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Posted by Ellexoh_nz
June 26, 2022 2:29 pm

Grace1958 wrote:

re: the site name
I found it by searching "help support for wife with trans husband".
It comes up on the second page of google search and many on the first page are the "how to support your trans partner" kind of thing. 
This is what drew me in - what shows is:
"Learn about OurPath's support offerings. Testimonials. Testimonials. When my spouse came out as transgender, it was the most scary, lonely, unpredictable,"
It really helped to have that one line there. 
But if there was a way to get the line under the header on this page there, it would be terrific.

=14px"Your partner isn't straight? You're not alone"
I wonder if there is a way as the site owner to ask google to change the results to show that?
It's going to be 97 today (36.1C). I'm in my room away from the A/C noise, resting in bed. He's in his office reading sissy porn. Typical day.....

I don't know, is it just me? but there seems to be extra focus on "partners of transgenders". If partners of trans are straight why the need to distinguish them as separate from the partners of gay, bisexual, lesbian etc. And no  offense to all the straight partners because it was obviously a decision made in an office high up somewhere, not down here on the ground where you Grace have to live with a identity who has been singled out to join you, the straightspouse, in the blurb at the top of the page of a site that's all about helping the straightspouse.

(are you listening to music Grace? I hate the sound of the A/C too!)


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Grace1958
June 26, 2022 5:41 pm

Ellexoh_nz wrote:

I don't know, is it just me? but there seems to be extra focus on "partners of transgenders". If partners of trans are straight why the need to distinguish them as separate from the partners of gay, bisexual, lesbian etc. And no  offense to all the straight partners because it was obviously a decision made in an office high up somewhere, not down here on the ground where you Grace have to live with a identity who has been singled out to join you, the straightspouse, in the blurb at the top of the page of a site that's all about helping the straightspouse.

(are you listening to music Grace? I hate the sound of the A/C too!)


I have really good noise blocking headphones and love listening to my Pandora station. 
I don't know about the rest. 
I think in a way, trans is a bit more complicated. It's not only a change in sexual preference, it's a change in gender. And it seems that far more often the trans partner, whether they physically change or not, wants to stay in the relationship and be for all intent gay or lesbian with their spouse.  Gay/lesbian partners tend to leave. So maybe it's that.

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
June 26, 2022 8:37 pm

Grace1958 wrote:

..... And it seems that far more often the trans partner, whether they physically change or not, wants to stay in the relationship and be for all intent gay or lesbian with their spouse.  Gay/lesbian partners tend to leave. So maybe it's that.

Do they? I'd have to see a survey to convince me. My point was....before the "amazing" change of the Straightspouse Network trans were simply included in the LGBTQ melting pot, and now they're singled out, and given an extra mention as though....hmmm somebody with a louder voice gets a say in the decisions about what has clearly become a political football. Nah let's make it a cricket ball, they're smaller, much heavier and hurt if you stand in their way. 


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Agl03
June 26, 2022 11:36 pm

I'm US based but also saw a lot of what you all have in that there is a lot things out there both good and bad for the person coming out.  It's the partners that are often left in the dust.  I know when I tell people in my life no one knows what to say to me.  I'm getting a lot of I'm so sorry, you have been together for so long, how could he do that to you, what are you going to do, and then I'm sorry again.  No one is equipped to help with something like this.

I went searching specifically for a support group online because I used one to get through my third pregnancy that I spent 20 weeks on bed rest and then had a baby in the NICU.  I wouldn't have made it through that without them so I actively wanted to seek it out again.  I needed a place to ask questions and talk to others that wasn't my therapist who is responsible for my emotional and mental health.  

You guys helped me see behaviors that he's exhibited and I excused or brushed off for years that were in fact major red flags.  And sometimes you just need to talk to someone who is going through something even in the same ballpark as you.  

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
June 27, 2022 12:28 am

Agl03 wrote:

  .... And sometimes you just need to talk to someone who is going through something even in the same ballpark as you.  


Not one person close to me asks me "how's everything between ***** and you.....y'know..." with that knowing look that tells you they mean the Mindfuck. Because yeah...nobody knows what to say, how to open the conversation.

I am aware it must be difficult for them. LMAO


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Grace1958
June 27, 2022 12:57 am

Elle, just an observation. And the very last thing I want to talk about here is political anything. So for me it is what it is.

Posted by lily
June 27, 2022 5:57 pm

okay so I just did a search by typing "wife of transgender husband" - wow, just wow.  Now I understand why the transgender husbands are coming out of the closet and then getting upset when things don't go their way - there is a ton of articles of transgender men telling their wives and living happily ever after.  What a snow job!

anyway so ten pages in and OurPath had not come up at all.  Did you find the link to OurPath directly on Google, Grace, or did you find it through an article?

Olivia, yes, exactly - trans, crossdresser, bisexual or plain old gay - why would you be looking for Our Path?  what do those words mean to someone who is straight and just discovering their partner is gay - Google isn't a mind reader, it's a word reader.  

Wading through ten pages, the trans content amped up on the second search but both times it was lots of articles on how to be a nice wifey and support your newly brave transitioning husband.  I would have found that very hard - if there is one group who could raise a little flag of support for the straight spouse you would think it would be us and the Straight Spouse Network, real support at an unreal time - did so.  It was page one when I went looking.  

I don't understand this funding thing - how much has it cost to take our name away?


Last edited by lily (June 27, 2022 6:10 pm)

Posted by Sam (Admin)
June 27, 2022 7:39 pm

I passed this on to the powers that be. My understanding is that it is being addressed. 

Posted by lily
June 27, 2022 8:07 pm

thanks Sam.

Posted by Agl03
June 27, 2022 9:38 pm

Lily,  Something I realized very quickly is that he had built up an entire support network for himself that enabled and encouraged him coming out.  People he's been talking too and even meeting for god knows how long.  Some of them are what our therapist calls "Sparklers" or men he's been conversing with that now that he's free he wants to chase.   Like I have "internet friends" from my work and hobbies that I talk to every day, they are some of my closest friends despite being all over the place, so I know how easy it is to find yourself a network of like minded people if you are actively searching it out.      

He often throws "well so and so didn't have it go like this, or so and so's parents did this" and he/them had set himself up with that fantasy of what it would be like for him.  I still ask him every few days what did he wanted to achieve by taking the step of ending our marriage even if we have a bit before things are official.  He wasn't touching me intimately in any way and he'd been lying about where he was going when he met up with some of these guys (he did come clean about that after).  He could have carried on for a lot longer without me finding out.  For the most part he hasn't been able to tell me still. 

Best I can tell is his peeps had convinced him I'd be all chill with this (this man hasn't known me for 25 years and should have known better) and just keep things business as usual until he found himself a BF and was ready to move on there.  And I will say his support network has been giving him bad advice.  Something I am actively working on is not stopping him when they are leading him to step in it so to speak.  However, as time goes on I am leaning more and more into he crossed a line while I was out of town with the kids and feared I would find out so decided to get ahead of it.  He swears he doesn't but after decades of lies its hard to believe.  

I have to be careful when I do go searching for things.  Make sure I don't trigger a panic attack or get myself worked up over an issue I can't address for some time to come.  Which is hard.  We all need support and have questions, its even harder when we have to walk a minefield to find the answers or help we need.  


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