Posted by jamieblunt November 1, 2021 11:52 am | #71 |
been doing some research today and un the UK from April
No fault divorce comes into law,
there is my timescale almost pinned down now, it gives her six months to "sort" out her head and gives me plenty of time to get a few things in place re finance, housing etc
Posted by lily November 1, 2021 3:31 pm | #72 |
wow, I thought UK had had no fault divorce for decades.
Think it might be worth researching exactly what is changing as I remember the adults talking about no fault divorce in the 70's - how good it was not to have to get proof of infidelity to divorce any more. Prior to that it was hire a PI to take pictures.
sorry but I'm going to be blunt. here's a little fairy story. when Ms Spin realised her puppet was moving his limbs independently of her pull she had to do something - first she tried an angry tug and when that didn't work she tickled him under the chin and batted her eyelashes and made him his favourite dinner. It worked for a little while but it didn't work for very long! she could feel him kicking the table leg as if he were testing his strength. what to do what to do. She tried everything. she tugged at his sympathies, she even tried to frighten him but nothing worked for long, she still couldn't pull him back into line and keep him there. The adrenalin surged through her limbs, it was time for plan B - dump the sucker. First things first, nice big meal to keep her going til the next sucker turned up.
otherwise known as separation assault. six months will fly by but there's a lot she can do in that six months while you are waiting for her to 'sort her head out'. If it's at all possible, keep her away from your friends and make sure you are in control of your purse strings. Above all consult a lawyer now, not in six months time.
Posted by Elayne November 1, 2021 3:41 pm | #73 |
Hi Jamie.
I feel for you. I feel like I could have written this myself. I don’t have much advice, but I’m lending hugs. I’m also trying to support my husband, my best friend, father of my children, to live his life. But it’s hard. It’s heavy. I feel particularly angry today as I watch him speak to other men, because he says that will make him happy. It sucks. And it hurts. I’m not ready to say goodbye to my best friend, but I don’t know if I can remain happy under these circumstances. I wish you all the best as I try to figure this out just as you are.
Posted by jamieblunt November 1, 2021 4:01 pm | #74 |
Thanks all
i have sent a contact to my solicitors for a preliminary meeting so that will happen this month and totally get your story but i do have to tread a fine line with some of the shockers you have all described and what i know about my stbx over the last 21 years,
Hi Elayne not sure how new your revelation is but mine is into its third month and i want the misery to end even if that means divorce or giving up my dream home, yesterday was the first time i really dropped the divorce bomb on her but it didnt stop her today taking her half day and asking if i could do the children etc then at short notice she said she was going up to london to meet her friend she made in september and has been to several girls only discos together (of course she says its just friends)
so today i have worked a full day, taken my daughter to ballet and picked her up, cooked the dinner for me and the children and just got back from the weekly shop, all the while my stbx has had a lovely afternoon in london with her new gal pal who she seems very excited by as she is a forensic scientist for the police not a boring IT nerd like me.
but the one thing today tells me is that i would really be better off on my own with my son but preferably with both of them,at least then i would know i have to do it a.
I told the stbx this morning that she doesnt do this midweek off to london thing again whilst we are living together for exactly the above reason, i didnt try to stop her doing this one as i dont want to be "opressing her" but i wont be her butler/doormat.
Elayne one thing i learnt off this forum and its probably easier for a man than a lady is to not bottle it up, hold up a mirror to your husband (if its safe to do so) and tell him exactly how you are feeling and point out the selfish entitled things he is doing, it may not change the eventual outcome but its been helping me to vent directly at the source of my frustration, but my wife is highly unlikely to take a swing at me so please judge that for yourself.
I dont want to separate but i have my own redline that if stbx cannot commit to then we are done, i want regular loving intimacy and affection, we used to have it. i may even be prepared to share her with another lady but i would demand a full and equal partnership in intimacy time and her other sex life was not permitted to come to the family home, i cant see her ever being able to live up to that but she knows exactly how i feel about that. in some ways i have now turned the screw on her,if it drives her away then so be it, i will not be a doormat/butler.
one question for the floor, ive seen the phrase "i am his beard" i am guessing thats in reference to a gay husband hiding behind his wife to keep up appearances of hetrosexuality, if i'm correct what is it called when its the other way round
Elayne i do thank you for your hugs just like i thank everyone who has contributed to my posts, it really has helped me feel less worthless and alone and really has bolted some armour onto me.
