driven to think the cause is outside themselves, not that their pessimistic outlook on the world or their own worth comes from within and is  "the depression talking," as I put it to myself when I find myself exhibiting the symptoms of depression.  But to indulge me when I'm depressed isn't going to help me out of my depression. If when I'm depressed you validate my sense of the world as hopeless, that is no going to help me get out of my depression.  And I'm not going to say the problem when I'm depressed is not my own behavior and outlook but that others don't recognize the rightness of my position that the world and I are hopeless.  That's a recipe for enabling me, allowing me to continue living in my delusions, and it could end with my committing suicide.  
    Over the years I have learned how to manage my depression--to be alert for its signs, to keep it at bay, to intervene when I can feel it getting worse, to ask for help.  This is what I think we ought to be doing for those with AGP--not encouraging them to indulge their delusions that they can transform themselves into women and supporting their push to re-define woman in ways that decenter actual natal women and their legitimate concerns.  I understand that there are no good medications for AGP; I understand there are degrees of suffering from body dysphoria, and some are intense, akin to major depression.  I will even go so far as to say that for those suffering the worst body dysphoria, SRS may be the best treatment--and that such a person should not be then discriminated against.  But to normalize (and even celebrate) AGP as a harmless alternative sexual orientation?  Nope.  And this, finally, is what puts me at odds with my husband, who would like me to embrace, enthusiastically, his perspective.  Well, he's an adult and entitled to his own beliefs and to act on them--but don't ask me to drink the trans kool-aid.
   Feeling Cheated, my husband right now is in a period of either repressing it or hiding it from me.  I don't know which, because he won't talk about it.  I think he's conflicted: he feels ashamed of his desire and doesn't want to feel ashamed of it (and he can't help it, after all, so why should he feel ashamed?--well, I think it's because in our society a man who belongs to the dominant and "better" sex but who wants to be a woman, the "lesser" sex, clearly has a problem), and his need not to feel ashamed makes him defensive. Add in the paraphilia's push to make him believe his delusion is real, and it's a disaster.  
   I have recently realized that my husband's self-absorption, the consequence of his paraphilia, will never go away, and that means he will never be able to be fully present in our relationship.  That, more than anything, has been the proverbial straw.  
   I hope that what others say here will help you clarify your own position and provide you support as you decide what you'll do.  That's what being here has done for me, and I'm very grateful for it.

Posted by whatasham24
November 1, 2016 1:33 pm

Sun wrote:

Dear FeelingCheated,  Yes, transgender is the new term of choice for these guys.  Remember when it was transvestite and then cross dresser and now transgender.  Anything to try to convince themselves and others that their perversion/compulsion/addiction/paraphilia is just a harmless variation of normal.  Wanting to look like something doesn't mean that you are that something.  And being sexually aroused by it really doesn't mean that you are it.   This is pure lunacy.  

Whoa Sun! YAS! That is EXACTLY what this has morphed into. If it walks like a duck............

Sun & OutofHisCloset have stamped it out perfectly. What they have said is exactly what it is, no matter what your husband tells you (or himself & his therapist) it is.

Don't you for a minute feel guilty or "part responsible" because you knew ahead of time. I felt the same shame as my husband told me before we got married he was a crossdresser. "Wears women's panties for a stress reliever and nothing more" I'm sure you, like EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US SPOUSES has heard the same bullcrap. You loved unconditionally, without judgement, denied your own feelings about the effect it had on you on a deep level because yes, you were afraid of losing your marriage, of hurting his feelings, of being selfish & trans/cd phobic. He lied to you & played you, plain & simple. That's the cold unbridled truth, but please realize it so you don't take on his mind games (gaslighting) any further. Or society's bullshit, naive opinion that we must "love & understand their inner torture". You know what this opinion is based on?....The LYING, Narcissistic, selfish, obsessed addict. All of our perceptions are based on an extremely off kilter point of view. I akin my STBXTGGID's journey now as the same as an addict. He simply cannot help himself. He is utterly controlled by this fantasy of female sissy persona now after 5years of embracing hard core his Pink Fog. He is now full throttle addicted to their ultimate end goal of getting the "authentic female experience" : penetrated like a "woman". Because yes, that is what defines all of us natural women right?, our vaginas. I don't know about you, but I think of mine 24/7. Ugg, such bullshit. They need to just be honest & call it what it is, a sexual fantasy and addiction. A fantasy that drives their entire reality! Even when they are not in "en femme" mode, believe me, they are fantasizing about how to get that next fix & erotic high. What they'll be wearing, how they'll pose all sissy-like, just like they see in their tranny shemale porn. So yes, it's an addiction, just like a crack addict, chasing that high, but with better teeth & fishnets.

