Posted by Epiphany January 21, 2021 5:33 pm | #1 |
Hi all. I started posting a few weeks ago due to the shock of learning just how deep my husband’s Bisexual desires were. I can’t even summarize the amount of information I’ve learned since then but I’ll try, along with our most recent developments. I can say with confidence that my husband is indeed Bisexual rather than gay at this point. I won’t go into detail as to how I know but along with more recent discoveries and communication I can say this....At this point in our marriage my husband wants to try and save it. He says he really loves me and I believe him. I’ve made it clear to him that I am not ok with infidelity and lies and that everything needs to be brought to the open so we can move forward with our reality. We are moving forward with couples counseling, he is unlocking his phone, deleting relationships and possibly social media all together. I am finding a therapy hat can help him in his sexual orientation, me in my trauma and us as we attempt to save our marriage. I think the biggest question will be, whether he can stop searching for a relationship with a male and if not, how do we move forward? I then have to find out just what I am and am not ok with. Personally I need time. I need time to become more independent and wrap my mind around this all so that if I do decide to leave, I am prepared and strong. I also feel WE deserve time to get to the bottom of this. I just wanted to share my status in hopes to gain feedback from anyone else in a similar situation. I also may take long breaks from the forum as to navigate our personal journey without putting others experiences into my own. Thanks for listening!
- Epiphany
Posted by Julian_Stone January 21, 2021 6:08 pm | #2 |
I'm still married (and completely monogamous)...but my situation is a bit different than yours in that there wasn't any infidelity or gay apps or anything like that. I wouldn't personally be able to get over that. I think it's really good that you're seeking trauma counseling and have someone to talk to about all of this. One thing I would advise anyone attempting a MOM is to make sure you're very clear about your boundaries...and the consequences if those boundaries are violated. Within minutes of my husband telling me he's bisexual, I was clear that I was not willing to alter my life or values in any way. Nearly two years later, nothing has changed (which I consider a good thing).
Take care. I know this isn't easy.
Last edited by Julian_Stone (January 21, 2021 6:08 pm)
Posted by Epiphany January 21, 2021 6:56 pm | #3 |
Julian, how does your husband cope with his unmet needs? Is he resentful? Honesty is everything, communication key. I’m not sure I can get past the infidelity either. I’m hoping g counseling will help me see things clearer.
Posted by Julian_Stone January 21, 2021 7:29 pm | #4 |
Epiphany wrote:
Julian, how does your husband cope with his unmet needs? Is he resentful? Honesty is everything, communication key. I’m not sure I can get past the infidelity either. I’m hoping g counseling will help me see things clearer.
Since he's bisexual (and not gay), he is still primarily attracted to, I'm not quite certain what those needs would be...or why he would be resentful. I am the one having the more difficult time with this being kept from me for years. We've always had a very active sex life — so I was truly blindsided. He doesn't have any experience with men. I told him if that was something he wanted to pursue, we could amicably split...but I would never agree to an open relationship...and he said he didn't want that either. The trust was fractured, but I do feel like our relationship has improved in other ways. So, I'm just taking it one day at a time.
Posted by Epiphany January 21, 2021 7:50 pm | #5 |
Julian, for most of our marriage I felt and my husband felt he primarily preferred women as well. I asked him if it changes and if he were more attracted to men right now and his response was yes. That’s the change causing issues here but he went down a rabbit hole of online pics and relationships that fed that desire...our intimacy and connection had altered. Do you mind me asking your ages and how long you’ve been married? I believe as long as you communicate you’ll be better off than us . We are early 40’s . Married almost 19 years. I’m not sure all the factors that have contributed to his change but testosterone and relationship issues may be part of it.
Posted by Julian_Stone January 21, 2021 9:26 pm | #6 |
We are both in our late 30s, married for over 9 years. I'm not sure about the testosterone factor, but I can understand why you might think there's a connection. It does seem more common in older men...though there may be other factors...since older straight men with lower testosterone don't suddenly turn gay. It could be boredom, depression, grass-is-greener syndrome...but it is definitely not a you problem...It's his try not to internalize it. Either way, it is something I worry about very much...the unpredictability of it...especially since I never saw it coming. I appreciate this forum because even though our stories are different in many's hard to deny the commonalities...(I'm also pretty resentful that I've had to find myself here, though!)
Many of us jump right into marriage counseling, and I think that's a mistake. I think you're doing it the right way...talking to someone one-on-one. I really wish I would have done that. Try to be as open and honest with the therapist and yourself—and put your needs first. I know that can be hard...especially for us women, I think. I've talked to a few women who become so wrapped up in their husband's sexuality—and this desperation to appease him—that they lose themselves.
