What do you think counselling will do? If there were any benefit for him in getting counselling why hasn't he signed up for it himself years ago? oh that's right he knows what he wants, it's just you who needs to fall into line as far as he's concerned - and he's working on it.
95% heterosexual - what is that? How can you be less than heterosexual, full stop. Do you give one glance out of twenty to a woman? Or when it comes down to it, is it men you are attracted to, full stop.
Does monogamy matter? you know it does, so why are you offering to stick around while he does counselling? He's more likely to be entertaining himself dissing you to the counsellor than looking into his murky past. But just wait next time you complain out will come stories of how he was abused as a child.
He is Gay In Denial. He will play you til the cows come home.
That's just my opinion of course, and it's about someone I have never met. But I have to say you are showing the classic signs. and you've just been hoovered back in. Now is the time to step back and take an objective look at him for yourself.
Last edited by lily (February 18, 2022 4:15 pm)