Posted by Agl03 May 15, 2022 1:48 am | #1 |
I am so grateful to have found this forum, I've been looking for one for nearly a month now.
Last month, after eighteen years of marriage and nearly twenty five years of being friends my husband sat me down at 1 am after I'd returned from a trip with the kids to tell me he was gay.
I was utterly and completely blindsided with the confession. And what made it hurt even more was that trip I'd just returned from with my kids was the first time I'd felt like myself in over two years.
For awhile now my gut was telling me something was wrong, but I had thought he was tired of taking care of me. He'd shown zero interest in me romantically in 10 years, I blamed myself thinking he found my disgusting with my weight gain and scars. The last 10 years have been incredibly difficult for me medically. I have three "that should have killed you" events on file and know I am very lucky to be alive. These traumatic medical events have done a number on me. My body is a mess, I have PTSD, depression, extreme anxiety, and every day is a fight. From chronic pain to trouble breathing. I felt that he was tired of the mess I was and resented what I could not do. And he did admit that was part of it, being my caregiver.
I'm so angry, unbelievably angry. I have heard his conversations with his parents and sister as he tries to explain this to them. Him telling them he's "Fought these feelings for 20 years". I thought he loved me and now I feel like he married me for show/that was what he was supposed to do and because he wanted kids. And now that I'm broken and the kids are older he's just ready to walk away to start a new life.
I've lost all my trust in him. He tells me there is no one else but I don't believe him. He tells me he cares for me as a friend. He tells me he's going to take care of us. How can I, he's lied to me for decades.
He wants me to meet this friend group that encouraged him to come out. this friend group that i knew nothing about until that night. And I am not ready, I don't want too, and I feel so much pressure from him that I need too. I feel like he had this fantasy of how this would go when he came out and didn't really think past that. He was shocked when I, my doctors, and my therapist all said separate rooms were needed. He is upset that his insanely conservative parents have not been accepting right away and are upset about what he's done to me. And I've stopped him from sending relationship ending texts more than once. Yet he seems happier than ever and I'm left in the rubble.
For now he has moved into the Mother in Law suite of the house we have. He keeps himself locked in there most of the time and if he does come out to join us watching TV he is on his phone. As soon as he moved in there he stopped helping with the rest of the house. But will snark if there if the dishwasher is full or the litter boxes haven't been done. Physically its difficult for me to keep up, vaccuming leads me to needing my oxygen. Yes, the kids help but they are still in virtual school and need to do that.
I'm so angry and hurt right now there are many days I just want him to just move out, I had thought that I'd be able to do this roommates kind of thing, but I am overwhelmed and alone. Plus In addition he's become, short, snippy with me and the kids. Even a simple question makes him snap back. He blamed me for something financial today, when its all on him and his very expensive gym and body building hobby.
Finally I am so overwhelmed that I don't know what to do. My life is shattered. I question my past and fear for my future. I thought he loved me, I thought we'd spend he rest of our lives together, instead I'm being thrown away and am looking at a future alone because who would want me now? I don't have a retirement because we decided as a couple I would be a stay at home mom to our kids 15 years ago. The thought of even split custody makes me physically ill, i can't bear to be separated from my kids. I'm overwhelmed in keeping a facade in front of the kids to not let on how hurt I am as to not upset them more or disparage their relationship with their dad. I feel like he's expecting me to accept this a certain way and if I don't he'll get upset.
We are in couples therapy with the aim for a amicable divorce, I have upped my personal sessions with my counselor and psychiatrist, I'm awaiting a hearing for disability. Medically I am at a dead end, the damage done to my body cannot be reversed, only maintained. As i said we did split living areas and we each have our own space. But what next? How do you recover from such a personal betrayal. How do you live with someone you are so angry with? How do you deal knowing that he could find someone or has found someone else and could just completely walk away at any point.
I'm sorry if this is rambling. This is so raw and fresh right now I don't know what else to do. I don't feel like I'm strong enough to get through this.
