Posted by vicky ![]() October 28, 2016 9:51 am | #1 |
I haven't started a post for a long time. I think I could use some insight into the past 8 months.We've been together 18 years. Prior to discovering his SSA (yes I will still be using that term) we had very little sex. Not at first but after we had kids it tapered off to almost nothing and not because of me he had no interest.After I discovered 'it' he denied it of course and despite many obvious clues he still denied it. Fast forward to today and we still don't discuss it but it's a part of our sex lives as in porn and other things. He bounces around between being ok with sharing a little and other days he clams up and acts like he's totally straight. I already know he doesn't accept it himself that's obvious but he won't go to therapy. Any insight into how to get him to be honest with himself? I think that he thinks he's bi and that very well may be. I don't really know.
A bit about my perspective which I think is relevant to the choices I make. I don't believe in one true love or marriage which is why we are common law by my choice not his. I don't think choosing to stay is written in stone. I don't think monogamy is natural. I have no religion and am in no way spiritual. We have a great relationship and he's an amazing dad and we have a renewed sex life that I am somewhat satisfied with. I am getting used to the porn but I don't find it arousing and this I think is a problem because for now it is how he satisfies that SSA itch. I do think he will want to find a partner at some point because he has said so. How will I handle that, I don't know, but I think how I handle it emotionally will determine whether I can stay.
Has anyone here followed a similar path? He's not narcissistic or selfish at all, he's a genuinely nice guy. Has anyone here had a spouse that they separated from despite that they were a great person, I know that is what is influencing me to stay the most. I truly enjoy his company and can't imagine him not being here every day. I know he kept this secret from me for all those years and for that I am angry with him but I can understand why he would do it, if I was attracted to men and woman I would choose men, it's an easier life.
Posted by Kel ![]() October 28, 2016 11:59 am | #2 |
My ex was (and for the most part still is) a nice guy. I used that all the time to justify staying. I kept telling myself the positives - he's a nice guy, he's a decent man, he cooks, he cleans, he's comfortable with the kids and participates in their care. He doesn't have any huge vices like gambling, cheating, even drinking. He doesn't typically raise his voice to me or name call. The negatives for me were the lack of intimacy. And also that he constantly seemed to have job issues, and that I seemed to be the only grown-up in the relationship. I thought if these few things could have been fixed, we'd have it pretty good. I saw it as 3 things being "wrong" that I was dissatisfied with - the job, the sex, and the maturity level.
Eventually I got to the point where I was accepting of the job and the maturity level. They bugged me, but I was used to them. The lack of intimacy wasn't really all about the sex so much as him not seeming to truly desire me. I figured out at some point that we could have lots and lots of sex, and it still wasn't going to scratch my itch - because I didn't feel like he was passionate about me. What I thought was that the negative issues were 3, and the positives were endless. What I didn't realize for a long, long time is that not all things are equal. If you have a husband that's an alcoholic, for instance, that's not "one" thing wrong. That's one HUGE thing wrong, typically. The fact that he washes the dishes doesn't weigh equally against coming home drunk and belligerent. Eventually, the lack of intimacy thing just ate away at the way I felt about myself. I felt like I had so little life left in me - no spark anymore. Just trudging through the day. Now, that's how I FELT - to the outside world at large, I looked just fine. It's not like I was in bed sleeping all or day, or crying constantly. I was resigned to this deficit in my marriage. My head was fine with it. But my heart never was. My head knew it wasn't me that was the issue here. My heart never felt that way. It just knew it wanted to feel love, and cherished. And it was slowly withering away without it. But still - he was a nice guy!
No, I couldn't see myself without him. I can't say he was my best friend (even though he professed that I was his). We did not have a blast together - he had little to no sense of humor, and I am whacky. If I got excited and acted goofy or talked a lot, he would tell me to calm down - like a toddler who's running through the house and is GOING to hurt themselves. I felt that he'd met me this way, and he liked it. But then it got annoying to him, and so he tried to make me be quiet. If you knew me in person, you'd know how ridiculous that is. It'd be like asking Lucille Ball to be a demure, back-seat kind of person. What's you pick her for if that's what you wanted, ya know?
