Posted by Heartbroken49 June 20, 2021 1:40 pm | #1 |
* Hi everyone, so here’s an update. It was our child’s birthday, he wanted to come to my house and celebrate as a family 😒 for my child I did this. When we were alone we talked about the when, how etc some of the stuff he told me made me feel sick. It was mainly a blame game. He said he hadn’t cheated but wanted to, so that’s why he came out, so that he didn’t cheat while we were together. He has been flirting with guys for years and the urge was too strong, that he wanted to take it further. That he had to get out or he would have driven off a cliff. But maybe in 5 years or so he would come back, if he hadn’t pursued it with anyone as he knows I won’t want to find anyone else 😵💫. I was in so much pain at hearing this information that I just sat there. I feel weak and dependent on any communication with him even if it rips my heart out…. What is wrong with me??? I was happier with no face to face contact. I know I need to get back to that, but I feel just like I did when he left. He said he’s not happy either,living alone, having to do everything himself, that all he’s doing is working and sleeping but I must admit I was spying on his Twitter and the stuff he’s liking makes me sick, totally hardcore. He also said that him coming out would be pointless if he didn’t try with another man but he realises that he will never have a relationship like ours where someone loves him so much. He is being really mean with his words one minute, then playing the victim the next. I can’t deal with this rollercoaster. I got upset in front of him, which was the last thing I wanted to do, and there was no emotion from him , he just said he regrets the hurt he’s caused me. I knew to keep him at a distance but I have allowed this so our child had a “somewhat” normal birthday because they are struggling with it all too eg going for counselling and on anti depressants. They still love him but have seen a side to him they don’t like. He said to me, they need to toughen up and realise there’s a big bad world out there, Why are they affected, he’s still their dad? That he has had chats with them and they were fine with everything, they want him to be happy. I know they are saying this so they aren’t abandoned by him . Honestly his arrogance is beyond huge. He thinks no talk about him between my child and I should be happening (even though they are grown) I might be giving them negative feelings towards him. I hadn’t cried in a week and now I can’t seem to stop. Why do these homewreakers always want to blame the innocent party? He has taken his wedding ring off and put it on a chain, he said it’s falling off and doesn’t want to lose it. I said I was going to take mine off and he was saying no, we are still married why would I do that? I am so confused, he doesn’t want me but doesn’t want me to abandon him. When he doesn’t get what he wants or I ask too many questions, the kindness stops. I have started to realise when he doesn’t need me and he has other people and situations to fill his needs, the monster comes out. He treats me like I’m nothing, and can’t even be bothered with explaining anything. He is so broken as, someone I have spent 30+ yrs with shouldn’t behave this way. He has taken everything from me till I had nothing left to give, now he has tossed me like rubbish with no real explanation or apology. I am not worth it… no one should be treated like this. The thing is he thinks he hasn’t done anything wrong and deserves to be happy….. I thought we were. He said he has to do this. I have noticed the explanation he has gave me is based on delusion, he thinks he has justified every bad thing he’s ever done. He is playing the victim whilst still mentally abusing me. I know that I need to cut him off, but I’m finding letting him go so difficult.
Posted by SusanneH June 20, 2021 2:12 pm | #2 |
I’m so sorry you had to endure that episode with your husband. You are so right to have him out of your life. He is only out for himself, like you’ve said. It sounds like he’s so self centered that he really can’t see how it’s hurting you when he says he’s going to check it all out & see how he likes men & ‘the life’, and if he doesn’t, he’ll come back to you…..pardon me, but WTF? Like you said, he knows you won’t go out and find someone and he’s using that to his advantage.
Remember, you are worth it. You are the innocent party in all of this, and when you finally do let go, you’ll probably feel a freedom you haven’t known in a long time. He’s emotionally abusing you, and that can be nothing but harmful to your health, both physical and emotional.
You say you need to cut him off, but finding letting him go so difficult…. It isn’t an easy thing to do after so many years, and so much history between you. I hope you can find the strength for yourself so YOU can be happy, regardless of what he does.
