Is there anything you want to talk about?
It sounds like you’re in a really bad place, and most of us can identify with that for sure! I know feeling like you’ll never be happy again. I’ve been through many of those days myself. Life, even though it has had pitfalls in the past, has never been like what we go through when we have to deal with all of this. I’ve had all kinds of things in my life to overcome: 3 miscarriages (and, not able to have children; at 30 got a lifelong illness & became totally disabled at 38; 1st husband was alcoholic w/violent tendencies *not toward me, thank goodness* & he sobered up after 10 yrs of marriage; 1st husband passed away just after I turned 50; ...and, I know there’s more, however NOTHING compared to this, not even my 1st husband’s death.
My current husband cheated on me our entire relationship until May, 2019 after I finally ‘caught’ him with enough information that he had to admit it. We’ve been working on reconciling ever since. He quit seeing men, which is the ONLY reason we’re still together. It’s been (& still is) a hard road.......a LOT of arguing. It seems like EVERYTHING sets one of us off .... and, I’m just waiting for him to ‘slip’ again. I’m totally monogamous, and just can NOT change, so if he does, we’ll have to split.
Anyway, that’s a little about me. If you want to share, please do.......it helps.