Sorry for the bullet points, but it easier for me
- I am one month since finding out about my husband
- he was my 8th grade boyfriend and we reconnected after 35 years ( Best story ever)
- for the last 5 years he has been my best friend and lover, never in a million years would i have ever imagined
- apparently he thinks he wants to be a women and has struggled with this since he was 7?
- cross dresses and calls himself by his first wife's name, or himself depending
- has a storage locker that he goes to when he travels for work 2 to 3 nights a week
- is on TS Dating and has 26 picture of himself posted as both Tim and Jane- some pornographic for the whole internet to see
- he hosts men in his hotel while on his business trips
- and takes pictures of all of it!!!!!!!!!!!! Its full on Porn
- then they email the next and disucss it in detail and share the photos
- he gave me his OLD computer and didn't know his icloud still downloaded to it, i have seen over 500 pictures
- he asks these men, if they would like him to come as Tim or Jane, so clearly it is not all about Transgender
Never in Million Years did anyone have any suspicions- how do I ever get this out of my head
He was out of town when I found all of this and lied every time i found something new. His belonging were on the sidewalk and locks were changed before he could get back.
Liar, Narcissist, Psychopath, Deviant , what other words can I use
Last edited by JillD (October 10, 2021 5:47 pm)