Anyway, the thing I learned after I separated and then subsequently met and married the love of my life was that it was never those "3" things that were wrong. The thing that was wrong is that he just wasn't that into me. The sex wasn't the problem - it was the fact that he just wasn't that into me. Now, being gay was at the root of that, no doubt. But there are plenty of men out there who are straight and just aren't that into their wives. And I'd assume that they feel many of the same feelings in a lot of ways. Like she's not cherished, she's not desired, she's not amazing to him. And without that, I just think the marriage isn't all that satisfying. For the men's part, I think they have a different set of needs - they want to have your respect, they want to have you be faithful and supportive (believe in them), and they want sex. Once I got to the point where he wasn't making me feel provided for, protected and cherished, it was difficult to respect him, and be supportive of him. I did try to manufacture that, but it just didn't work well.
My point is that if they don't really WANT you - badly - I'm not sure you're getting all that you could. Even if you do get sex regularly. It feels 1000% different when a man looks at you with desire and longing vs. a roommate that occasionally has sex with you.
My genuinely nice ex is still genuinely nice. He's with a man now, and from the looks of it, a lot happier than he was with me. Neither of us could really fulfill the other. The core of the marriage was off, and so nothing that grew out of it was going to be the way it should have been. The seed itself was flawed.
I'm not sure if I've helped any. But that's my story.
Posted by Still Wondering ![]() October 28, 2016 2:51 pm | #3 |
Hi Vicky - I don't post much either anymore. I find the new site takes too long to go thru all the links so I'm not able to post as much anymore, especially at work
To answer your question, yes, I made the decision to leave my spouse who wasn't a bad guy, who was nice, caring, a friend (though not my best friend), a great cook who even cleaned up, great job, well raised from a good family, and who wanted to have sex. I hung in there for around 4 or 5 years after discovery purely because of all the good things. We had fun, good friends, good times, but when it came down to it there were two main things that I knew I didn't want to deal with for the rest of my life and that was 1) the gay porn and all that came along with it (the hiding it, the lying, the dildos, the naked pics of himself, etc.) and 2) the fact that he gave me herpes. #2 actually happened years and years earlier, right before we got married. I let it slide because doctors told me to, believe it or not. I was told you can't predict when someone contracted it and he could have had it for years. Fine - but if I had known he was into gay porn when all that happened it would have all made sense and I would never have gone through with the wedding.
Eventually there just came a point when I was sick of the cycle of catching him in a lie about watching gay porn (you know, the porn that's normal to watch and everyone watches it but he hides it because....who knows why if it's normal), and then making up excuses followed by a few months of either hiding it better or being more covert about it, followed by me finding it again or finding another dildo or finding more naked pictures. I just got to a point where I had no feelings left for him, neither romantic or sexual. We were roommates. And as Kel said, we just did not have a "blast" together.
He remained nice, even through the divorce. He offered to help me put in the wood floors in my new little house and when he got called away for work at the last minute, he actually paid someone to do it because he didn't want to let me down. When I had a water leak that ruined those floors a month later, he was the one who ran over at 10 pm to help me sop up the water and start ripping it up (even my own boyfriend didn't do that). When I couldn't poop and was literally laying on the floor of my apartment, he brought medicine (TMI, sorry ). Clearly my house and I both have plumbing issues lol. But you get the point....
He's not a bad guy - never was....but I started to realize that when someone becomes so scared of who they are that they deny it to themselves and hide it from everyone then where do they draw the line? Clearly it wasn't drawn at the porn, or the sex toys in his rear, or the lying. So what was the next thing? I couldn't live with the fact that maybe the next line he couldn't draw would be meeting someone online or in a bathroom because maybe in his head that was justified too? I truly think he believes everything he convinced himself of. I don't think he did anything maliciously. And I wasn't willing to walk that line with him. Not with my health and not with proof that he had already put my health in jeopardy once. And so, I finally called it. Time of death: 10 years after marriage, almost 2 years after moving out, 4 years after the second (real) "discovery", 12 years total of my life, and the entire decade of my 30's.
I have not found my "Mr. Right" yet. I've dated some nice guys, spent some alone time, had good days and bad. There are days where I'd still like to punch him square in the head for all the shit he's caused including ripping up our life. It's hard to let go of the anger sometimes. But it's better than the constant wondering that used to be my life. Four years after our divorce and he has yet to admit to anything other than bi-curious. The only good thing is that it's no longer my concern.
Last edited by Still Wondering (October 28, 2016 3:08 pm)
Posted by Shae October 28, 2016 9:09 pm | #4 |
Hello everyone!!
I'm coming to a place that I never thought I would have to come to in my life.
I'm 35 years old 4 kids and married.