I wish all the best to you .
Posted by Ellexoh_nz June 20, 2021 3:45 pm | #3 | I read this post I could almost see the battle you have with your old self and the new you. Many of your *I* sentences were statements about how the way he makes you and the children feel (and how you don't like it and know it's not the kind of life you want for you and your children. Your children's father seemed to be only focused on himself and how he appears to the world. I tried to separate all your thoughts from your account of his.
There is nothing wrong with you You sound strong and even though you're still pulled back into the emotions he seems he's using your old life and your children as pawns in his own No-man's Land as he sorts himself out (pun) Don't let him drag you along with him, make each day better for you and your children
Heartbroken49 wrote:
* Hi everyone, so here’s an update. It was our child’s birthday, ...... for my child I did this........ I won’t want to find anyone else 😵💫. I was in so much pain at hearing this information that I just sat there. I feel weak and dependent on any communication with him even if it rips my heart out…. What is wrong with me??? I was happier with no face to face contact. I know I need to get back to that, but I feel just like I did when he left....... but I must admit I was spying on his Twitter and the stuff he’s liking makes me sick, totally hardcore....... I can’t deal with this rollercoaster. I got upset in front of him, which was the last thing I wanted to do....... I knew to keep him at a distance but I have allowed this so our child had a “somewhat” normal birthday because they are struggling with it all too eg going for counselling and on anti depressants. They still love him but have seen a side to him they don’t like. ..... I know they are saying this so they aren’t abandoned by him . Honestly his arrogance is beyond huge. ...... I hadn’t cried in a week and now I can’t seem to stop...... I said I was going to take mine (ring) off ...... I am so confused, .....I ask too many questions,...... I have started to realise when he doesn’t need me and he has other people and situations to fill his needs, the monster comes out...... someone I have spent 30+ yrs with shouldn’t behave this way....... I had nothing left to give, ....I am not worth it… no one should be treated like this. ..... I thought we were [happy]....... I have noticed the explanation he has gave me is based on delusion,...... I know that I need to cut him off, but I’m finding letting him go so difficult.
""..he wanted to come to my house and celebrate as a family 😒 When we were alone we talked about the when, how etc some of the stuff he told me made me feel sick. It was mainly a blame game. He said he hadn’t cheated but wanted to, so that’s why he came out, so that he didn’t cheat while we were together. He has been flirting with guys for years and the urge was too strong, that he wanted to take it further. That he had to get out or he would have driven off a cliff. But maybe in 5 years or so he would come back, if he hadn’t pursued it with anyone as he knows 😵💫......He said he’s not happy either,living alone, having to do everything himself, that all he’s doing is working and sleeping ....... He also said that him coming out would be pointless if he didn’t try with another man but he realises that he will never have a relationship like ours where someone loves him so much. He is being really mean with his words one minute, then playing the victim the next.......there was no emotion from him , he just said he regrets the hurt he’s caused me. They still love him but have seen a side to him they don’t like. He said to me, they need to toughen up and realise there’s a big bad world out there, Why are they affected, he’s still their dad? That he has had chats with them and they were fine with everything, they want him to be happy. ......He thinks no talk about him between my child and I should be happening (even though they are grown) I might be giving them negative feelings towards him......He has taken his wedding ring off and put it on a chain, he said it’s falling off and doesn’t want to lose it.......he was saying no, we are still married why would I do that?......He treats me like I’m nothing, and can’t even be bothered with explaining anything. He is so broken as, ..... He has taken everything from me till I had nothing left to give, now he has tossed me like rubbish with no real explanation or apology..... The thing is he thinks he hasn’t done anything wrong and deserves to be happy…..He said he has to do this....he thinks he has justified every bad thing he’s ever done. He is playing the victim""
Posted by OutofHisCloset June 20, 2021 4:04 pm | #4 |
He said "maybe in five years or so he would come back"? Great. So you can be fallback Plan B, when he's good and tired of doing everything for himself, after five years of sex with men?