Posted by OutofHisCloset May 15, 2022 6:30 am | #2 |
I'm so sorry you're in this position. It's a unilateral and shattering blow that forces us to remake our entire lives and sense of ourselves.
I have a few thoughts, observations, and suggestions.
The first is this: VISIT A LAWYER! You have rights, and are entitled to marital assets and perhaps, because of your health, maintenance in addition to child support. You have to protect yourself, and not rely on any notion of "amicable" to secure your future and that of your children. Your husband has already shown you, with his anger over finances, that he cannot be trusted in divorce proceedings. Discuss with the lawyer the idea of having him vacate the house entirely and an interim agreement for child custody until the divorce.
Get yourself a therapist only for you, in order to help you cope with living in the same house as he is, with your feelings of worthlessness, and with your anxiety over the future and rage over the past. (Getting him out of the house entirely so you do not have to encounter him would be helpful to your healing here.)
Consider ending the couples therapy (my heart says "end it"). Such therapy does not have supporting you as a goal; it's designed to support a process, and your stbx has already shown you how reliable he is as a partner in anything: he's been duplicitous, wants only acceptance from you and those around him, is volatile, etc. At the very least, make sure you have a therapist for YOU in addition to the marriage counseling.
Post here as needed. We care. We've been through it (or are in it).
Big hugs.
Posted by firefly May 15, 2022 8:56 am | #3 |
I, too, am so sorry you are in this situation. I really relate - married 22 years and completely blindsided. My husband also wants us to stay friends; he says he will take care of our family; he says that there is no one else.
You are right, though. Trust has been broken.
You need to be the one to start looking out for you and your kids now. Your husband has unfortunately shown he won't do that.
My GH and I tried couple's counseling. But the therapy was only about getting us to the end goal of being friends and having an amicable divorce. It wasn't the place for me to process my deep hurt, sense of betrayal, anger, fear, and sadness. I ended the sessions, and that was the first step in my starting to get control back in my life. My individual therapist has been so much more helpful for me.
Know that all of your feelings are completely valid. You don't have to accept the way he wants things to be. You get to decide for yourself now.
Do you have a support network? Family or friends that can walk through this with you?
Find strength here, too. This forum has been so helpful for me. You are not alone.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz May 15, 2022 2:52 pm | #4 |
Welcome Ag 😁 yip it's a real Mindfuck, a total shitstorm.
Genuine question...with all your medical challenges are you strong enough to get to the other side of this? It's really a rhetorical q because you must be strong enough because it seems to me you know the direction all this is taking
He sounds like a petulant teenager. I would start treating him like one and lay down some boundaries, at least laugh at him when he complains about the dishwasher. Actually when you mentioned he came out of the room but still attached to his phone it was like you were describing my own 16 year old
Glad you found us Ag 🙂
Posted by Agl03 May 15, 2022 7:55 pm | #5 |
Thank you all.
Yes, I do have my own therapist and a separate psychiatrist and have for over a year now. Therapist is who is doing our couples therapy and is basically pulling no punches with him as I am her first priority. He is supposed to be finding his own therapist because I refuse to help him deal with his parents but for all that time on the phone he hasn't managed to find one. I am using the couples therapy as a place to address issues like his attitude and actions with a mediator present. I have pulled in my entire care team in from my general, to pulmonary, to cardiology, to my mental health team. As well as my disability lawyers.
Yes, I do have a support network. My mom and siblings are both within 15 minutes of me and have been supportive. They will be there for whatever I should need to a point. Since his revelation we have made an effort to spend more time as a family with them. Financially there isn't much they can do. My mom hasn't had a coming to Jesus moment with him yet upon my request but she is more than ready to tear into him. I am avoiding his parents because they reached out right after he told them to make sure I didn't run away, "stayed and did my job", and didn't make a scene so that other family would see. And heaven forbid anyone from Church find out.
I have been doing the research and am getting familiar with my rights in a divorce. I know very well that it will absolutely decimate him financially each month as he will be responsible for taking care of me and the kids. I will also get half of our assets, half the house proceeds when its sold, and half his 401K. there is part of me that felt guilt for doing that to him but that has faded as the weeks have passed. As you all rightly said, right now I need to take care of myself and my kids.
