Posted by Sonata February 13, 2021 11:54 pm | #1 |
I broke my ankle on Christmas day. My husband has been amazing at taking care of me. He is right there. He is my rock and a place of shelter in this life. He has also hurt me a great deal. But we have dealt with so much. Our son has had many health problems and is autistic. Those troubles alone often end a marriage. Yet here we are. Finding out about his affair should have ended our marriage. It is the one boundary that I thought I'd set, that if crossed would be the end.
But then there he was not running from what he'd done....trying to be here.... be present. Has it been easy? Hell no!
Am I entirely sure what will happen? No.
It feels like we are slowly repairing our relationship, I am cautiously optimistic. We have been intimate lately and it's been great. The problem is in the past he's been hot and cold. I know I cannot deal with the roller coaster anymore, so we'll see if we can continue to get closer and if I can trust fully and he can continue to be trustworthy.
We have many issues to work on but we have a long history together, so I'm willing to try.
Posted by Dutchman February 14, 2021 7:07 am | #2 |
I'm happy to read this, good for you both!
Keep building it together, as a team going for the goal.
We've had such a difficult time in our marriage, but when we got through it and looked back, we realized it was the best that could have happened to us.
Posted by SusanneH February 14, 2021 11:59 am | #3 |
Sonata wrote:
I broke my ankle on Christmas day. My husband has been amazing at taking care of me. He is right there. He is my rock and a place of shelter in this life. He has also hurt me a great deal. But we have dealt with so much. Our son has had many health problems and is autistic. Those troubles alone often end a marriage. Yet here we are. Finding out about his affair should have ended our marriage. It is the one boundary that I thought I'd set, that if crossed would be the end.
But then there he was not running from what he'd done....trying to be here.... be present. Has it been easy? Hell no!
Am I entirely sure what will happen? No.
It feels like we are slowly repairing our relationship, I am cautiously optimistic. We have been intimate lately and it's been great. The problem is in the past he's been hot and cold. I know I cannot deal with the roller coaster anymore, so we'll see if we can continue to get closer and if I can trust fully and he can continue to be trustworthy.
We have many issues to work on but we have a long history together, so I'm willing to try.
Isn’t it surprising what can get us closer? I had one boundary, too. I had always said if my husband ever cheated on me, that was IT. NO second chances, but, like you, here we are. And, like you, we seem to be getting better now.
And, no he didn’t run, either. He’s here, too...and, NO it has NOT been easy....a LOT of arguing, whew. We hardly ever argued before, and now it seems so many things get misunderstood so easily; feelings get hurt SO easily...but, like you said, we’re learning to not let those things get us ‘going’ so much any more, and are getting stronger.
That darn roller coaster. We’ve had a great couple of weeks. I turned over a new leaf, and he’s really joining in. But, last night, I said one thing that was sensitive, and whammy, he got defensive again, thinking I was never going to be happy with him again...... it was another misunderstanding him.... he just doesn’t think like most people do when it comes to relationships and love. He’d been a bachelor for 53 years before we got married, and didn’t know how to be committed or ‘married’ (obviously, with all the cheating). But, I digress, and didn’t want to because it’s Valentine’s Day, and it’s a good day so far 😊.
I hope yours is a good one!