Last edited by jamieblunt (November 1, 2021 4:05 pm)
Posted by Elayne November 1, 2021 4:16 pm | #75 |
Hi Jamie
I found out about his sexuality through Facebook messages with his husband. Yes, his husband. The husband recently died and we are married now. I have been dealing with this for about two years now. It was more recently, in the last few weeks, that he has disclosed an online, purely fantasy sexual relationship with another man. He says he needs this and a day on the weekend for himself to do what he pleases. He says that this time will only be spent doing things he enjoys and not seeing anyone, but that still leaves me home with our three young children. I understand what you mean when you say you feel alone in parenting and household activities, especially while your spouse is off having a good time. We have both been seeing therapists and have been working through things, but that doesn’t stop this resentment I feel for the things I have to go through. I find myself asking, “is the grass really greener on the other side?” I moved to his home country to be with him. Us, our kids, everything, is here. After this newest relationship was discovered, I felt myself feeling tired. I feel stuck. For the betterment of the children perhaps. He says I should want to stay with him because I love him. Sure I love him, but is that really enough?
I feel just as lost
Posted by jamieblunt November 1, 2021 4:37 pm | #76 |
Blimey i am keeping your hugs and sending you a boat load of mine.
my stbx says she still loves me but that's not enough for me but she is not saying i should stay with her, this is more about her having the bravery to take the leap and leave the family home, ironically my stbx is from another country and her entire life/financial effort is here in the UK, we almost have identical but reversed role issue going on.
i dont want to get personal but as i posted my redline about affection and intimacy is just that, its not enough to have the dream home, financial stability when my stbx is affectionless towards me and will not engage intimately with me, especially as i have "wasted" several years of our marriage being content with a handful of intimate moments a year as i was being the "good husband/man" and not pressuring her.
life is of course far more than sex but its also the lack of affection, do you get either from your husband?
i am in no position to lecture and i am sure Lily, Soap et al are screaming at the keyboard "wake up man" but like you i am trying to keep it all together mostly for the children but day by day my eyes are opening up.
i would just reiterate though my wife has been a brilliant dedicated mother but this year she has lost her way, which is one of the reasons she gets so much slack from me.
Posted by Elayne November 1, 2021 4:53 pm | #77 |
Oh Jamie,
I understand completely. As for the affection, yes, for the past few months I have seen a decline. It pained me, especially after stating this concern on several occasions. We had a talk a few weeks ago, right after this online relationship, and we both decided to take the leap. I would try to trust him again and he would be close to me again. But there’s just so much nuance we’re missing here. One difference I can make between us is that we are still intimate and affectionate. It’s just today… today I feel the burden of this relationship. Today feels dark.
Even after two years, we are still exploring this new relationship we’re in. It is certainly a journey. And not an easy one. I will give you the advice I was given: discover your boundaries and make them clear to your spouse. Outline your feelings in the matter. The longer things go unsaid, the harder the rift will be to heal. If you want this to last, be open and honest with her about your feelings and concerns. And have her do the same for you. In the beginning, I was so scared to voice my opinion because it might push him away. Through therapy, I have learned that I need to speak my truth and overcome my trauma of abandonment. It takes strength and courage.
I cannot say too much because I am obviously failing this advice today. I am sitting here, typing this, and I haven’t spoken to my husband all day. He’s upset at me now because I won’t tell him why I’m upset. I choose for today to be my dark day. Today will be brighter.
Posted by jamieblunt November 1, 2021 5:34 pm | #78 |
stbx got home an hour or so ago, so i decided to "talk at her" as she puts it
i think we are truly done
when she fights back its about the old me not the changing me that has started to appear since lock down
and she changed her story from yesterday about saying "maybe its all in her head" to what she meant is that she wishes it was all in her head(this was after i said my forum mates have called out this behaviour already)
she is now fairly sure she is lesbian and not Bi (as predicted by some of you) so if thats the case we are very done regardless of her counselling.
she had no guilt or remorse about what she pulled today just used her tired old line that she has done this all herself in the past, not including that when i was absent from chores it was because i was at work, she conveniently forgets that i never left her to go on a jolly and neglect my chores.
really cant see a way back now
Posted by jamieblunt November 1, 2021 5:38 pm | #79 |
MJM no i dont avoid conflict, i dont go looking for fights either.
stbx may have made me feel worthless this summer but i dont blame myself for who she is, if anything i am starting to harden towards her like never before.
if anything being here has turned me into an even more vocal person when needing to stand up for myself.
being here has taught me its ok to hold a mirror up to their face and call them out, in the end it wont make a difference to the outcome so i may aswell get it all off my chest
Posted by Elayne November 1, 2021 5:39 pm | #80 |
I’m sorry Jamie. I hope for the best outcome for you. Your happiness matters too.