Posted by TangledOil May 19, 2021 7:12 pm | #1 |
I’m in contact with many straight spouses who landed at SSN initially after learning of their spouses orientation. I’m mostly in communication with those with bi spouses and a few with gay spouses. I’ve heard time and time again how unsettling it is to be confronted with... “your spouse is gay, not bi,” they are cheating,” “you should consider divorce,” etc... as is commonly communicated to newcomers here. There are other places that these folks eventually leave SSN for and that’s fine. They are finding communities elsewhere that are more in tune with what’s going on in their reality. Reddit and Discord are picking up where SSN is falling short for these people. Since this is the spot most initially land, is there any possible way to better support them too?
The "strategies for MOM's" section occasionally gets hit with hostile posts by people who aren't perusing a MOM which can be particularly frustrating for those pursuing a MOM.
Thank you for any insight and ideas.
Last edited by TangledOil (May 19, 2021 7:22 pm)
Posted by OutofHisCloset May 19, 2021 8:56 pm | #2 |
This Forum was a lifesaver for me just as it is. If not for the posts of Whatasham and others, I would never have felt validated. I learned a lot about the patterns I was seeing in my own spouse, and I learned that my experience was far from unique, and my feelings were legitimate. I felt supported from the posters here when what I was experiencing at home and hearing from my spouse was a lot of word salad designed to confuse me and protect my spouse's closet. From my perspective, the Forum worked well.
I've felt for a long time that you are an outlier. You have a bi husband who has never acted on his impulse (that you know of). Your situation is a whole different kettle of fish than what most of us have endured. You have your new reddit forum, and you advertise and tout it regularly here. I can't understand why you aren't satisfied with what you have there.
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (May 19, 2021 8:56 pm)
Posted by TangledOil May 19, 2021 9:52 pm | #3 |
It’s not about me at this point. I don’t need SSN for myself other than for the satisfaction I get in helping others in situations similar to my own. It would be nice if newcomers with more moderate situations felt welcomed and believed and many don’t and leave nearly as quickly as they arrive. It’s also unfortunate that those with far more challenging situations feel the need to occasionally interject in the “strategies for MOM’s” section. It’s really disheartening for people working on their marriage to be subjected to the negativity when it happens. It’s a small space... one tiny spot on this whole site and a few just can’t respect that. I’m not sure what the remedy is, but SSN has a bad reputation outside of SSN because of it. Maybe SSN will never be an appropriate place for those with moderate relationships issues. I don’t know.
Last edited by TangledOil (May 19, 2021 10:21 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz May 19, 2021 11:25 pm | #4 |
TangledOil wrote:
....... Reddit and Discord are picking up where SSN is falling short for these people. Since this is the spot most initially land, is there any possible way to better support them too? ....Tangled
Good on Reddit and Discord
I asked for the MOM board and still think it serves a purpose. But for you to state SSN is "falling short" is actually saying the men and women who post there can't think, research, post and decide for themselves they need something more. You yourself have said many times you've felt like leaving the site, but you always come back so we must be doing something right.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz May 19, 2021 11:37 pm | #5 |
My answers in red
TangledOil wrote:
It’s not about me at this point. I think actually it is about you........... It’s really disheartening for people working on their marriage to be subjected to the negativity when it happens.....Those people will surely end up at Reddit. Or Discord. You seem to be trying to help everybody at once. People need to see, read and make their own minds up....... SSN has a bad reputation outside of SSN because of it. Maybe SSN will never be an appropriate place for those with moderate relationships issues. I don’t know.....Such a negative opinion of SSN...yet here you are.....Tangled
Posted by Soaplife May 19, 2021 11:38 pm | #6 |
TangledOil, it is a normal thing that people will seek help in SSN but find somewhere else better suits their needs. Happens all the time in support groups and networks. Its a journey. Everyone is welcome but not everyone will find a permanent home here. You've done a great thing with your reddit group and MOM work here where you use your experience to try to support others attempting to pursue a similar path. In the same way, others seek to offer their various experiences to try to support people who are in similar situations. As you say, the situations are many and varied - hence the sort of support offered is also varied.
I have found a lot of validation and wisdom from posters and commenters whose experience I recognise as similar to mine. I comment from my own experience where I think it might help someone seeking clarity. I greatly appreciate and deeply value the frankness and honesty with which people share their vulnerabilities and experiences here. I love that people feel free enough and safe enough here to vent their anger and frustrations if that is what they need to do.
The unvarnished and unpalatable truth of my situation, revealed through intereacting with people who had shared the experiences I was living through, was my lifeline and gave me strength but also practical advice to work on through and get free.
I lived in a horrible half-world of abuse, manipulation, deception and lies. When I see the same behaviours, patterns and concerns as I had in other people's posts, I try to address them directly and truthfully from my experience. The truth can be jarring and challenging but I don't think sugarcoating it helps.
If I feel I don't have anything to offer - as for instance on most of the the MOM threads - then I don't comment. However, if there is something specific that I do recognise and may be able to offer support with, I may well venture a comment. Discerning whether a MOM is right for you is part of the journey, and sometimes recognising denial or abuse patterns that you have been living with for so long that they seem normal can be an important stepping stone in working out what is acceptable to you in a relationship.
There is such a lot of shock, confusion, pain, anger, fear, heartbreak and denial during the discovery phase that I think you just have to expect some people will feel confronted and even affronted by content here sometimes. Everyone walks their own path and finding support that works for you necessarily entails trial and error.
Posted by TangledOil May 19, 2021 11:42 pm | #7 |
I recall saying once that I’d leave and not return. Otherwise I’ve stated I’d stop in periodically and only check the MOM section, which is what I do. Honestly, it would be ideal if more would become of the MOM section or it could probably be eliminated altogether. It’s a tiny blip in all of SSN. Everyone I meet along the way says their first foray into the subject was SSN because it’s what pops up first in their search. And then I hear about how horrible it was for them here. It just seems unfortunate that SSN can’t cast a wider net.
I didn’t know that you got the MOM section going. How long has it been around? It’s great that you got it going Maybe SSNs purpose wasn’t to include that anyway as it was added later. A welcome (by some) afterthought in a sense.
Last edited by TangledOil (May 19, 2021 11:44 pm)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz May 20, 2021 12:14 am | #8 |
TangledOil wrote:
... Honestly, it would be ideal if more would become of the MOM section or it could probably be eliminated altogether. It’s a tiny blip in all of SSN very arrogant of you. YOU may think it's a tiny blip but as I said it serves a purpose for those who find SSN and discover the MOM board is an area they can post in a time of confusion and angst......then I hear about how horrible it was for them here. It just seems unfortunate that SSN can’t cast a wider net.....for every person who finds it "horrible" there will be one who finds it helpful. I think you see your own experience in everyone on that board and it just can't be.
I didn’t know that you got the MOM section going. How long has it been around? It’s great that you got it going....I came here confused, full of angst. I wanted somewhere I could be myself and learn about the new me.....4 years ago I asked for it.....There are plenty of sites for the truly-wanting to focus on their MOMs...Tangled
Edited to say....SSN doesn't need to "cast a wider net" in my opinion
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (May 20, 2021 12:19 am)
Posted by TangledOil May 20, 2021 9:33 am | #9 |
I am simply expressing my opinion from what I’ve observed personally and from what others have told me. I really don’t understand the hostility.
Have a great day.
Last edited by TangledOil (May 20, 2021 9:53 am)
Posted by Sam (Admin) May 20, 2021 9:40 am | #10 |
TO, if you haven't noticed, the inappropriate posts in the MOM section have been deleted.