Posted by HopelessRomantic ![]() February 14, 2022 6:27 pm | #1 |
So when my husband stopped hiding his crossdressing from me, he seemed to only have a couple of items. Last night, I noticed he was wearing a new skirt that I hadn’t seen yet so without even thinking I asked “is that new?” and of course he admitted that it was. “Where did you even get it?” I laughed, “It’s not like you have time to go out on secret shopping sprees, your always either home or at work!” At this point, I wasn’t even thinking accusingly. I was honestly just puzzled. He told me he got it from Amazon, and I just kind of nodded and moved on.
Then today it hit me... no he didn’t get it from Amazon. We share HIS Amazon account. It’s logged in on our IPad, I use it to order things we need for the kids/house ALL the time, I’d have noticed if he was ordering clothes or anything else. Also... I’m a stay at home mom, I’m always home, I’m the one that receives and opens our packages. No way would I not have known if those were being shipped to our house. I also noticed there are lots of new items in his closet that I’ve never seen in the past month, and I have no clue where they came from.
I’ve never given him grief about spending money on himself and things he wants. He’s the bread winner, it’s his money, so as long as the bills are paid and the kids and I are provided for, I’ll never raise a fuss. I’ve already consented to his activities (with boundaries set), so why on Earth would he lie to me about where the clothes came from? Why be surreptitious if I’ve already given the green light? It’s not like I’d bitch at him if he told me that he stopped at a store while he was on his lunch break or something!
Am I overreacting here? It’s such a little thing, but now I’m wondering what else he’s hiding or lying about. Starting to think I’ll have grey hairs before I’m 30.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() February 14, 2022 7:27 pm | #2 |
My comments in red
HopelessRomantic wrote:
..... I’ve already consented to his activities (with boundaries set), so why on Earth would he lie to me about where the clothes came from? Why be surreptitious if I’ve already given the green light? Maybe he needs to feel like he is hiding something from you. Maybe you being accepting of how he is now takes away from his seeing himself as a "badarse secret-keeper". Maybe he wants you to be angry that he's keeping this from you....
Am I overreacting here? It’s such a little thing, but now I’m wondering what else he’s hiding or lying about. Starting to think I’ll have grey hairs before I’m 30.....hey in my opinion a straightspouse is totally entitled to overreact. It's all about what you ultimately do with I used to overreact vocally, emotionally. It did me no good. I rarely wonder about what my partner is doing/hiding these days....
Posted by HopelessRomantic ![]() February 14, 2022 7:47 pm | #3 |
I certainly hope he doesn’t just like lying to me... that seems out of character, but then again he’s done a few ‘out of character’ things lately so it’s possible. As for what to do with an overreaction, I’m not sure what to do with it. I’m torn between keeping my mouth shut and just watching for future inconsistencies, and just putting him on the spot and giving him a chance to explain himself. The latter seems like the more productive route, start a dialogue and encourage honesty, but that’s only true if he’s honest.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() February 14, 2022 9:28 pm | #4 |
HopelessRomantic wrote:
...The latter seems like the more productive route, start a dialogue and encourage honesty, but that’s only true if he’s honest.
That's it though right? You can encourage honesty and still not hear the truth.
I found it was better for my esteem and mental health to not ask questions hence no need to be told lies because my intimate, secure and trusting r'ship with my partner has been chipped away at over the years and had left me with an untrusting wall between us.
Posted by lily ![]() February 14, 2022 10:46 pm | #5 |
No, you're under thinking!
So I guess to your actual question - you are wondering if someone has given them to him? or has he got a completely hidden financial life to go along with the hidden sexual life he has only revealed to sone degree recently?
both are reasonable possibilities to consider, it's unlikely he picked them up on the roadside. But here's another question that might be worth thinking about - 'do I want to live with someone I can't trust to be honest with me'.
Now that you have given him permission to go for it you can expect an escalation, and it will be expensive for sure. He is also likely to be making improvements to his individual financial position should it come to divorce,
sorry, it must be a lot to have to worry about with a new baby and all. Hope you are still talking to your dad.
Posted by LostAtSea ![]() February 15, 2022 12:51 am | #6 |
This is exactly what happened to me!
We shared everything and were each other’s best friend. He would rather hang out with me than his friends. We spent all of our time together and even worked at the same employers once. Morning, noon and night alway together. I even had access to passwords and would use his phone nightly to access his social media accounts bc I did not create one. He didn’t mind at all. So I could see incoming text and emails.