Once he does move out my mom made me promise to get a life alert button should i have an incident and need help. Something I will follow through with. I am well aware of my limits, I need a wheelchair if I need to do more than a quick in and out.. But that is part of why this hurts so bad. He knows that every day is a fight for me to simply get out of bed or that i've been locked down for two years because Covid will kill me.
The house we currently have is too much for me alone, alone I'll need a new one and have already been watching the market and will be reaching out to my mortgage guy discretely to see what my options are there. Massive problem is our market is insane, which is great for selling but no so much for buying.
It seems a step we need to put on a more aggressive track is getting our own separate living spaces that are not in the same house. This will go far in hopefully reducing the stress and anxiety he is putting on me with his mere presence.
I will continue to reach out and lurk on the posts of others. I never in a million years thought I would be in this position.
Posted by broomhilda2 May 16, 2022 10:54 am | #6 |
Your last post sounds really positive! Your courage really shows and you're taking charge to get out of the situation. You also have a great support system around you who know the truth, which will make all the difference!
My ex and I tried "Discernment Counseling" where we chose to work on a friendship but all it exposed was that he wanted to look good in the eyes of the therapist and not actually work on a new relationship going forward. The advice I got here was to not waste time on couples therapy and I am now a believer in that as well. I wish I had put the time & money toward our mediation, which is where we got down to the nitty-gritty of what this relationship will actually be going forward. I really wanted to be empathetic toward his situation and develop a healthy relationship for our son but unfortunately that doesn't work with a narcissist.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz May 16, 2022 2:29 pm | #7 |
Agl03 wrote:
....... I am avoiding his parents because they reached out right after he told them to make sure I didn't run away, "stayed and did my job", and didn't make a scene so that other family would see. And heaven forbid anyone from Church find out. .......
Omg such an archaic attitude!
I'd like to be a fly on the wall if you ever decide to make that scene
Posted by broomhilda2 May 16, 2022 2:35 pm | #8 |
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
I'd like to be a fly on the wall if you ever decide to make that scene
I wish there was a "like" button in this forum!
Posted by Rob May 16, 2022 2:54 pm | #9 |
A warm welcome.
First I think the couples counseling is a waste in this regard as he has decided he is gay and has shown he doesn't want the marriage. I urge you to just get your own lawyer and not waste time with that. I'm not familiar with an amicable divorce so am biased based on having a gay ex wife. For a normal couple one would think a divorce could amicable and cheap.. but there is nothing normal about our spouses.. how can someone that lied for years be agreeable to be reasonable in a divorce. Maybe it could happen but usually they get quite mean when divorce and money is involved. A lawyer once retained looks out for YOUR interest .
Second I think your doing great by building your support system. It's a scary thing..if you take away the find out that should we get sick or injured that these spouses would not want to take care of us..that their love is a fleeting as the weather.
Post back as much as you want. Wishing you strength and courage.
Posted by Agl03 May 19, 2022 12:10 am | #10 |
The goal of our couples session is ending the marriage with dignity and respect. There is nothing to save. He is gay, has been for at least 10 possibly up to 20 years, he doesn't love me and I sincerely doubt if he ever did, and we both deserve to be with a partner that we love and they love us. He decided to use our session the other day to gaslight me and complain that I didn't support his hobby enough and how much that hurt him. Oh and called me for playing a Martyr when I take care of our kids when they were sick. Good times.
It was absolutely eye opening for me. He didn't want to talk about how we move forward, he wanted to deal with issues that bothered him that really don't have to do with the current situation. As it has been for the last year or so its all about him and his hobby. That is all he cares about. When my therapist said that I harbored fears he never really loved me he completely ignored it and talked about something else.
I can't change what he's done. I can't trust what he will do. What I can do is take the steps necessary to secure a future for myself and my kids. Unfortunately when you've been together as long as we have it will take time. And I can't make Disability's decision happen any faster.
Should he keep up his befavior from this week I'll stop the couples sessions. I don't need to be put down for an hour straight.