I have recently discovered my husband was on a social media page video chatting and sending pictures of himself to other men.for the most part none was of his lower extremities,just upper. But the other men was sending full blown pictures of themselves asking him if he liked it and he responded YES!!!
Once I came to my senses I was sick and just bapheled at the fact that this can't be happening to me! He's a good husband!!
Granted in this year we've had more problems than we have ever had.
But it all makes since,he's been talking to these men since the beginning of this year and that's when we really started having problems.
My question is .... is he gay ? He's says he's not he was just depressed in a low place. He say that he's a God fearing man and the people live out of state so it didn't go any further than that.
We have no kid's together... all my kid's are from my first husband.
But he cares for them like they are his. He's been by my side when my mother passed and so many other thing's that happened in my life.
We was friends before we became lover's and I just don't know what to Do! I'm praying for the right way to handle this.
I want to believe him,but in my heart I know straight men don't do things like this.
Last thing,can depression make you do something like this? Is it that he's curious? And he gets so upset when I bring it up, but I want answers.
I'm so broken... I feel worthless, like I've wasted 7 years married to someone that I don't even know.
PLEASE help me above all thing's I'm a Mother that wants to do what's best for my kid's.
Even when I don't know what's best for me.
Posted by Kel ![]() October 28, 2016 9:44 pm | #5 |
Shae wrote:
I want to believe him,but in my heart I know straight men don't do things like this.
You hit the nail on the head, Shae. Straight men not only aren't interested in looking at or being looked at by men, but they are actually repulsed by it. St8 men are not the LEAST bit curious about what other men have under their clothes. They'd want to take their eyes out with a mellon baller if they accidentally saw something like that.
And no, being depressed doesn't make a man curious about other men's bodies. That was the excuse he thought up on the fly, and he's hoping that you'll believe it. Living an inauthentic life can and often does cause depression, though. He may be depressed and acting out, but both are likely caused by his frustation at not being sexually fulfilled.
They will rarely if ever admit that they're gay. Or even bi. They'll say it's normal, that it doesn't mean they're gay or unhappy in their marraige. They'll say it's normal - that all men do it. They'll say that they also watch st8 porn, so it's not a big deal. It's.All.Lies. St8 men don't need excuses for their gay behaviors - because they don't have gay behsviors.
Now, you could go on lock down - insist that he doesn't text or IM or email or chat with others - men OR women. Get his passwords and check often. Have open lines of communucation. But a) you'll never know if he's just getting better at hiding his actions, and b) if you have to lock somebody down that hard just to get them to be faithful, you should be considering walking away.
You're in the right place. I'm sorry you need to be here, but welcome. I'm sorry you're going through this.
Posted by Daryl ![]() October 29, 2016 1:11 am | #6 |
Correct - we might be a bit envious of someones arms or abs but not to the point of drooling over it on social media and sending selfies around. Did this page seem like a group of men engaging in work-out gym talk about pecs, quads and lats? As for the 'out of state' excuse - why should that excuse it? Would it be OK if it were out of state women exposing themselves? I don't think a marriage commitment is supposed to include this type of wiggle room. You mentioned God, in some cases religious attitudes can help push people into the closet. Now it might sound odd but what is best for the kids is what is best for you. Even younger kids can sense when the dynamic is wrong, even if they don't know the cause. It's great that he's a good step-dad but what about his relationship with you? You need to think about what you need out of a relationship to be happy. In my opinion all marriages need trust, respect and honesty to go with the commitment and passion from both parties. Sorry you find yourself here but feel free to read and post. You're not alone.
Posted by Séan October 29, 2016 5:19 am | #7 |
"...we have a renewed sex life that I am somewhat satisfied with. I am getting used to the porn but I don't find it arousing and this I think is a problem because for now it is how he satisfies that SSA itch. I do think he will want to find a partner at some point because he has said so. How will I handle that, I don't know, but I think how I handle it emotionally will determine whether I can stay."
Thank you for sharing Vicky. There is alcoholism in my family on my mother's side. My uncle and grandfather were both alcoholics. One of my mother's best friends was also an alcoholic and died from it. For some reason, I am the only person in my family who can say 'alcoholic' when talking about these people. and I now understand why. Saying you are addicted to alcohol is an admission. Saying 'I'm an alcoholic' means accepting we no longer have control, need to address the problem, and that means consequences.