So it floored me and was in complete shock when the trans bomb call rocked my world. First it was I have been secretly cross dressing, to I want to dress full time, to I think I’m bi sexual, to I think I’m trans, to I want to be with a man and have a heterosexual relationship. All of this within a matter of 1-2 weeks. He never would tell me upfront and I always had to piece it together.
He gaslighted me and said he was suicidal and couldn’t lie to himself anymore. I felt sorry and had compassion for my “person” in this world. I was standing by to help and listening to his cries. Then he told me about the 2 wks we were apart how he was cross dressing and putting on makeup. The light bulb went off! I said where and when did you buy this stuff? Amazon! He had created a new Amazon account with a entirely new email address. One that I never knew or had access to. It never showed up on his account phone bc he didn’t sync it with the rest.
Then I asked how he got the money to buy all the makeup clothes and sex toys to experiment with himself. He told me he would go to the grocery store and use cash back so I wouldn’t get suspicious. He also opened up a PayPal account I never knew about.
Then I asked for the password to the new email address. Once I gained access, I changed the password and locked him out in 2 seconds. He thought he wiped it clean, but it’s never clean if you know how to do detective work. I apparently never knew I had this skill. I was able to see automated saved email address and phrases and “junk” mail.
He had created secret online dating profiles in meet a cross dresser. Disgusting married men with wife and children are on these sites chatting with cross dressers who want to meet up. I unlocked all the dating sites and porn sites accounts. I emailed it all back to him!
Then I couldn’t put my finger on it. Something was still not sitting well with me. How did I put him in a Uber to see his mother for the holidays and he rocks my world with a phone call that he is trans and now bisexual? How do you just now think you are bisexual without experimenting? I unlocked the phone account. If you have Verizon it is the only provider who allows you to see text messages to phones that are not Apple. Bam there you have it! In black and white, he was sexting married men nude pics of himself wanting to hook up!
Never in a millions years I thought he was a cheater, a liar, a thief nor a cross dresser! I would have bet my life on him. I thought I knew my best friend but apparently I didn’t know at all!
I have learned, if someone has a secret they will do everything in their power to hide it from you! He would have never ever told me and has admitted to taking it to his grave. I can’t get those disgusting naked cross dressing lingerie pics of him out of my head and the obscene messages he sent.
Still I forgave him when he made cries of suicide to me and needed his “best friend” again and begged me to let him come home. Only because I was willing to bend and do what it took to keep my marriage together even if it meant sexual acts I would never consider. This was the only reason he wanted to come home. To experiment with me and help him transition. He never got that chance bc when he came back, he said he wanted to be with a man in every sense and would cheat on me.
I’m ashamed to say he gaslighted me again for wanting to “stay” and “come home”.
I have no more sympathy or grace. When someone shows you who they are.....please believe them.
I would have saved myself 8-9 months of heartache and tears.
Please be careful and his actions are your sign.
Last edited by LostAtSea (February 15, 2022 2:05 pm)
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() February 15, 2022 8:48 am | #7 |
1) Although you believe you have "boundaries set" he is breaking these boundaries. His behavior shows he is clearly not on board with those boundaries, so the "understanding" you have is only in your mind, not his. In another post you wrote about boundaries you'd set in the bedroom (I believe with clothes), but in a subsequent post you wrote about how he tried to manipulate you into "acting the man" by getting you between his legs, as if he were the woman and you the man, despite the anatomical reality. He is manipulating you into doing exactly what you said you did not want to do--bring his proclivity into the bedroom--and if you confront him over it he will try to muddy the water by saying "but I am not dressing"--parsing to the "letter" but not the "spirit" of the law.
Breaking boundaries is what they do. (Which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense. What kind of delusion must they have to actually believe they can be women? That's some boundary breaking belief and behavior right there!) I thought my ex and I had agreements on boundaries, too, some of which he'd set himself. He began breaking them immediately, either by ignoring them, acting behind my back, guilting me, or manipulating me (this last he even admitted outright to me). Your spouse no doubt similarly feels entitled to do whatever he wants when he wants, despite any previous agreements.
2) Secrecy: By now he's an expert on keeping secrets. He's been keeping his "urge" (his sexual orientation to himself as a woman) secret for years. It's entirely likely that secrecy is tied up with the sexual pleasure he derives from his activities. He's clearly got a secret way to buy these clothes: a second credit card you know nothing about, a secret Amazon account (and others, too) in his "female" name, having them shipped to his work address. He clearly also feels entitled to spend whatever money he likes without consulting you or budgeting for it.
