Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Blue Bear wrote:
he's cheating on you;
he feels compelled to cheat on you to stay sane;
he's cheating on you with guys;
he was dishonest with you about his sexuality throughout your marriage;
you are not intimate with him;
you have no sex drive (probably because of this situation);
you are looking ahead to a sexless future with a dishonest guy who refuses to stop cheating on you with guys; and
just thinking about this situation is driving you crazy
Wow Blue Bear... That's an honest, true list, one that made me sit up and think "what the fuck am I doing with my life!"
I can carry on with my comfortable life, with a man I no longer trust, can no longer talk to about the things that haunt me....or take a leap of faith and step away from everything that stops me from knowing what it's like to not be in that life
I took the leap of faith. I'm happier now than I ever was in my marriage to a dishonest, adulterous, closeted lesbian. Seems like it would have been obvious in retrospect, right?