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Posted by jamieblunt
January 26, 2022 3:47 pm

she is choice at the moment, i have literally done everything for her with this house move, i've sweated and stressed over lots of details and timings and how its going to be practicable.
So she now has a house reserved and has her mortgage pretty much sorted (waiting for the offer), i spent 2.5 hours with her in her mortgage appointment helping her, it was tight so this morning i without her asking told my solicitor i would give her an extra 3k upfront to help her with the legal costs and kitting out her new house.
she has now managed to get three bus lane penalty notices in the space of a week, when i said they should come out of her money she got well nasty and restarted an argument we had on monday about her secret savings account which i knew about but then forgot about for years until i found an ATM balance ticket and asked her what it was last year sometime, she claims i've always been jealous of that money and i am enjoying seeing her have to spend it on legal fees etc, its all made up in her head. The only beef i have about her secret pot is that for 21 years every spare penny i earned on the side i willingly gave it to her as bonus cash. 
Anyway i lost it with her this morning as her nastiness cracked the very thin crust of control i have whilst under all this pressure mostly made from her, she ended up in tears saying she didnt want to live anymore, and of course as soon as she threw in the suicide tears (real or not) i had to play peace maker, not that i apologised as i have nothing to apologise for, she threw the grenade and i bit. I didnt go looking for a brawl even when the penalty charge in my name landed on the mat(her car is in my name). But i know she still thinks it was me as the aggressor.
I just cant wait for her to go, i have done so much work for her and stressed on her behalf and she still treats me like i am her husband and its expected.
Self centred, selfish and entitled, if thats what coming out means they can keep it.

Posted by Soaplife
January 26, 2022 5:57 pm

Jamie, nailed it in your last sentences.  Don't expect thanks for anything - their sense of entitlement is massive. And get the car into her name so you don't need to be involved in that aspect of her irresponsibility. The fewer ties you have the better it will be for you. She is an adult so start letting her work out her own problems - like you do.  Helping her so you can push on and get it done is probably necessary. But don't be on her speed dial after that.

Soldier on, separating is a really trying time. Once its done and you are in your separate houses, things get so much better.

Keep venting here as often as you want- it helps to have a decompression space.

Last edited by Soaplife (January 26, 2022 5:59 pm)

Posted by lily
January 26, 2022 6:31 pm

arrggghhhh!  Jamie I could not sympathise more - she is being just as horrible as we expected!  

so much pressure.  so much pressure - thing is she is used to making you move as easily as a puppet on a string.  and that is her lexicon - manipulation - she doesn't realise you are helping her out of the goodness of your heart because she isn't like that herself.  

The pressure to give more will be on for young and old until it is signed off and nothing she can do any more.

I did the same thing you are proposing, volunteering a bit more cash to make the equation work more easily for my ex and let me tell you - I regret doing that.  Hang onto every penny you can Jamie, make that a mission.  Do whatever you need to.  she is playing you.  Think nice supportive thoughts about her girlfriend for taking her off your hands.  She is and always was the person you see unmasked before you now.

as ZsaZsa Gabor said - "darleenk, you don't know the man you married until you divorce him.

you won't know yourself, how much nicer it is when she is gone and you relax in your own company.  

wishing you all the very best.



Last edited by lily (January 26, 2022 6:37 pm)

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
January 26, 2022 8:43 pm

jamieblunt wrote:

.......she has now managed to get three bus lane penalty notices in the space of a week, when i said they should come out of her money she got well nasty ........ saying she didnt want to live anymore, and of course as soon as she threw in the suicide tears (real or not) i had to play peace maker,.....