Something I read online early in my searching for information after my husband made his declaration he was "a woman in a man's body," by a transwoman giving advice and counsel to wives like us, said that we should be prepared for our spouses to spend A LOT of money, and that we should protect ourselves financially, because in the grip of feminizing, which works like an addiction with an ever growing need to escalate, your spouse can run through LOTS of money--and more, if he starts down the path of surgery. You could confront your husband and get him to agree on a budget for his shopping sprees, although given the evidence that he doesn't adhere to boundaries and has no problem acting behind your back, a more self-protective course of action would be for you to visit a family lawyer and find out what your rights are under the law should it come to separation and divorce.
3) It's not "his" money even if he's the breadwinner. It's "the family's money." He has obligations to support his children, and, as his wife, you have rights to marital assets and/or support (depending on how long you've been married). To repeat myself (for emphasis): go and see a family law lawyer. If your husband is spending money hand over fist he's dissipating assets. Men in the grip of the feminizing fever can spend like drunken sailors on shore leave. He may be racking up credit card debt, and as long as you're married to him, it's your debt, too. Financial abuse goes hand in hand with the other abuse you are experiencing; to understand how what you're going through is abuse, please read the Omar Minwalla piece on "the secret sexual basement." You can search for it here or through Google. Also: You said you wondered whether you should just step back and "observe," so you might want to read up on the tactics of abusers and narcissists, because you are seeing them in action in your life. DARVO, gaslighting, minimizing, blame-shifting, etc: once you know to watch for these, it will be eye-opening.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (February 15, 2022 8:55 am)
Posted by LostAtSea ![]() February 15, 2022 11:31 am | #8 |
I agree with the money portion. He was a bigger earner at one point vs vice verse. One point I made more as well. But when you get married and have a family, your money is “our” money.
When you spend “our” money, we need to have a conversation about it. I also never questioned any type of spending. I was always the saver and spent money on him not on myself.
Having secret accounts is not a partnership. If you have to hide it, then you are hiding something.
The pink fog and urges are real! Even after I found out about the secret Amazon account. More secrets and lies for feminization. In one month the secret Amazon account racked up close to $800. Make up was $400 alone at Sephora. These little “white” lies turn into monsters.
I never really saw myself as been manipulated or abused. But the gaslighting and the actions that didn’t match being a devoted partner was eye opening.
After discovery, I got the I’ll be honest with you from this point on no more lies”.. No more lies, but I soon learn no disclosure and omitting details ARE lies.. Some things were disclosed and some were not. It was never 100% honesty. Just lies from a broken soul who is confused on what to be in life and disguised as my best friend.
Last edited by LostAtSea (February 15, 2022 11:35 am)
Posted by HopelessRomantic ![]() February 15, 2022 11:59 am | #9 |
UPDATE: I went with the ‘confront him and see what he says’ option. Which I feel a little bad about, given that it was Valentine’s Day and I kind of ruined the day by doing that, but as I told him, I’m trying to keep an open dialogue.
He came clean immediately, he did (past tense) have another Amazon account that he was using to buy clothes back while he was still sneaking around. The skirt was ‘new’ in that he hadn’t really worn it yet, but he had bought it and built his wardrobe back in December when all the Christmas deals were going on, before our conversations. He claims to have deleted the other account already, which I believe.
He says there’s nothing else that he’s been hiding, and for the moment I believe that too... though I was straight forward about the fact that we now have a low-trust relationship and I don’t exactly trust that he won’t hide things from me in the future if he thinks I won’t approve. He says he’s made his bed and now he’s got to lie in it, he wants to fix things but that he feels like he’s between a rock and a hard place and nothing he says or does will help. Which, in part, is true... there’s no magic phrase he can utter that will make this all go away, no ‘quick fix’. Once lost, trust has to be earned back... and that takes a long time.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() February 15, 2022 12:24 pm | #10 |
"He came clean immediately." They only admit to what you already know. And as LostAtSea says, lies of omission are still lies. I notice he was quick to deflect by providing a "reason": after Christmas sales.
"There's nothing else he's been hiding." I would take this statement with a huge grain of salt, given that the main thing he has hidden is his sexual orientation (his misdirected heterosexual desire for himself as a woman).
Saying "nothing [I say or do] will help" and "[I'm] between a rock and hard place" are ways to say "I don't have to try" and "I'm going to do what I want." They are also ways for him to pressure you into giving in: "You say I can't act on my own, so you need to agree to what I need."
But hey, test him out. Tell him exactly what you expect, set up a system of accountability, and then watch to see if he does it. Pay attention to his actions not his words. Establish a budget for his purchases (and yours); make sure you have complete access to any bank and credit card accounts. Decide for yourself what you actions will be--the consequences--if he doesn't live up to the agreement. (BTW: You can run a free credit check that will reveal any credit cards.)