Before my ex and before pride became the laughing stock and look at me fish bowl that is is now, I didn't mind pride at all. Way back when it was simply people wearing rainbow stuff and walking together. It was pretty tame in comparison to what it is now... I had friends who were LGBT and who were healthy... Who had healthy relationships and didn't shove anything in your face or scream for validation or acceptance. This was way before the extra letters. When "T," was so very rare it wasn't talked about much. I supported my friends. Now? My ex, and the rest of the people who hold the same concepts, ruined all of it for me. I don't like rainbows anymore. Anytime I see a pride flag I want to puke. Pride is a constant reminder that some abusive jerk is shoving their transgenderness down my and my daughter's throat. It's a reminder that I have to be so careful about talking about him and that if I don't use the correct female pronouns, even if he isn't around, it makes me some giant transphobe to some people. That the abuse sits on the back burner because oh he's so brave for coming out, he's so awesome for the strife he has faced... What a load of crap. Dude kept me locked up for over two years... And he's being praised!? What's up with this world right now? I don't even really want to talk to any of my LGBT friends anymore because it's too much of a reminder.