Continuing my thoughts on the downstream impacts of what we have experienced. I am interested in some of the following topics. Did you stay in the marital home, or sell it or move out? Did you start working, change jobs, or even careers? Did you even move away, from the area that you lived? Did you take time off, or pause, and just get your head straight? Travel etc. What was factors helped you process and move forward to the next version, future self that you are now?
For instance, I am still in the marital home, she moved out. I am contemplating selling it, though it makes sense to keep it for financial reasons, I often wonder about what it will do for me to get rid of the marital home. Or, am I just trading one headache for another. Another thing is; I only remained in my area working in the jobs I did for her. Stable job, but I could change things up. Lots to think about.