At least you know the truth of where you stand, and you see the truth of who he is. No go NO CONTACT and GREY ROCK as much as you are can!
Posted by Heartbroken49 June 20, 2021 5:35 pm | #5 |
Thanks everyone, your understanding and advice is helping me tremendously. I know what he is and always has been ( not TGT) he did nothing around the house, didn’t interact with our child, he only worked ( and played behind my back) he received all the love and attention and it still wasn’t enough. I don’t think he will ever be happy. I just want to get to a place that my feelings for him subside, so if he EVER asks to come back, the door is firmly closed. I have treated him like a child for over a decade, as he always whined or made excuses for not being an adult, people used to say “ he was lazy or incompetent “ ( I was always excusing his behaviour) but I need to realise he made adult decisions concerning his extra curricular life. The lies he has told me over the years blows my mind, how I put up with it all. I don’t think I miss that life just the “promises “ that life meant to me. Security and someone to grow old with. The thought of being alone for the rest of my life terrifies me, but I suppose I have been alone my whole adult life. Looking back I should have known his true feelings for me, for the past 20+ years he always insisted on working night shift ( so he didn’t have to sleep in the same bed as me I suppose) the no interest or intimacy. He never worried about my safety ( I used to walk the dog at 1am) even when he was home, and when he was off work he would stay up until I went to sleep. I feel so stupid for putting up with it. I can’t even fathom why I’m upset about him leaving to be honest. I just believed in “ a marriage was forever” I suppose I was delusional as well.
Posted by Soaplife June 20, 2021 8:55 pm | #6 |
What a horrible experience for you. Sooo ... What have you learned from it?
"I was happier with no face to face contact".
No contact. This is the key. YOUR happiness matters. Not his. Build strong boundaries and enforce them. Keep this awful, cruel, nasty, selfish person out of your life.
You do not have to broker his relationship with his children. HE should be doing that. HE can organise parties for them separately if he wants to celebrate occasions. Don't let him spoil any more family occasions YOU organise.
((Hugs)) it took me a few horrible experiences like yours to work out that that inviting him in gave him the opportunity - that he always took - to hurt me further.
No contact.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz June 20, 2021 9:53 pm | #7 |
This may sound left field and a little cruel but.. If he had run off, disappeared one day, contacted something or simply had a fatal car accident and died, well, you'd be bringing up those children alone wouldn't you? You'd have the strength to do that right?
No contact. Sounds heaven.
Posted by Heartbroken49 June 21, 2021 5:07 am | #8 |
Thanks longwayhome I appreciate it and definitely need all the help I can get.
Soaplife this is exactly what he does and has always done. I am a wreck after seeing him and I think he knows it. I was coping ok without contact, but he wants me to still depend on him I think. I know I need no contact to be able to manage, Ellexoh_nz I do agree but it’s knowing he’s out there “living his best life” that kills me. He put nothing into the relationship and I put everything, he has destroyed my whole self worth, if he had met an unfortunate end, yes I would have carried on but with love in my heart. I feel he has ripped mine out and stomped on it.
MJM017 you are probably correct, why would someone who has been treated like a king walk away without a backup, ( especially him) it’s just still the constant lying I can’t take. The making me feel like a bad person for wanting to take my rings off. To me they are just a reminder of the vows that were made, and broken. I think I’m justified in my decision to take them off. So after you all taking the time to help me through this emotional minefield I feel strong enough to do something that will ease my suffering and hopefully help me realise, there is no going back, he made this decision and if me taking off my wedding ring hurts him, then he ought to thank God he hasn’t experienced the hurt, loss and devastation I have been experiencing. I thank all of you for helping me through this process, I don’t know how I would have coped without the support I have received from you all. You are all fantastic people and I wish the very best for you all. X
Posted by Rob June 22, 2021 7:40 pm | #9 |
Definitely don't let him in your house anymore.. NO CONTACT. These spouses has forfeited all rights and privileges to our time or resources.
I wouldn't let my GX in home if you put a gun to head.