Instead of playing the peacemaker you should have called the emergency services and told them your wife (ex-wife to be? ex-wife already?) was threatening suicide. Or at least told her you would ring.
Ffs JB....she's playing you so
Tough Love Hugs


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by jamieblunt
January 27, 2022 2:30 am

ex wife to be, divorce is now at the courts so it is progressing
Timeline if all goes well is
March-May her new house will be ready/built
May-July divorce hopefully will be done

tick tock

I am fully expecting the"i don't want to move out/get divorced" power play any moment (mostly thanks to you lot arming me)

what she doesnt understand is i am so far gone now i would never have her back even for the children, they have got used to the idea its happening and i only have one life

Last edited by jamieblunt (January 27, 2022 2:31 am)

Posted by jamieblunt
January 29, 2022 4:37 am

my weekend started on a high, they have found my dad a new care home, i will be taking him to it on monday, this is a massive weight off my already burdened shoulders.
I dont want to tempt fate but everything is starting to fall into place.

Posted by lily
January 29, 2022 5:04 am

Jamie, that's good news about your dad.  and I don't want to tempt fate either but I do think things are falling into place for you too.

Just keep remembering, the time to break the cycle of abuse is in the honeymoon phase - when she is being nicey nicey say no. there will be last minute grabs for concessions and then there will be last second grabs too.

Hope things are going well on the dating front.

wishing you all the very best, Lily


Posted by jamieblunt
January 29, 2022 3:15 pm

Thanks Lily
yes i have met a really nice lady who seems interested in me and quite likes me, its a very odd feeling having someone be affection towards me, its all very innocent and new at the moment, we are both taking it very slowly but its just nice.
I am a confident person but didn't realise how damaged my psyche is, as i still don't believe that any lady would find me attractive or have any interest in me, that is what several years of a dead marriage to a closet lesbian can do to you(i am saying this out loud for me really as you guys already knew this)

goodness knows what state i would be in by now if i hadn't found you all and you armoured me to this.

Posted by lily
January 29, 2022 5:46 pm

Thanks Jamie, 

There you are locked into an abusive relationship without knowing it.  It is such a shock but the shocks get more pleasant - omg I don't feel anxious in the pit of my stomach any more.  omg I have got stronger really quickly, omg omg how low I had gotten being with him.

And it slowly starts to dawn - it wasn't me, my instincts are good, it really wasn't that I'm not desirable or not a good partner.  If anything it says good things about me that I got picked on.   

And you learn something about how vulnerable we are.  There are plenty more where she came from, so that sounds really good.  Yes, take your time.

 You cry and you laugh - it is very much rainbow territory.  


Posted by jamieblunt
December 28, 2022 6:02 am

Thought i would swing by and give an update
I am now divorced, I have an agreement that i keep my house for ten years then  I have to finish off paying her equity, Ex is moved into her new home but it was 6 months late, she is still round my house quite often picking stuff up but the large furniture has gone and I have moved into what is now my master bedroom instead of living on a camp bed.
I went round and made some of her furniture she ordered new but i have refused to do any drilling into her new house or any diy.
Now i have to work on saying no when she's asked for lifts and did manage it on Boxing day when she wanted a lift into Brighton, that would have meant i could not have had any xmas "cheer" so said no but it is not in my nature not to help people, 
When she has asked me about doing stuff in the house I have pointed out that she has made all these new friends and why they can help her if they are proper friends, as surely she would want to move on from me and make her house all hers, but apparently its ok to trouble me but she doesn't want to trouble them?
I offered to build her a small desktop so she could download photos etc at her house but she refused as she didn't have her furniture, so she came round last night and did it on my pc, so now i have photos of her and what looks like her new girlfriend on my pc, took me a few minutes to work out my feelings and the end result was i honestly don't care but now knowing she has someone they can do all the shit for her that I used to endure as her husband.

If i had not of found you people i dread to think what a mess i would have been, so my stop by was really to say thank you, I am not sure i can be much help on these forums as it looks like i achieved pretty much everything i started out to, (especially keeping my house for now), I do wonder if i had not have found this forum if i would have caved and basically become another casualty of trying to do the right thing when my other half did not not really care about my outcome, it was this place that lined me up to the thought of why should i give up the life i had because my self centred ex wife wanted a new life but to keep all the trimmings, if you lovelies had not warned/armoured me to the type of behaviour i probably would have thought i was doing the right thing by moving out and giving up.

so its a "i cant pay you back" thanks from me for being there for a total stranger when he was in his darkest hour.

MWAH to you all


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