So after that bitter were you to possibly know all that & dissect it from the little info you were told & / or discovered? Exactly. Be gentle on yourself moving forward from here. xx

I don't know how long you have been together, but unless you are excited & 100% happy about your future as a lesbian (at the least) to a soon to be wife, or most likely, gutted & left at the side of the road after years of depression, isolation & sexual & intimate depravity because he/she has finally decided she IS in fact "female & now needs to be with a man because she is not a lesbian and can no longer stay with you."....then get some therapy JUST FOR YOU. Get to the guts of what YOU want for your future, what do YOU deserve, desire, long for? Are you okay with being celebate for the rest of your life, or seeking intimacy elswhere while staying in the marriage & playing second fiddle to all of his/her whims & desires? Also plan on being broke because the road to transitioning even without SRS ain't cheap! If you discover you are infact a lesbian and truly find her sexually attractive & she is the beautifully souled person you want to spend the rest of your life with, awesome! Some women do can head over to some forums and read quietly those women's journeys and deep sadness thru comments like "It's not the life I would have chosen, but bad things happen all the time, so if it wasn't this, it would be something else I suppose." !!!! No shit, that is what these crushingly deprived women extol for justifying their staying. I was there too, so believe me, sadness recognizes sadness.

I, like many others here sadly, am now looking for the strength & ladyballs to dig myself out of a dark pit & get the hell out after 25 years of marriage. 25 years of ME doing all the sacrificing, " adjusting my new normal" as Kel stated to me when I first came on here & I said the same thing as you! Mine started just like yours, but I only realized 5 years ago how fast the train had departed from simple "crossdressing to transgender part time"and then before I had any warning, I found myself & my kids at the dreadful final stop of "planning to transition full time" He is now (secretly) orchestrating HRT, facial surgery & i've unearthed the dreaded news he is also gay. (most of them, if not kept on a very tight leash follow thru with their true goal of simply being with a man and on all of their forums, they talk of this, even laugh about it like there's a silent "duh!" at the end of that sentence! My husband tried to gaslight me & justify his TG girlfriends new switcheroo to being gay as "Tg's don't see sexuality as black & white as hetero vanilla's do" ) Not that that makes it any worse does it? At the core of it, my husband is not attracted to anyone other than HIMSELF. No matter who he desires, he's a self absorbed, untrustworthy pric of a man. I would never choose friends like him in my life, let alone be sucked into the last half of my life with that. And it's a long ass road out after 25 yrs.

PleasePleasePlease, put on a pot of coffee or pick up a bottle of wine & get really acquainted with this forum. I like you, SO wished I found this 15 years ago. It would have spared me & my kids so much pain. I'm sorry to say, but it NEVER gets better. Not for the spouse. And he will plow over you the deeper he gets into his own fantasy and there will be nary a glimmer left of the real you.

Please also look into Narcissistic behavior. Your statement about feeling like you finally "found the ONE"???  Sadly, that is one of the very first signs that you have found yourself a narc blood sucker. We all did, so don't beat yourself up, just know these narcs are cunning and thrive on beautiful, loving, generous people like you.

I don't know swig about you, but the fact that you have found yourself married to the same personality as all of us here, I can tell you emphatically....You deserve so much more sweetie. 

Be kind to yourself as you unravel information, get a hold of a good female therapist, share your pain with a bff you can trust with your heart, do not stay isolated or in his closet if he pleads you to. This is not your fault & you need support! We are all Shitstorm Troopers here, so ask away xxxxxx

Hugs to You,


Last edited by whatasham24 (November 1, 2016 1:47 pm)

Posted by Dee
November 1, 2016 4:01 pm

"Verbal gymnastics " wow, I LOVE that phrase, it's so perfect for 99&  of our situations. And to you, and Sham, and sun and Feeling cheated, you have certainly enlightened me on this issue, holy crap! You are all amazing! Keep up the good fight to be free , I'm cheering you on big time!