Turning now the issue of sexuality, the day I finally said "I'm gay" to my mother changed my life. I claimed everything was just fine up until I the very moment had to say "I'm gay." Saying the word "gay" unleashed a torrent of emotion, and tears. There is a passage from a book I love that reads:
"Sometimes, life can feel like Scrabble. You know you’ve got words in there somewhere, but no matter how many times you rearrange the letters, you can’t seem to make sense of the jumble. Then you glance up at the person you’re playing with and see them looking at you, and it’s as if by simply being in your life, they’ve introduced you to yourself. And you look back down at your letters and everything you couldn’t see before clicks into place, explained, decoded."
You have so bravely described the end of my marriage to a straight woman: friendly; comfortable; sexless; and completely without passion. Yes we could have incorporated gay porn into our non-existent sex life. Yes we could have even incorporated sex toys in the bedroom as well. But what would she have gotten out of yet another accommodation? This is why I worry about wives accepting mixed orientation marriages. Let's be frank. This is why I'm worried about women staying with gay men.
There is something called "lite beer syndrome." Alcoholics think they don't have a problem because they drink lite beer, or only drink on weekends, or whatever other rationalizations they create. I didn't think I was gay because I only watched gay porn. This is absurd but I believed it at the time. I was, in essence, "gay lite." But porn eventually led to escorts, then hook ups, and then (finally) acceptance. I am gay and nothing my (then) wife could do would change that. The truth remains that I am a gay man with ZERO attraction to women. My attraction is to men. Once I accepted this, I also accepted the inevitability of separation, divorce, and starting over.
Given what you and others have so courageously shared here, I believe we're all on similar paths. We're on a journey towards honesty, acceptance, and love. What you described in your first post reminded me that terms like "SSA" are simply milestones along the way. What I wanted to share is that I admire your strength and the strength of all straight spouses who are so supportive of their gay spouses.
Posted by Dee ![]() October 29, 2016 6:32 am | #8 |
Welcome Shae,
Sorry you need to be here, but you are in the right place. I'm 2 years out of a 30+ year marriage, the last several where I overlooked a lot because of his depression, which actually was an issue our entire marriage, but had gotten much, much worse. I always felt something was off, but never knew what it was.
And much of my reason for not leaving earlier was that I didn't want my kids to have to go through a family upheaval. But I wasn't doing them any favors trying to protect them, because things got SO much worse. And kids pick up on things, and they hear things , and they see things. You deserve better.
Good luck.
Posted by vicky ![]() October 29, 2016 11:00 am | #9 |
Wow. Thank you for your replies. I can't help but think I am enabling him to continue thinking he is straight. He appears to not think there is anything gay about the things he does or wants he seems to think these things are quite normal...and they are for a bi/gay man. We do have a lot of laughs together and generally are happy and best friends it's just this pesky gay thing. LOL.
I know what I know and I can't unknow it. Yet i still don't call him gay I can't seem to accept that myself. I can tell his attraction to me isn't the same but he does say and act like he is attracted to me. It's not a sexless relationship but I do have my doubts as to whether I am enough for him. And him for me. I do care about him and I am sticking around to see where this goes. I almost feel like I need to help him accept it. But I'm not challenging him on it so he's content to be straight with a side of gayness. So in a way I am enabling him to keep denying it. When what I really want him to do is own up to it and figure out how he feels. I don't want to trap a gay man into a straight relationship and call it bisexual but I don't want to end a good relationship if he really is bisexual. So I'm in limbo. I can't figure out how to crack him open other than let him have a sexual relationship with a man.
And I hear you JK...mine likes hot guys and it kills me a little when he comments on them. We had a male lap dance and seeing him enjoy himself repeats in my head like I have PTSD.
Posted by Rob ![]() October 29, 2016 11:46 am | #10 |
It must be tough if he treats you kindly also. My lezex stopped coming near me or giving me even basic human conversation. If we were alone she would text her girlfriend rather than look at or talk to me. It was inhumane. She them became mean and cruel.
So I had no problem telling myself she was gay and our life together was over. There no question that she didn't want me and the marriage. This helped me in a way.
In the beginning I shook with trauma when she went out with her are they having sex? Toward the end I was like please go out with your girlfriend. Have sex...just stay out...Don't come home. That is far better than your rage and abuse. There was no more worrying what she was doing..nothing more to be said.
People that care about each other do not act this ex, despite what was in her gay, feeling I was a bad husband etc, had no moral reason to cheat and hurt me like she did.
I wish you well on your journey.