I am a 40 year old cis hetero demi-sexual; my partner is a 35 year old transMTF (pre-HRT). We've been married for almost 20 years. And I have had debilitating auto-immune conditions for the last 10.
Six months ago, they told me that they "didn't know how they felt about me or our marriage" anymore. Three months ago, they told me "Okay, I still love you, but I've been talking to my therapist and I think I might be trans. I'll let you know when and what I decide when I'm ready." A month ago, I found out second-hand that they told one of our mutual friends that he was definitely trans and seeking a doctor to start the process with HRT -- and I'm sitting here, having not been told a thing. I confront them about it and all I really get is, "Oh, I thought I told you already. I'm sorry."
They don't talk to me about this process. They don't even act like they care about how I feel about it at all. They tell me that if I want to know about anything going on with them, I should ask specific questions about what I want to know. If I just ask how things are going with their transition, all I get is, "It's going fine. I'm really happy about my progress." I'm trying to be happy for them and I'm trying to be supportive, but it's so goddamn hard when it feels like I'm intentionally being left in the dark, my own feelings ignored, and just generally left on the curb as they go on this journey without me.
It feels willfully hurtful, like they're trying to drive me to the point that /I/ want a divorce so they can escape me without consequences and feeling guilty. They know that stress flares my conditions, and they don't seem to care at all the toll all of this is taking on me. It's hard to believe them when they say how much they love me, when time and again they prove through their actions how oblivious they are of my feelings, my well-being, and just making me feel loved and included.
This morning was the most hurtful thing -- and I apologize if this is TMI -- but they initiated sex with me with their hands, but at the point we would usually go to PIV, they stopped. Just stopped, rolled over, and went back to sleep. I just laid there, bewildered, I asked if things were okay and got no answer, none at all.
I'm trying so hard to be a good and supportive wife. I keep hoping that this is just some phase that they're going through as they transition. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Have other people experienced this level of outright callousness in the beginning only for things to get back to a good place?
I've brought up therapy, but they aren't interested in it, nor can we afford it. Between my own medical expenses and them seeing their own specialized therapist, plus seeing the trans specialist, there's no money left to seek yet more professional help.
I feel so lost...