Posted by OutofHisCloset
November 1, 2016 4:40 pm

End of the workday, but I just have to reply to Sham's latest.  Specifically to:
1) the fact that you have found yourself married to the same personality as all of us here, I can tell you emphatically....You deserve so much more sweetie. 
   "The One."  Oh, this describes me--in fact I have in the past used this phrase.  And boy, does it end up justifying taking a lot of sh-t and causing a lot of pain.  My bestest girlfriend (a lesbian, by the way, someone who does in fact empathize with those who are struggling over their sexual or gender identity (we differ on that last one...), told me once, when my husband failed to get up on time to pick me up when I dropped my car off for repairs, and so I had to walk home, "You deserve so much better than someone who can't even remember he's promised to come get you."  I realized this was true, and also sad.  Because I mean, really, how much better would the guy have to be?  Not so very much if all it would take would be following through on his word. 
   2) "It's not the life I would have chosen, but bad things happen all the time, so if it wasn't this, it would be something else I suppose." !!!! 
    Boy, oh boy, I'll think I've learned quite a lot and then someone will say one more thing that hits me right between the eyes.  Because I've said a version of this to myself, too, when I've debated whether I should stay, whether we have a future together, despite my seeing his self-absorbed focus on himself, the way he reads me in terms of my "use" to him, a vision of the rest of my life in which I play "man" to his belief he's acting "like a woman" or "lesbian" to his belief he's making love as one...on and on.  Here's what I said, in cutting myself off at my own ankles: "It's true that I didn't sign up for this, but is this really so different than other unexpected setbacks in a marriage?  If he had cancer I wouldn't be hightailing it out of here, would I?"  That's all part of how I keep bending over backwards (or just bending over...sorry for the crudeness; I'm really just aiming that at myself) to give him the (cosmos-sized) benefit of the doubt.  

Posted by whatasham24
November 2, 2016 2:12 am

I too had a jaw drop moment when I heard "The One" comment about narc spouses. Did we all have some Silkwood "glow" about us to draw these assholes in?!

And no worries, I too justified in my own head all kinds of reasons for sticking it out, one more year & then I would promise to "reevaluate" the situation. I thought all the time "What if this is as good as it gets? What if I find out that 50% of the male population is in fact CD/TG and I've thrown out a long established relationship only to find every man at the speed dating event is also TGGID?" I realize it all had to do with having zero self worth but that acknowledgement was too painful to admit so i called the excuses for staying something else: he's my best friend. he's not a lazy dick, he's just a liberal guy & it must be destiny that he was sent to me because I'm also liberal......seriously, the crap we tell ourselves when the truth is so goddamn painful is amazing. Stockholm Syndrome much?

Dee, It's so wonderful & encouraging to know someone else is learning & "getting" the TG spouses' plight. To be honest, I'm being enlightened as well, hearing other's stories that mirror mine after years of feeling so isolated and also, by putting it all down "on paper' here, it's as though I'm speaking in the third person & hearing my own story for the first time, as a bystander. It sure has made me stand up & take notice.


Posted by FeelingCheated
November 4, 2016 9:41 pm

So many of my days are wasted away spacing out trying to decide if I'm staying with him or not. Then I just can't think about it anymore and it gets shoved to the back of my mind. He's hurt me deep inside, in places of my heart that I didn't even know existed. He's cheated on me - maybe not physically - but with the other "woman" that seems to have planted "herself" right in the middle of our marriage. Why in the Hell do I still love this dirty rotten b*****d! That's what I want to know! Freaking wants to pick out my clothes for me, tell me how I should wear my makeup - he even had the audacity to ask me if I wanted his clothes he wasn't going to wear anymore! (I'm a big girl so they would fit me) have any of you experienced that one? He said he's not going to dress up anymore, but went and stashed his huge goodie bag (wig, makeup, etc) in the other room. But here I am....still with him. Thank God I found all of you - just to know I'm not alone! Thanks for listening.

 There are moments which mark your life.  Moments when you realize nothing
will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts - Before this, and After this

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