Posted by PaperDoll April 14, 2022 1:12 pm | #1 |
I am 8 days out from DDay and still struggling to control my emotions. Short story is that H starting cross-dressing in Sept 2020. That was a shock as this was completely new to him and once he started it escalated very quickly. From panties, to wanting to dress fully, joining trans support groups and going out for social activities with the girls. I was really not okay with it, but trying to be a supportive spouse and to understand what he was going through I went along. I even helped him with his clothing and makeup so he could at least be an "age appropriate" woman. He loves this new part of himself and can't imagine giving "her" up.
8 days ago he accidentally sent me a graphic text message that was meant for a man he has been seeing. His new sense of questioning (he says he has been gay curious but never acted on it) led him to an affair with this man. To see what it was like. He didn't enjoy the experience that much but that didn't stop him from sexting and meeting up since Oct 2020.
So now I have a cheating, questioning, cross dressing husband. Not the man I thought I married.
Like so many others here I am heart broken. We have been married for 36 years and I planned to grow old with him. He cut off contact with his lover and I (almost) believe him when he says that he is only attracted to women and is not gay. It is true that a man can have sex with another man and not be gay. It's more about the act not attraction to men. For sure he is questioning and will have to figure this out on his own.
H also says he will give everything up and wants to commit to me and to work on our marriage. We are starting to get help with that although right now I don't feel very hopeful.
I'm getting some help for myself too and will start seeing a therapist to help me figure out who I am and what I want to do with the rest of my life.
I'm writing because I need an outlet and some support. It is so hard to control your emotions in the beginning and I find myself asking H for reassurance and that feels misplaced somehow.
Posted by Grace1958 April 14, 2022 5:59 pm | #2 |
No one can make any decisions for you and I'm new here too but I wanted to let you know you are heard and I send strength to you while you figure this all out. Please don't take this as an insult if you have already thought of it but please do not have relations with him until you both check out for STIs (what we used to call STDs) for several months. I'm the practical type so I'd also say start getting together all your financials just in case. Also, I want to say that while it's ok to feel he can have sex with other men and not be gay emotionally, does it really matter to you? Only you can decide that. You have been very kind to him, helping him dress and not minding him going out like that. Perhaps you live in a big city. If mine steps out the door xdressed, I will be packed and at a hotel with my cat on his credit card within 12 hrs.
I get the controlling emotions thing. Today I was alone and started throwing things. I'm a pretty gentle spirit but it just had to come out. So I get it. Take care.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz April 15, 2022 2:23 am | #3 |
Grace1958 wrote:
No one can make any decisions for you and I'm new here too but I wanted to let you know you are heard and I send strength to you while you figure this all out. Please don't take this as an insult if you have already thought of it but please do not have relations with him until you both check out for STIs (what we used to call STDs) for several months. I'm the practical type so I'd also say start getting together all your financials just in case. Also, I want to say that while it's ok to feel he can have sex with other men and not be gay emotionally, does it really matter to you? Only you can decide that. You have been very kind to him, helping him dress and not minding him going out like that. Perhaps you live in a big city. If mine steps out the door xdressed, I will be packed and at a hotel with my cat on his credit card within 12 hrs.
I get the controlling emotions thing. Today I was alone and started throwing things. I'm a pretty gentle spirit but it just had to come out. So I get it. Take care.
What a great and thoughtful post Grace. I'd second the no-intimacy thing and getting checked for STIs. I did it for a whole year... Every 3 months
Posted by OutofHisCloset April 15, 2022 9:10 am | #4 |
Paper Doll,
I'm so sorry your husband dropped this nuclear bomb on you, and at this stage of your life. (My ex did something similar af the age of 58, after 32 years of marriage.) The initial shockwave is numbing, and the fallout keeps us shambling along, trying to cope, trying to keep our marriages together, and support our spouses while we ourselves are internally desperately trying to sort out ourselves. It is especially difficult when this bomb drop occurs after a long marriage, when we have years invested in our spouses, our identity as wives, and in a shared future we have worked so hard to put into place. You are not alone.
Your first paragraph is a fair summary of what many of us with late-identifying trans husbands have experienced, and the way we have responded. The suddenness of the announcement, the fast-forward process of moving from cross-dressing to full on trans declaration, the absorption in trans websites, the adoption of trans talking points, the feeling of entitlement to act out however they feel validates them in their new gender identity, regardless of the damage it does to us, and heedless that their actions cause us great distress. There's a stunning entitlement and lack of empathy, even a cold rejection of our position and our pain.