So, I would say: Draw your line in the sand. Don't do or agree to anything that makes you uncomfortable...and know how incredibly important your happiness is.
Last edited by Julian_Stone (January 21, 2021 9:34 pm)
Posted by TangledOil January 21, 2021 11:02 pm | #7 |
Ugh... I just typed a long message, Epiphany, and I lost it because apparently I got logged out.
I wish you the very best in your journey. We are one year out from my husband’s disclosure he’s bi, but I knew for all our 30 years he wasn’t quite straight... even though he couldn’t accept it earlier. We spoke of it occasionally through all our years together. My husband has exceptionally little experience with men close to 35 years ago. We have been and will remain monogamous.
I’ll write more later... trying to recall all I said in my lost post.
If you want to talk feel free to message me.
Last edited by TangledOil (January 21, 2021 11:04 pm)
Posted by Epiphany January 22, 2021 9:48 am | #8 |
Thank you Tangled, I will check back...sorry you lost all that thought and effort, how frustrating!!! Julian, I will remember to not lose myself. I’ve decided though we are going to be working on us, that this is my time too. I’ve given everything to my family and in the process lost myself. My youngest is 12. My biggest fear through this all , if we had to divorce...was how in the world would I support myself? I’m a stay at home Mom now who has the luxury of being here constantly to help my my granddaughter on a whim (I’m only 41, young mother’s run in the family), help my son with homework, healthy habits and here for my 18 year old daughter as she navigates her future, cook healthy dinners, take care of all 4 of our pets, etc.. So the idea of having to go back to work full time in a job where I’d make $9 per hour, and lose all those benefits etc.. was scary. At my lowest moments though, I almost preferred that struggle to what I was going through. I told my husband that he has to be completely open and honest is he truly loves me...even if that’s telling me that he now prefers and needs a man at any point in our marriage. He will be going to counseling to help but he’s already been open and honest...disclosing the different moments over the years when his urges were stronger towards Men and what he did during that time, explaining that it’s almost years rather than months. Like 2 years of preferring men, then 2 years preferring women. We’ve discussed how we can help him through that in a way that we can stay Monogomous. Even though he’s been in a stretch of preferring Men, he is still attracted to women and to me. He is, at this point, definitely Bisexual. With all that said...I’ve also told him that I’ve given every piece of myself to this family but now is my time. I have given up school, singing and taking time for myself to even work out. I’ve decided I’m going to take classes for photography and start a career in real estate photography with family portraits, senior pics side work. The next few months, I am taking my time and my health back. This is going to be a time of empowerment for me because I REFUSE to feel this helpless if history ever repeats itself. I’ve decided if he is unfaithful one more time I will not stay up all night crying but instead say “that’s it”. I believe he understands this all. It’s my hopes that we can continue to be connected on all levels and spend the rest of our years together and my hopes that with the veil torn off, that things just get better. If we have to go our separate ways though, I just need to make sure I’m strong enough to do so. So I am grateful to have this time to figure everything out.
Posted by Stronger January 22, 2021 12:50 pm | #9 |
Epiphany, your story seems very similar to mine. We are mid 40’s, married 20 years. My husband fell down the rabbit hole of gay porn, pics and anal toys... he works in design so is also surrounded by gay men. One of those men, his business partner... shared a texting relationship with my husband where they would act out very vivid fantasies. My husband denies any actual physical contact with this man or any other but I believe I will one day find out that’s not true. My husband very much wants to stay married and is seeing a counselor with me to work toward repairing our relationship. I question how my husband can deny his same sex attractions, and I think my husband is more gay than bi so I question if we can ever have a full relationship. My children are growing, I’m staring at an empty nest very soon...
So I’m kind of leaving it in my husband’s court. Fix it if you can, show me that you are willing and able to do that. If he can’t, then I will move on. I hate to have one foot in the door like that but it’s the only way I can move forward right now.
I have found that time has provided clarity and I am able to stay calmer and make better choices. I also find that little things keep smacking me over the head to remind me exactly what’s going on...
Posted by Hawklover January 22, 2021 5:20 pm | #10 |
Hi I am new here and still in shock and trying to figure things out. I just wanted to say in regards to transitioning from dependent stay at home mom to independent working mom, you will be surprised how far you can go and how fast. I had to do that when transitioning away from my ex who was abusive alcoholic. It was dangerous and hard but I did it. I moved two kids two dogs and two cats and started a business which is now successful. I would not go back for anything. You can do it, one step at a time.