Posted by MovingForward February 14, 2021 10:24 am | #1 |
I am new here.
Three weeks ago my husband of nearly 15 years and father of my three kids told me he is gay. One week ago he moved out and into an apartment. We are choosing the path of no conflict and together but apart. We will be getting a divorce at some point. Last night while having a movie night with our kids, I couldn’t help but notice he was texting someone, a lot. My gut knew. I asked him to be honest and not hide things anymore. He told me he has been “talking to a few people.” And I crumbled.
I am still in shock from our conversation three weeks ago. And now this. I told him it hurt and that the blows keep coming. I told him I can’t keep going at his pace. I told him he doesn’t know how to be honest with me and asked that for once he make a conscious effort to be real with me. I am angry because I am left to put the pieces back together of a life that was...well whatever the hell it was. Keep pushing forward with the kids. Being there to support my kids- who are 4,9,9. And he has a new apartment, new furniture, can come and go as he pleases, and apparently start a life he has always dreamed of. I feel abandoned, deceived, replaceable, and so hurt, so terribly hurt to my core. All I can do is cry.
I need to establish boundaries. I don’t event know what a boundary is in this context.
How the hell am I supposed to get through all of this? I have never felt so hopeless in my life.
Posted by SusanneH February 14, 2021 10:59 am | #2 |
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. And, it’s all happening so fast, too. Being told your husband is gay is a big enough blow for you to process. I know when I found out my husband is bisexual, and had been seeing men our entire relationship, I was crushed, beside myself, outraged, mind blown, name it. The emotions were all over the place. So, whatever you’re feeling, let it flow.
Since he’s moved out of the house, I would think a good place to start with boundaries would be when he is with you (and the children). The first one I can think of is for him to abstain from texting, calling,etc his male “sex” friends. That’s the least he can do, in my opinion. Neither you nor the children should have to put up with him acting out in your home.
I know the hopelessness of it. It’s like a big hole off emptiness as well as a lot of confusion going around in it. It does get better. Just remember to breathe, eat & pee 😉. Be good to YOU. Like you said, he has a new apartment, néw furniture,, you deserve something good, too.
Do you have any family or friends to talk to that are understanding and not judgmental? That will help you a lot. Also getting a good therapist that’s experienced with LGBTQ is a good idea.
Others will chime in later & give you some more suggestions. Many have been through what you’re going through.
Best of luck.Hang in there One Day at a Time...sometimes one minute at a time....whatever it takes. You’ll get there.
Posted by Julian_Stone February 14, 2021 11:40 am | #3 |
I'm so sorry you've found yourself here. These stories are (increasingly) getting more difficult for me to read because I find myself getting so angry at the selfishness and cruelty of some of the non-straight spouses. I understand wanting to keep things as normal as humanly possible for the kids, but I think you need some distance away from him so you can start to heal. At the minimum, he can turn his damn phone off when you're together. Ugh.
You're right. It's not fair that you're the one that's left trying to put the pieces back be the stable parent for the children while your world feels like it's crumbling. This is a really traumatic thing to go through because it shakes your sense of reality to the core....Do you have a counselor to talk to? I really don't know how anyone gets through this without a solid support system. Take care of yourself...and keep posting. <3
Posted by OutofHisCloset February 14, 2021 11:41 am | #4 |
One way to "get through this" is to get a lawyer, for yourself. You already know that you can't count on your husband to be honest with you. In fact, you may even discover that the "few people" is really "one person." You wouldn't be the first to be left--and to be jerked around--because your closeted spouse has found a same-sex lover. A lawyer can tell you your rights under the law, and can advise you on what to do and not to do to protect yourself and your children. Your spouse has already spent a great deal of marital money on his "new apartment" and "new furniture."
Posted by Julian_Stone February 14, 2021 11:44 am | #5 |
OutofHisCloset wrote:
One way to "get through this" is to get a lawyer, for yourself. You already know that you can't count on your husband to be honest with you. In fact, you may even discover that the "few people" is really "one person." You wouldn't be the first to be left--and to be jerked around--because your closeted spouse has found a same-sex lover. A lawyer can tell you your rights under the law, and can advise you on what to do and not to do to protect yourself and your children. Your spouse has already spent a great deal of marital money on his "new apartment" and "new furniture."
^^^I second this. Definitely see a lawyer.
Posted by lily February 14, 2021 11:46 am | #6 |
Hi, Look I am going to be blunt - he will be focused on his side of the finances don't you think?
That is the bit that worries me the most, where you say it is 'no conflict', and 'we will be getting a divorce at some point' - is that when he's ready for it?
It is highly likely he doesn't feel the same sense of responsibility towards the children that you do - I am hoping you have some family members that can help, he is leaving you with three young children to look after.
Sorry for your pain, I know it's intense. Hang in there, you will come back to normal in a while. I found it was the energy of my anger that helped me push through the divorce. wishing you all the best, Lily
Posted by MovingForward February 14, 2021 11:55 am | #7 |
he has told me he doesn’t want anything. He doesn’t want money. He has said he wants to do everything in his power to make sure the kids and I are taken care of and don’t have to leave the house. We have the money, that part is fine.
I do not hate him. We are very cordial and open with each other. He is respectful of me needing space and trying to make sense of it all. He is very aware of what this is doing to me. And I genuinely see the hurt and know he is aware of the anguish that I am experiencing. He loves the kids deeply.
I want him to be happy and I want to be happy too. We had a Terri or sex life. Now I get it.
Posted by Julian_Stone February 14, 2021 12:27 pm | #8 |
Is there a reason for delaying divorce? I think that's an important step for helping you to move on.
Posted by lily February 14, 2021 4:28 pm | #9 |
obviously I don't know your situation and if you are in control of the finances already then good but if you aren't then I suggest you focus on it now. He says he doesn't want money - well how will he pay his way, how will he pay for his new apartment and his new life? Saying he will do everything in his power to look after you and the kids is one thing, but putting himself first is just really really likely to be the thing that is going to happen. sorry.
Posted by Blue Bear February 15, 2021 5:05 pm | #10 |
Hey, MovingForward: Sorry you are here, but glad you found us.
A switch flipped for me when I realized that the woman I married never really existed. There was no straight Mrs. Blue Bear who loved me the way I loved her. I would never have married a lesbian, and I needed to fix that quickly and aggressively. Get a lawyer. Start the process now. Protect yourself despite the promises he's making to you -- get your lawyer to memorialize all of it with an enforceable document.
Your post is entitled "he is already seeing someone...". As much as I hate to say it, he probably HAS BEEN seeing someone. Often, it's the same-sex relationship that pushes them out of the closet rather than a sense of integrity or concern for the straight spouse.
The texting others during what should be a family event is triggering for me. In ye olde marital home, we had a really nice home theater setup, and we would have Family Movie Night every weekend. It was fun, and the kids enjoyed munching popcorn while watching a silly movie while hanging out with their parents. Eventually, my ex-wife lost interest and started texting her girlfriend when she should have been paying attention to the kids. And after I discovered the affair, she kept it up. It was awful.
As a suggestion, your time with the kids needs to be your time with the kids. You don't need to have your selfish, gay soon-to-be-ex-husband ruining that for you. He can go text his boyfriend from his shiny new apartment. If he wants time with the kids, he can do that at his place.