I would bet dollars to donuts that your husband is lying to you when he says he did not enjoy his sexual encounter with the man. No one, male or female, straight, gay or trans, continues to see a person for 18 months that they've had sexual contact if they didn't enjoy it. He's been cheating on you with this man since October 2020. (I recommend you pay a visit to
As to your husband having sex with another man: men who cross dress and present as if they were women want validation for their "woman self"--that "her" you say he "can't imagine giving up"--and they seek that validation in various ways. One way is by wanting to join their wives, or by coercing their wives into, participating in their fantasy they are women. Your help in teaching him how to choose and wear clothing and makeup is one example of that. For hm, that was a "two women doing women things" experience. Another way some men seek validation of their woman self is by seeking attention from men; this, I venture to say, might be the source of your husband's affair with the other man. Of course, some gay men do crossdress, but given what you say about your spouse joining a support group and "going out with the girls" I think it's more likely he's seeking validation for his woman persona.
I would also caution you to take with a mountain of salt your husband's declaration he wishes to remain married. It's more likely he wishes to have his cake (marriage) and eat it, too (crossdressing, exploring his new gender identity) than that he wishes to re-commit to you and to your marriage. You provide him a safe harbor, services, and stability, in a time that is both exhilirating and frightening for him.
I don't know how much you have read about autogynephilia, but the vast majority of late-declaring trans-identified men are autogynephiles (men who are in love with themselves as women). I've pasted in some resources, below.
Academic and Professional:
Michael Bailey, "The Man Who Would Be Queen." It's available online and downloadable. Bailey is a research psychologist at Northwestern Univ.
Donna Chapman and Benjamin Caldwell: “Attachment Injury Resolution in Couples When One Partner is Transgender”Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol 31, No. 2, 2012, pp36-53(full text of article available online)
Anne Lawrence, "Men Trapped in Men's Bodies/Becoming What We Love." Lawrence is a trans person and an MD, a psychologist who treated (now retired) trans identified males. Lawrence maintains an online presence and there are articles there.
Autogynephilia: An Underappreciated Paraphilia Anne A. Lawrence Department of Psychology, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alta., Canada
Memoirs/Accounts by Wives Those who left:
Christine Benvenuto: "Sex Changes." A memoir
“Naeferty” (a pseudonym) Naeferty ran a blog about her experiences with her own trans identified male partner. Read the post "Gas Mark Six" and the comments.
“Transwidows Escape Committee” Mumsnet
A podcast: How my ex-husband’s transition made me feel
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (April 15, 2022 9:17 am)
Posted by Gloria April 15, 2022 9:11 am | #5 |
That was smart of you Elle/Kia. I did the same thing. I have never had a STD and hope to never have one. Best of you to you.
Posted by Gloria April 15, 2022 10:42 am | #6 |
Sorry, I meant to say that I wish you the best of luck.
Posted by PaperDoll April 15, 2022 4:31 pm | #7 |
Thank you OutofhisCloset, You hit several points very well. Last night he was finally able to admit that he did enjoy his male affair. Of course! Why else would he keep doing it! That bit of honesty helped me. I don't need to worry about STDs as he has ED and we haven't been sexually active for 20+ years (pretty much with no explanation). I did mention to him that HE should get tested. All the red flags are there, romantically attracted to women, but not so much sexually. Willing to have relations with a man (but not dressed as a woman) and not physically or romantically attracted to men. He has a lot to unpack on his own! I'll read some of those articles about autogynephilia. Thank you for including that info.
Yes, a mountain of salt indeed. I'm not naive enough to believe he will follow through on his promises to me and I'm also pretty sure that I will eventually leave him. Even though my pain is great, I want him to live his authentic life. Setting him free and choosing to love myself alone is a process that is going to take many many months. I'm not looking forward to the journey.
I appreciate your knowledge and care.
Posted by PaperDoll April 18, 2022 12:15 pm | #8 |
How am I supposed to get through each day without raging and blowing up at him in texts? I am journaling every day and reading alot about affairs and sometimes I even think that I'm (not) okay but at least settled. He is contrite and takes full blame for the affair and fault out in trust. That doesn't stop me from being hurt and angry and wanting to punish him. A lot of the information I am reading says that it takes 2 years to fully deal with infidelity. I can barely get through 2 hours!
Posted by HopelessRomantic April 18, 2022 12:21 pm | #9 |
Try this: rage and blow up, type out everything you want to say, and then delete it... or write it down on a piece of paper, then throw it away.
Posted by Leslie77 April 18, 2022 12:41 pm | #10 |
PaperDoll - I can relate. I went through a similar experience/nightmare with my 60+ year old husband. In the end, it was the lying and deceit that ended it just as much as the gay/cross-dressing personality. You say that he had ED for years. Mine did too. His explanations didn't make sense and at the end I realized the truth - he was never sexually attracted to me, or any other woman, for that matter.
Two years post-discovery, when we were at the break-up stage and I was at my angriest, I left for several weeks and stayed with relatives in another state to get my head together. I would highly recommend. It provides an opportunity to step back and rationally look at what is happening.
My ex love-bombed me for months, even after we divorced. He's living with a guy now. Go figure.
I wish you the best as you sort your way through this. You will get through. You may be able to salvage your marriage, maybe not - good luck no matter what you decide to do.